Published on in Vol 17, No 8 (2015): August

More Than Telemonitoring: Health Provider Use and Nonuse of Life-Log Data in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Weight Management

More Than Telemonitoring: Health Provider Use and Nonuse of Life-Log Data in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Weight Management

More Than Telemonitoring: Health Provider Use and Nonuse of Life-Log Data in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Weight Management


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Shadbolt N, O’Hara K, De Roure D, Hall W. The Theory and Practice of Social Machines. View
  2. Stephani V, Geissler A, Busse R. Kooperation und Integration – das unvollendete Projekt des Gesundheitssystems. View
  3. Tong H, Zhang M, Soleimaninejadian P, Zhang Q, Wu K, Liu Y, Ma S. Information Retrieval. View
  4. Choe E, Klasnja P, Pratt W. Biomedical Informatics. View
  5. Nadarajah S, Pedersen P, Skovfoged M, Ziadeh H, Knoche H. Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. View