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Articles published in 2013 in this theme: 12 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Teun Aalbers, Maria A E Baars, Marcel G M Olde Rikkert, Roy P C Kessels
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Dec 03); 15(12):e270Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Design and Evaluation of a Simulation for Pediatric Dentistry in Virtual Worlds
Lazaros Papadopoulos, Afroditi-Evaggelia Pentzou, Konstantinos Louloudiadis, Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos Tsiatsos
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Oct 29); 15(10):e240Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Tobias Nef, René M Müri, Rahel Bieri, Michael Jäger, Nora Bethencourt, Ioannis Tarnanas, Urs P Mosimann
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Oct 21); 15(10):e232Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Usman Jaffer, Nigel W John, Nigel Standfield
JMIR Serious Games 2013 (Sep 18); 1(1):e2Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Paul Krebs, Jack E Burkhalter, Bert Snow, Jeff Fiske, Jamie S Ostroff
JMIR Res Protoc 2013 (Sep 11); 2(2):e35Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ioannis Tarnanas, Winfried Schlee, Magda Tsolaki, René Müri, Urs Mosimann, Tobias Nef
JMIR Serious Games 2013 (Aug 06); 1(1):e1Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Brandon C Irwin, Deborah L Feltz, Norbert L Kerr
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Jun 04); 15(6):e104Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Pierre Elias, Nithin O Rajan, Kara McArthur, Clifford C Dacso
Med 2 0 2013 (May 21); 2(1):e1Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Tim MH Li, Michael Chau, Paul WC Wong, Eliza SY Lai, Paul SF Yip
J Med Internet Res 2013 (May 15); 15(5):e80Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Prevalence of Behavior Changing Strategies in Fitness Video Games: Theory-Based Content Analysis
Elizabeth Jane Lyons, Claire Hatkevich
J Med Internet Res 2013 (May 07); 15(5):e81Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Jennifer N Stinson, Lindsay A Jibb, Cynthia Nguyen, Paul C Nathan, Anne Marie Maloney, L Lee Dupuis, J Ted Gerstle, Benjamin Alman, Sevan Hopyan, Caron Strahlendorf, Carol Portwine, Donna L Johnston, Mike Orr
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Mar 08); 15(3):e51Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Leandro Arthur Diehl, Rodrigo Martins Souza, Juliano Barbosa Alves, Pedro Alejandro Gordan, Roberto Zonato Esteves, Maria Lúcia Silva Germano Jorge, Izabel Cristina Meister Coelho
JMIR Res Protoc 2013 (Jan 21); 2(1):e5Download Citation: END BibTex RIS