Social Uses of Personal Health Information Within PatientsLikeMe, an Online Patient Community: What Can Happen When Patients Have Access to One Another’s Data

Social Uses of Personal Health Information Within PatientsLikeMe, an Online Patient Community: What Can Happen When Patients Have Access to One Another’s Data

Social Uses of Personal Health Information Within PatientsLikeMe, an Online Patient Community: What Can Happen When Patients Have Access to One Another’s Data

Authors of this article:

Jeana Frost ;   Michael Massagli


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Jiménez A, Malavé de León E, Sims G, Hiraldo-Lebrón C, Small P, Kamel Boulos M. Stigma and Prejudice. View
  2. Blesik T, Bick M. Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management. View
  3. Willis E, Wang Y, Rodgers S. E-Health Communities and Online Self-Help Groups. View
  4. Niezen M. Under Observation: The Interplay Between eHealth and Surveillance. View
  5. Grimm M, Lampert C, Wolf S. Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  6. Slaughter L, Tjora A, Sandaunet A. Social Computing and Virtual Communities. View
  7. Migliacci F, Paffetti D, Sweet J, Vettori C. Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees. View
  8. Adams S. Participatory Health Through Social Media. View
  9. Steele R. Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare. View
  10. Willis E, Wang Y, Rodgers S. User-Driven Healthcare. View
  11. Ngenye L, Wright K. Global Perspectives on Health Communication in the Age of Social Media. View
  12. Staccini P, Daniel C, Dart T, Bouhaddou O. Medical Informatics, e-Health. View
  13. Johnson K, Jimison H, Mandl K. Biomedical Informatics. View
  14. Theis S, Rasche P, Mertens A, Schlick C. Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. View
  15. Stephens H. Rare Diseases in the Age of Health 2.0. View
  16. Pousti H, Urquhart C, Linger H. Information Systems and Global Assemblages. (Re)Configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations. View
  17. Stetina B, Sofianopoulou A, Kryspin-Exner I. Gesundheit und Neue Medien. View
  18. Aslan İ. German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and Innovation Management. View
  19. Kim S. Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies. View
  20. Hartzler A, Huh J. Consumer Health Informatics. View
  21. Wickramasinghe N. Clinical Technologies. View
  22. Theis S, Rasche P, Bröhl C, Wille M, Mertens A. Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics, and Risk Management: Health and Safety. View
  23. Kamal N, Fels S, McGrenere J, Nance K. Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013. View
  24. Simon F, Menvielle L, Salvadore M, Meurgey F. The Digitization of Healthcare. View
  25. Nagasaka T, Takiyama Y. Neurodegenerative Disorders as Systemic Diseases. View
  26. Johnson J, Andrews J. Clinical Research Informatics. View
  27. Chen J, Lin Y, Shen B. Translational Informatics in Smart Healthcare. View
  28. Fischer S, Soyez K. Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management. View
  29. Nambisan P. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  30. Klecun E. Current Trends and Future Practices for Digital Literacy and Competence. View
  31. Graham A, Cobb C, Cobb N. Handbook of Health Decision Science. View
  32. Rinaldi G. New Perspectives in Medical Records. View
  33. Serino S, Cipresso P, Gaggioli A, Riva G. Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare. View
  34. Grimm M, Lampert C, Wolf S. Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  35. Triantafyllidis A, Koutkias V, Chouvarda I, Maglaveras N. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications. View
  36. Schiff G, Eguale T, Felkey B. Pharmaceutical Public Policy. View
  37. Lauscher H, Stacy E, Cordeiro J, Ho K. Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth. View
  38. Le E, Iyer S, Patil T, Li R, Chen J, Wang M, Sobel E. Guide to Big Data Applications. View
  39. Lau A, Kwok T. Online Communities and Social Computing. View
  40. Punnoose B, Gray K. Health Information Science. View
  41. Kaufman D, Mirkovic J, Chan C. Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine. View
  42. Falconer S, Callendar C, Storey M. Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses. View
  43. Gutierrez M, Moreno R, Rebelo M. Global Health Informatics. View
  44. Ilioudi S, Lazakidou A, Glezakos N, Tsironi M. Virtual Communities, Social Networks and Collaboration. View
  45. Prybutok G. Sustainable Community Health. View
  46. Bouayad L, Tremblay M, Jain H, Gaudioso C. Designing for Digital Transformation. Co-Creating Services with Citizens and Industry. View
  47. Parelman J, Doré B, Falk E. The Neural Basis of Mentalizing. View
  48. Mukherjee S, Kumar J, Jha A, Pandey J. E-Collaboration Technologies and Strategies for Competitive Advantage Amid Challenging Times. View
  49. Luperto M, Basilico N, Vuono A, Cid M, Cesari M, Ferrante S, Borghese N. AIxIA 2020 – Advances in Artificial Intelligence. View
  50. Cronin R, Jimison H, Johnson K. Biomedical Informatics. View
  51. Ngenye L, Wright K. Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media. View
  52. Mukherjee S, Kumar J, Jha A, Rani J. Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media. View
  53. Sanfilippo M, Frischmann B, Strandburg K. Governing Privacy in Knowledge Commons. View
  54. Caridà A, Colurcio M, Melia M. Managing Consumer Services. View
  55. Nambisan P. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  56. Kuhn E, Reger G, Gratzer D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View
  57. Campbell J, Bogueva D. Nutrition Science, Marketing Nutrition, Health Claims, and Public Policy. View
  58. Jayasinghe R, Jayasinghe R. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View
  59. Sharma S, Sharma K, Mongia A, Malik R. Sensible Selling Through Sensory Neuromarketing. View
  60. Kuhn E, Reger G, Gratzer D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View