Published on in Vol 22, No 7 (2020): July

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Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review

Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review

Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review


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Books/Policy Documents

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  2. Döring N. Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender. View
  3. Döring N. Maschinenliebe. View
  4. Rousi R. Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing. View
  5. Jacobs A, Jewell C, Elprama S. Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Novel Applications. View
  6. Dubé S, Anctil D. Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender. View
  7. Oravec J. Good Robot, Bad Robot. View
  8. Dubé S, Santaguida M, Anctil D, Leshner C, Vachon D, Johnson A. Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender. View
  9. Carpenter J. Gender in AI and Robotics. View
  10. Kubes T. Soziale Roboter. View
  11. Fosch-Villaronga E, Poulsen A. Law and Artificial Intelligence. View
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  14. Brideau-Duquette M, Renaud P. Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. View
  15. Ono K. Robotics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. View