Published on in Vol 22, No 3 (2020): March
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- Ness N, Schriefer D, Haase R, Ettle B, Ziemssen T. Real-World Evidence on the Societal Economic Relapse Costs in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. PharmacoEconomics 2020;38(8):883 View
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- Koeditz D, Frensch J, Bierbaum M, Ness N, Ettle B, Ziemssen T. Evaluation der langfristigen klinischen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen einer Behandlung mit Ofatumumab gegenüber Dimethylfumarat und Glatirameracetat bei Patienten mit schubförmiger Multipler Sklerose aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht in Deutschland. Nervenheilkunde 2022;41(07/08):502 View
- Schriefer D, Haase R, Ness N, Ziemssen T. Cost of illness in multiple sclerosis by disease characteristics – A review of reviews. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 2022;22(2):177 View
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- Ziemssen T, Richter S, Mäurer M, Buttmann M, Kreusel B, Poehler A, Lampl M, Linker R. OzEAN Study to Collect Real-World Evidence of Persistent Use, Effectiveness, and Safety of Ozanimod Over 5 Years in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Germany. Frontiers in Neurology 2022;13 View
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