Published on in Vol 19, No 11 (2017): November

Preventing Depression in Final Year Secondary Students: School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial

Preventing Depression in Final Year Secondary Students: School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial

Preventing Depression in Final Year Secondary Students: School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial


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  46. Werner‐Seidler A, Maston K, Calear A, Batterham P, Larsen M, Torok M, O’Dea B, Huckvale K, Beames J, Brown L, Fujimoto H, Bartholomew A, Bal D, Schweizer S, Skinner S, Steinbeck K, Ratcliffe J, Oei J, Venkatesh S, Lingam R, Perry Y, Hudson J, Boydell K, Mackinnon A, Christensen H. The Future Proofing Study: Design, methods and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study of the mental health of Australian adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2023;32(3) View
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  51. Beames J, Werner-Seidler A, Hodgins M, Brown L, Fujimoto H, Bartholomew A, Maston K, Huckvale K, Zbukvic I, Torok M, Christensen H, Batterham P, Calear A, Lingam R, Boydell K. Implementing a Digital Depression Prevention Program in Australian Secondary Schools: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2023;6:e42349 View
  52. Jackson H, Farrer L, Werner-Seidler A, Perry Y, Christensen H, Ohan J, Calear A, Batterham P. Predictors and outcomes of engagement in an online depression prevention program for final year secondary school students. Journal of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 2023;3:100027 View
  53. Yang Y, Wang H, Sha W, Guo X, Deng W, Wang J, Fu C. Short Video-Based Mental Health Intervention for Depressive Symptoms in Junior High School Students: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2023;Volume 16:4169 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Clarke A. Implementing Mental Health Promotion. View
  2. Dobias M, Schleider J, Ollendick T. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  3. Batterham P, Calear A, Kurz E. The Neuroscience of Depression. View
  4. Werner-Seidler A, Beames J, Torok M. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  5. . A Clinician's Guide to CBT for Children to Young Adults. View
  6. Fleming T, Sutcliffe K, Lucassen M, Pine R, Donkin L. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  7. Barry M, Kuosmanen T, Dowling K. Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1. View
  8. Stallard P. Shaping the Future of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. View