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Total Knee Replacement and the Effect of Technology on Cocreation for Improved Outcomes and Delivery: Qualitative Multi-Stakeholder Study

Total Knee Replacement and the Effect of Technology on Cocreation for Improved Outcomes and Delivery: Qualitative Multi-Stakeholder Study

Total Knee Replacement and the Effect of Technology on Cocreation for Improved Outcomes and Delivery: Qualitative Multi-Stakeholder Study

Yasmin van Kasteren   1 , PhD ;   Jill Freyne   2 , PhD ;   M Sazzad Hussain   2 , PhD

1 Adaptive Social and Economic Systems, Land and Water, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Dutton Park, QLD, Australia

2 Australian e-Health Research Centre, Health and Biosecurity, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Epping, NSW, Australia

Corresponding Author:

  • M Sazzad Hussain, PhD
  • Australian e-Health Research Centre
  • Health and Biosecurity
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
  • GPO Box 76
  • Epping, NSW, 1710
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 2 9372 4177
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