Published on in Vol 23, No 4 (2021): April

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Artificial Intelligence–Enabled Analysis of Public Attitudes on Facebook and Twitter Toward COVID-19 Vaccines in the United Kingdom and the United States: Observational Study

Artificial Intelligence–Enabled Analysis of Public Attitudes on Facebook and Twitter Toward COVID-19 Vaccines in the United Kingdom and the United States: Observational Study

Artificial Intelligence–Enabled Analysis of Public Attitudes on Facebook and Twitter Toward COVID-19 Vaccines in the United Kingdom and the United States: Observational Study


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Shiau Ching Wong S, Tan J, Gan K, Tan T. Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Literary Works and Social Media. View
  2. Almadan A, Maher M, Pereira F, Guo Y. Advances in Information and Communication. View
  3. Singh A, Bhasin V, Jatana A, Saxena N, Rojal S. International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. View
  4. Küçük D, Arıcı N. Handbook of Research on Opinion Mining and Text Analytics on Literary Works and Social Media. View
  5. Sun R, An L, Li G. Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity. View
  6. Siddique A, Anisuzzaman B, Al Mamun T, Mukta M, Mamun K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond. View
  7. Turska-Kawa A, Stępień-Lampa N. War in Ukraine. Media and Emotions. View
  8. Dutta S, Mukherjee U, Pandey D. Handbook of Research on Thrust Technologies’ Effect on Image Processing. View
  9. Yang L. Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. View
  10. Siddiqua A, Kabir M, Chowdhury M. Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Infectious Diseases. View
  11. Rossouw S, Greyling T. Resistance to COVID-19 Vaccination. View