Published on in Vol 20, No 5 (2018): May

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Developing a Mental Health eClinic to Improve Access to and Quality of Mental Health Care for Young People: Using Participatory Design as Research Methodologies

Developing a Mental Health eClinic to Improve Access to and Quality of Mental Health Care for Young People: Using Participatory Design as Research Methodologies

Developing a Mental Health eClinic to Improve Access to and Quality of Mental Health Care for Young People: Using Participatory Design as Research Methodologies


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  4. Hickie I, Davenport T, Burns J, Milton A, Ospina‐Pinillos L, Whittle L, Ricci C, McLoughlin L, Mendoza J, Cross S, Piper S, Iorfino F, LaMonica H. Project Synergy: co‐designing technology‐enabled solutions for Australian mental health services reform. Medical Journal of Australia 2019;211(S7) View
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  6. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport T, Mendoza Diaz A, Navarro-Mancilla A, Scott E, Hickie I. Using Participatory Design Methodologies to Co-Design and Culturally Adapt the Spanish Version of the Mental Health eClinic: Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(8):e14127 View
  7. Davenport T, LaMonica H, Whittle L, English A, Iorfino F, Cross S, Hickie I. Validation of the InnoWell Platform: Protocol for a Clinical Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(5):e13955 View
  8. LaMonica H, Milton A, Braunstein K, Rowe S, Ottavio A, Jackson T, Easton M, Hambleton A, Hickie I, Davenport T. Technology-Enabled Solutions for Australian Mental Health Services Reform: Impact Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(11):e18759 View
  9. Cheng V, Davenport T, Johnson D, Vella K, Mitchell J, Hickie I. An App That Incorporates Gamification, Mini-Games, and Social Connection to Improve Men's Mental Health and Well-Being (MindMax): Participatory Design Process. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(4):e11068 View
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  13. Hickie I, Scott E, Cross S, Iorfino F, Davenport T, Guastella A, Naismith S, Carpenter J, Rohleder C, Crouse J, Hermens D, Koethe D, Markus Leweke F, Tickell A, Sawrikar V, Scott J. Right care, first time: a highly personalised and measurement‐based care model to manage youth mental health. Medical Journal of Australia 2019;211(S9) View
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  15. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport T, Navarro-Mancilla A, Cheng V, Cardozo Alarcón A, Rangel A, Rueda-Jaimes G, Gomez-Restrepo C, Hickie I. Involving End Users in Adapting a Spanish Version of a Web-Based Mental Health Clinic for Young People in Colombia: Exploratory Study Using Participatory Design Methodologies. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(2):e15914 View
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  17. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport T, Iorfino F, Tickell A, Cross S, Scott E, Hickie I. Using New and Innovative Technologies to Assess Clinical Stage in Early Intervention Youth Mental Health Services: Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(9):e259 View
  18. Milton A, Stewart E, Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport T, Hickie I. Participatory Design of an Activities-Based Collective Mentoring Program in After-School Care Settings: Connect, Promote, and Protect Program. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2021;4(2):e22822 View
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  23. Milton A, Hambleton A, Dowling M, Roberts A, Davenport T, Hickie I. Technology-Enabled Reform in a Nontraditional Mental Health Service for Eating Disorders: Participatory Design Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(2):e19532 View
  24. LaMonica H, Davenport T, Roberts A, Hickie I. Understanding Technology Preferences and Requirements for Health Information Technologies Designed to Improve and Maintain the Mental Health and Well-Being of Older Adults: Participatory Design Study. JMIR Aging 2021;4(1):e21461 View
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  26. Cheng V, Piper S, Ottavio A, Davenport T, Hickie I. Recommendations for Designing Health Information Technologies for Mental Health Drawn From Self-Determination Theory and Co-design With Culturally Diverse Populations: Template Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(2):e23502 View
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  31. LaMonica H, Iorfino F, Lee G, Piper S, Occhipinti J, Davenport T, Cross S, Milton A, Ospina-Pinillos L, Whittle L, Rowe S, Dowling M, Stewart E, Ottavio A, Hockey S, Cheng V, Burns J, Scott E, Hickie I. Informing the Future of Integrated Digital and Clinical Mental Health Care: Synthesis of the Outcomes From Project Synergy. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(3):e33060 View
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  56. Milton A, Ballesteros K, Hernandez H, Hwang Y, Glozier N, McClean T, LaMonica H, Thorpe K, Hickie I. Amplifying children’s leadership roles and voice in decision-making through co-production in outside of school hours care: qualitative findings from the connect promote and protect program. Frontiers in Education 2025;9 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Ospina-Pinillos L, Krausz R, Hickie I. Innovations in Global Mental Health. View
  2. Ospina-Pinillos L, Krausz R, Hickie I. Innovations in Global Mental Health. View
  3. Singh J, Sharma S. Utilizing Smart Technology and AI in Hybrid Tourism and Hospitality. View