Published on in Vol 25 (2023)

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Design and Early Use of the Nationally Implemented Healthier You National Health Service Digital Diabetes Prevention Programme: Mixed Methods Study

Design and Early Use of the Nationally Implemented Healthier You National Health Service Digital Diabetes Prevention Programme: Mixed Methods Study

Design and Early Use of the Nationally Implemented Healthier You National Health Service Digital Diabetes Prevention Programme: Mixed Methods Study


  1. Haseldine C, O'Donoghue G, Kearney P, Riordan F, Humphreys M, Kirby L, McHugh S. Characteristics of participants in the first fully online National Diabetes Prevention Programme: A quantitative survey. HRB Open Research 2023;6:61 View
  2. Firth J, Sawyer C, Sainsbury J, Morell R, Fibbins H, Bucci S, Hassan L, Firth J, Onyweaka H, Torous J, Lovell K. Using physical health apps to promote healthy lifestyles in youth mental healthcare: A nationwide perspective-gathering exercise of over 400 service users. Psychiatry Research 2024;342:116187 View
  3. Haseldine C, O'Donoghue G, Kearney P, Riordan F, Humphreys M, Kirby L, McHugh S. Characteristics of participants in the first fully online National Diabetes Prevention Programme: A quantitative survey. HRB Open Research 2024;6:61 View