Published on in Vol 19, No 3 (2017): March

Using Mobile Sensing to Test Clinical Models of Depression, Social Anxiety, State Affect, and Social Isolation Among College Students

Using Mobile Sensing to Test Clinical Models of Depression, Social Anxiety, State Affect, and Social Isolation Among College Students

Using Mobile Sensing to Test Clinical Models of Depression, Social Anxiety, State Affect, and Social Isolation Among College Students


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  94. Müller S, Peters H, Matz S, Wang W, Harari G. Investigating the Relationships between Mobility Behaviours and Indicators of Subjective Well–Being Using Smartphone–Based Experience Sampling and GPS Tracking. European Journal of Personality 2020;34(5):714 View
  95. Boukhechba M, Baglione A, Barnes L. Leveraging Mobile Sensing and Machine Learning for Personalized Mental Health Care. Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications 2020;28(4):18 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Lee J, Lam M, Chiu C. Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health. View
  2. Hur J, Stockbridge M, Fox A, Shackman A. Emotion and Cognition. View
  3. Lee H, Cho A, Jo Y, Whang M. Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing. View
  4. Seidl D. The Geographies of COVID-19. View
  5. Chemagosi M, Barongo S. Student Stress in Higher Education. View