Published on in Vol 22, No 8 (2020): August
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- Hadjistavropoulos H, Peynenburg V, Thiessen D, Nugent M, Adlam K, Owens K, Karin E, Dear B, Titov N. A pragmatic factorial randomized controlled trial of transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy: Exploring benefits of homework reflection questionnaires and twice-weekly therapist support. Internet Interventions 2020;22:100357 View
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- Stephenson C, Malakouti N, Nashed J, Salomons T, Cook D, Milev R, Alavi N. Using Electronically Delivered Therapy and Brain Imaging to Understand Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Pathophysiology: Protocol for a Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(9):e30726 View
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- Mehta S, Nugent M, Peynenburg V, Thiessen D, La Posta G, Titov N, Dear B, Hadjistavropoulos H. Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic health conditions: self-guided versus team-guided. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022;45(5):674 View
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- Staples L, Webb N, Asrianti L, Cross S, Rock D, Kayrouz R, Karin E, Dear B, Nielssen O, Titov N. A Comparison of Self-Referral and Referral via Primary Care Providers, through Two Similar Digital Mental Health Services in Western Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(2):905 View
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- Peynenburg V, Wilhelms A, Sapkota R, Nugent M, Owens K, Titov N, Dear B, Hadjisatvropoulos H. Understanding Client Difficulties in Transdiagnostic Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Qualitative Analysis of Homework Reflections. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022;11(14):4226 View
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- Hadjistavropoulos H, Peynenburg V, Thiessen D, Nugent M, Karin E, Dear B, Titov N. A randomized factorial trial of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy: An 8-week program with or without extended support and booster lesson. Internet Interventions 2022;27:100499 View
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- Bisby M, Karin E, Hathway T, Scott A, Heriseanu A, Dudeney J, Fisher A, Gandy M, Cross S, Staples L, Titov N, Dear B. A meta-analytic review of randomized clinical trials of online treatments for anxiety: Inclusion/exclusion criteria, uptake, adherence, dropout, and clinical outcomes. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2022;92:102638 View
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- Staples L, Asrianti L, Karin E, Kayrouz R, Cross S, Bisby M, Fisher A, Dear B, Titov N, Nielssen O. Antidepressant medication use by patients accessing a national digital mental health service. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022;308:305 View
- Cross S, Karin E, Staples L, Bisby M, Ryan K, Duke G, Nielssen O, Kayrouz R, Fisher A, Dear B, Titov N. Factors associated with treatment uptake, completion, and subsequent symptom improvement in a national digital mental health service. Internet Interventions 2022;27:100506 View
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- Peynenburg V, Ababei A, Wilhelms A, Edmonds M, Titov N, Dear B, Kaldo V, Jernelöv S, Hadjistavropoulos H. Examining the Utility of a Sleep Resource in Transdiagnostic Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy: An Observational Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(15):9337 View
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Books/Policy Documents
- Cuijpers P, Karyotaki E, Riper H. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
- Jiménez-Molina Á, Franco P, Mac-Ginty S, Martínez V. Prevention and Early Treatment of Depression Through the Life Course. View
- Andersson G, Carlbring P. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
- Andersson G. Mental Health in a Digital World. View
- Sextl-Plötz T, Franke M, Baumeister H, Ebert D. Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. View
- Sooradas S, Vatsa A, Negi A, Singh H, Mantri A, Khedkar S, Varshney R. Community Mental Health and Well-Being in the New Normal. View
- Drüge M, Guthardt L, Haller E, Michalak J, Apolinário-Hagen J. Recent Advances and Challenges in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. View
- Efinger L, Kheyar M, Pomini V, Berthoud L, Wicki R, Debrot A. A Comprehensive Overview of Telemedicine. View
- . Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie + E-Book. View