Published on in Vol 16, No 5 (2014): May

Evaluating a Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Language Disorders Screening in a Nursery School

Evaluating a Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Language Disorders Screening in a Nursery School

Evaluating a Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Language Disorders Screening in a Nursery School


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  6. Vázquez González S, Somodevilla García M, Pinto D, Singh V, Perez F. A computational model for speech disorders using problematic phonemes with ontological reasoning. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020;39(2):2305 View
  7. Mebrahtu T, Bloor K, Ledward A, Keenan A, Andre D, Randell R, Skyrme S, Yang H, King H, Thompson C. Effects of computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) on nursing and allied health professional performance and patient outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021 View
  8. Sáiz-Manzanares M, Marticorena-Sánchez R, Arnaiz-González Á. Improvements for Therapeutic Intervention from the Use of Web Applications and Machine Learning Techniques in Different Affectations in Children Aged 0–6 Years. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(11):6558 View
  9. Thompson C, Mebrahtu T, Skyrme S, Bloor K, Andre D, Keenan A, Ledward A, Yang H, Randell R. The effects of computerised decision support systems on nursing and allied health professional performance and patient outcomes: a systematic review and user contextualisation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 2023:1 View
  10. Sundarrajan M, Franco J. Parent-Mediated Intervention for Autistic Children Offered Through In-Person and Telepractice Modalities. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 2024;9(4):1217 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Martin-Ruiz M, Valero M, Gómez A, Torcal C. Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures. View
  2. Robles-Bykbaev V, Guamán-Heredia M, Robles-Bykbaev Y, Lojano-Redrován J, Pesántez-Avilés F, Quisi-Peralta D, López-Nores M, Pazos-Arias J. Advances in Computing. View