Published on in Vol 24, No 6 (2022): June

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Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland: Cross-sectional Survey

Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland: Cross-sectional Survey

Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland: Cross-sectional Survey


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  15. Hägglund M, Kharko A, Bärkås A, Blease C, Cajander Å, DesRoches C, Fagerlund A, Hagström J, Huvila I, Hörhammer I, Kane B, Klein G, Kristiansen E, Moll J, Muli I, Rexhepi H, Riggare S, Ross P, Scandurra I, Simola S, Soone H, Wang B, Ghorbanian Zolbin M, Åhlfeldt R, Kujala S, Johansen M. A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e49084 View
  16. Fagerlund A, Bärkås A, Kharko A, Blease C, Hagström J, Huvila I, Hörhammer I, Kane B, Kristiansen E, Kujala S, Moll J, Rexhepi H, Scandurra I, Simola S, Soone H, Wang B, Åhlfeldt R, Hägglund M, Johansen M. Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: results from a cross-national survey in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. BMC Psychiatry 2024;24(1) View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Komalasari R. Emerging Engineering Technologies and Industrial Applications. View