Published on in Vol 5, No 3 (2003):

Information Gathering Over Time by Breast Cancer Patients

Information Gathering Over Time by Breast Cancer Patients

Information Gathering Over Time by Breast Cancer Patients


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Stage C. Networked Cancer. View
  2. Gaisser A. Management des Mammakarzinoms. View
  3. Cachia E, Broadhurst R, Ahmedzai S. Management of Breast Cancer in Older Women. View
  4. Yap K. Pharmacoinformatics and Drug Discovery Technologies. View
  5. Eysenbach G. Consumer Health Informatics. View
  6. Newlon C, Hu C, Stratton R, McDaniel A. Human Centered Design. View
  7. Yap K. User-Driven Healthcare. View
  8. Blinn N, Kühne M, Nüttgens M. Electronic Healthcare. View
  9. Guan Gan G, Lim K. Handbook of Research on Developments in E-Health and Telemedicine. View