Published on in Vol 10, No 4 (2008): Oct-Dec

Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records: Exploring Recommendations for Successful Implementation Strategies

Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records: Exploring Recommendations for Successful Implementation Strategies

Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records: Exploring Recommendations for Successful Implementation Strategies


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  71. Zanaboni P, Kristiansen E, Lintvedt O, Wynn R, Johansen M, Sørensen T, Fagerlund A. Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting. BMC Psychiatry 2022;22(1) View
  72. Bärkås A, Scandurra I, Rexhepi H, Blease C, Cajander Å, Hägglund M. Patients’ Access to Their Psychiatric Notes: Current Policies and Practices in Sweden. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(17):9140 View
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  75. Yousef C, Salgado T, Farooq A, Burnett K, McClelland L, Abu Esba L, Alhamdan H, Khoshhal S, Aldossary I, Alyas O, DeShazo J. Health Care Providers’ Acceptance of a Personal Health Record: Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(10):e31582 View
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  77. Hägglund M, Cajander Å, Rexhepi H, Kane B. Editorial: Personalized Digital Health and Patient-Centric Services. Frontiers in Computer Science 2022;4 View
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  80. Yousef C, Salgado T, Burnett K, McClelland L, Alhamdan H, Khoshhal S, Aldossary I, Alyas O, DeShazo J. Perceived barriers and enablers of a personal health record from the healthcare provider perspective. Health Informatics Journal 2023;29(1) View
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  82. Hägglund M, Scandurra I. Usability of the Swedish Accessible Electronic Health Record: Qualitative Survey Study. JMIR Human Factors 2022;9(2):e37192 View
  83. Kainiemi E, Vehko T, Kyytsönen M, Hörhammer I, Kujala S, Jormanainen V, Heponiemi T. The Factors Associated With Nonuse of and Dissatisfaction With the National Patient Portal in Finland in the Era of COVID-19: Population-Based Cross-sectional Survey. JMIR Medical Informatics 2022;10(4):e37500 View
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  88. Yousef C, Salgado T, Farooq A, Burnett K, McClelland L, Abu Esba L, Alhamdan H, Khoshhal S, Aldossary I, Alyas O, DeShazo J. Predicting Health Care Providers' Acceptance of a Personal Health Record Secure Messaging Feature. Applied Clinical Informatics 2022;13(01):148 View
  89. Maritz R, Aronsky D, Prodinger B. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in Electronic Health Records. Applied Clinical Informatics 2017;08(03):964 View
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  91. Schwarz J, Bärkås A, Blease C, Collins L, Hägglund M, Markham S, Hochwarter S. Sharing Clinical Notes and Electronic Health Records With People Affected by Mental Health Conditions: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(12):e34170 View
  92. Rexhepi H, Moll J, Huvila I, Åhlfeldt R. Do you want to receive bad news through your patient accessible electronic health record? A national survey on receiving bad news in an era of digital health. Health Informatics Journal 2021;27(3) View
  93. Liu J, Gong X, Weal M, Dai W, Hou S, Ma J. Attitudes and associated factors of patients’ adoption of patient accessible electronic health records in China — A mixed methods study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
  94. Meier-Diedrich E, Davidge G, Hägglund M, Kharko A, Lyckblad C, McMillan B, Blease C, Schwarz J. Changes in Documentation Due to Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e46722 View
  95. Cobelli N, Blasioli E. To be or not to be digital? A bibliometric analysis of adoption of eHealth services. The TQM Journal 2023;35(9):299 View
  96. Hägglund M, Kharko A, Hagström J, Bärkås A, Blease C, Cajander Å, DesRoches C, Fagerlund A, Haage B, Huvila I, Hörhammer I, Kane B, Klein G, Kristiansen E, Luks K, Moll J, Muli I, Raphaug E, Rexhepi H, Riggare S, Ross P, Scandurra I, Simola S, Soone H, Wang B, Ghorbanian Zolbin M, Åhlfeldt R, Kujala S, Johansen M. The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: Cross-Sectional Study of National Patient Portal Users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e47573 View
  97. Bärkås A, Kharko A, Blease C, Cajander Å, Johansen Fagerlund A, Huvila I, Johansen M, Kane B, Kujala S, Moll J, Rexhepi H, Scandurra I, Wang B, Hägglund M. Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients: Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e47841 View
  98. Folasole A, Adegboye O, Ekuewa O, Eshua P. Security, Privacy Challenges and Available Countermeasures in Electronic Health Record Systems: A Review. European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2023;7(6):27 View
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  100. Hu J, Li C, Ge Y, Yang J, Zhu S, He C. Mapping the Evolution of Digital Health Research: Bibliometric Overview of Research Hotspots, Trends, and Collaboration of Publications in JMIR (1999-2024). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e58987 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Koufi V, Malamateniou F, Vassilacopoulos G. Smart Healthcare Applications and Services. View
  2. Trocin C, Croda E. Impacts of Information Technology on Patient Care and Empowerment. View
  3. Bochare A, Brady K, Oristian K, El-Ghazawi O, Yesha Y, Yesha Y. Handbook of Medical and Healthcare Technologies. View
  4. Nazi K, Hogan T, Woods S, Simon S, Ralston J. Clinical Informatics Study Guide. View
  5. Hood C, Bougourd S. Digital Advances in Medicine, E-Health, and Communication Technologies. View
  6. Chen Y, Pine K. COOP 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, 27-30 May 2014, Nice (France). View
  7. Koufi V, Malamateniou F, Vassilacopoulos G. Concepts and Trends in Healthcare Information Systems. View
  8. Staccini P, Daniel C, Dart T, Bouhaddou O. Medical Informatics, e-Health. View
  9. Koufi V, Malamateniou F, Vassilacopoulos G. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. View
  10. Kabene S, Leduc R, Gibson C. Grid Technologies for E-Health. View
  11. Bozan K, Datta P. Contemporary Consumer Health Informatics. View
  12. Lauscher H, Stacy E, Cordeiro J, Ho K. Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth. View
  13. Badr N. Digital Technology and Organizational Change. View
  14. Snowdon A, Shell J, Leitch K, Ont O, Park J. Intelligent Decision Technologies. View
  15. Mytilinaiou E, Koufi V, Matamateniou F, Vassilacopoulos G. Certification and Security in Health-Related Web Applications. View
  16. Ho K. Healthcare and the Effect of Technology. View
  17. Koufi V, Malamateniou F, Vassilacopoulos G. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. View
  18. Scandurra I, Jansson A, Forsberg-Fransson M, Ålander T. Consumer-Driven Technologies in Healthcare. View
  19. Trocin C, Croda E. Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media. View
  20. Pandita D. Clinical Informatics Study Guide. View
  21. Murala D, Panda S, Sahoo S. Recent Advances in Blockchain Technology. View