Published on in Vol 22, No 3 (2020): March
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- Greif R, Bray J, Djärv T, Drennan I, Liley H, Ng K, Cheng A, Douma M, Scholefield B, Smyth M, Weiner G, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Anderson N, Atkins D, Berry D, Bhanji F, Böttiger B, Bradley R, Breckwoldt J, Carlson J, Cassan P, Chang W, Charlton N, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Cortegiani A, Costa-Nobre D, Couper K, Bittencourt Couto T, Dainty K, Dassanayake V, Davis P, Dawson J, de Caen A, Deakin C, Debaty G, del Castillo J, Dewan M, Dicker B, Djakow J, Donoghue A, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Escalante-Kanashiro R, Fabres J, Farquharson B, Fawke J, Fernanda de Almeida M, Fernando S, Finan E, Finn J, Flores G, Foglia E, Folke F, Goolsby C, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian A, Guinsburg R, Malta Hansen C, Hatanaka T, Hirsch K, Holmberg M, Hooper S, Hoover A, Hsieh M, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson N, Josephsen J, Katheria A, Kawakami M, Kleinman M, Kloeck D, Ko Y, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Laermans J, Lagina A, Lauridsen K, Lavonas E, Lee H, Han Lim S, Lin Y, Lockey A, Lopez-Herce J, Lukas G, Macneil F, Maconochie I, Madar J, Martinez-Mejas A, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, Mausling R, McKinlay C, Meyran D, Montgomery W, Morley P, Morrison L, Moskowitz A, Myburgh M, Nabecker S, Nadkarni V, Nakwa F, Nation K, Nehme Z, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen T, Olaussen A, Ong G, Orkin A, Parr M, Perkins G, Pocock H, Rabi Y, Raffay V, Raitt J, Raymond T, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Rossano J, Rüdiger M, Sandroni C, Sawyer T, Schexnayder S, Schmölzer G, Schnaubelt S, Lene Seidler A, Semeraro F, Singletary E, Skrifvars M, Smith C, Soar J, Lee Solevåg A, Soll R, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Thilakasiri K, Tijssen J, Kumar Tiwari L, Topjian A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Welsford M, Wyckoff M, Yang C, Yeung J, Zelop C, Zideman D, Nolan J, Berg K. 2024 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Resuscitation 2024;205:110414 View
- Greif R, Bray J, Djärv T, Drennan I, Liley H, Ng K, Cheng A, Douma M, Scholefield B, Smyth M, Weiner G, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Anderson N, Atkins D, Berry D, Bhanji F, Böttiger B, Bradley R, Breckwoldt J, Carlson J, Cassan P, Chang W, Charlton N, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Cortegiani A, Costa-Nobre D, Couper K, Couto T, Dainty K, Dassanayake V, Davis P, Dawson J, de Caen A, Deakin C, Debaty G, del Castillo J, Dewan M, Dicker B, Djakow J, Donoghue A, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Escalante-Kanashiro R, Fabres J, Farquharson B, Fawke J, de Almeida M, Fernando S, Finan E, Finn J, Flores G, Foglia E, Folke F, Goolsby C, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian A, Guinsburg R, Hansen C, Hatanaka T, Hirsch K, Holmberg M, Hooper S, Hoover A, Hsieh M, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson N, Josephsen J, Katheria A, Kawakami M, Kleinman M, Kloeck D, Ko Y, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Laermans J, Lagina A, Lauridsen K, Lavonas E, Lee H, Han Lim S, Lin Y, Lockey A, Lopez-Herce J, Lukas G, Macneil F, Maconochie I, Madar J, Martinez-Mejas A, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, Mausling R, McKinlay C, Meyran D, Montgomery W, Morley P, Morrison L, Moskowitz A, Myburgh M, Nabecker S, Nadkarni V, Nakwa F, Nation K, Nehme Z, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen T, Olaussen A, Ong G, Orkin A, Parr M, Perkins G, Pocock H, Rabi Y, Raffay V, Raitt J, Raymond T, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Rossano J, Rüdiger M, Sandroni C, Sawyer T, Schexnayder S, Schmölzer G, Schnaubelt S, Seidler A, Semeraro F, Singletary E, Skrifvars M, Smith C, Soar J, Solevåg A, Soll R, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Thilakasiri K, Tijssen J, Tiwari L, Topjian A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Welsford M, Wyckoff M, Yang C, Yeung J, Zelop C, Zideman D, Nolan J, Berg K. 2024 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Circulation 2024;150(24) View
Books/Policy Documents
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