Seeking Support on Facebook: A Content Analysis of Breast Cancer Groups

Seeking Support on Facebook: A Content Analysis of Breast Cancer Groups

Seeking Support on Facebook: A Content Analysis of Breast Cancer Groups


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. . The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media. View
  2. Medhekar A. Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Healthcare Innovation. View
  3. Bender J. Novel Applications of Virtual Communities in Healthcare Settings. View
  4. Meletakis G, Hatzi R, Katsivelis P, Nikolaidou M, Anagnostopoulos D, Anastasiou C, Karfopoulou E, Yannakoulia M. Information Innovation Technology in Smart Cities. View
  5. Bond C, Merolli M, Ahmed O. Participatory Health Through Social Media. View
  6. Zhang M, Yang C. Public Health Intelligence and the Internet. View
  7. Lin X, Zhang D, Li Y. Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing. View
  8. Seçkin G. Emotions, Technology, and Health. View
  9. Zhang M, Yang C. Smart Health. View
  10. Kamudoni P, Johns N, Salek S. Living with Chronic Disease: Measuring Important Patient-Reported Outcomes. View
  11. Mignot P, Omrane D. Confidence and Legitimacy in Health Information and Communication. View
  12. McDonald R, Danino N. Creative Education, Teaching and Learning. View
  13. Hartzler A, Huh J. Consumer Health Informatics. View
  14. Hidy B, Porch E, Reed S, Parish M, Yellowlees P. Telemental Health. View
  15. Blank T, Schmidt S. Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior. View
  16. Rajer M. New Challenges in Communication with Cancer Patients. View
  17. Stage C. Networked Cancer. View
  18. Gutierrez M, Moreno R, Rebelo M. Global Health Informatics. View
  19. Imai T. Recent Advances in Digital Media Impacts on Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships. View
  20. Takaoka A. Social Computing and Social Media. Communication and Social Communities. View
  21. Nazir M, Tharanidharan S, Mian M, Ahmad I, Hayat K, Nazar S, Zaman S, Mustafa S, Ghumman M. Intelligent Technologies and Applications. View
  22. Mirabolghasemi M, Iahad N. Information and Communication Technologies for Development. View
  23. Dudina V, Judina D, Platonov K. Internet Science. View
  24. Imai T. Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships among Emerging Adults in the Digital Age. View
  25. Medhekar A. Research Anthology on Telemedicine Efficacy, Adoption, and Impact on Healthcare Delivery. View
  26. Mukherjee S, Kumar J, Jha A, Pandey J. E-Collaboration Technologies and Strategies for Competitive Advantage Amid Challenging Times. View
  27. Jekese G, Zvarevashe K, Makondo W, Marima I, Hwata C. The COVID-19 - Health Systems Nexus. View
  28. Imai T. Research Anthology on Physical and Intellectual Disabilities in an Inclusive Society. View
  29. Alim S, Khalid S. Research Anthology on Usage, Identity, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture. View
  30. Alim S, Khalid S. Research Anthology on Combating Cyber-Aggression and Online Negativity. View
  31. Lovari A, Ducci G, Righetti N. Communicating COVID-19. View
  32. Kuhn E, Reger G, Gratzer D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View
  33. Kuhn E, Reger G, Gratzer D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View