Published on in Vol 18, No 8 (2016): August

Reliability and Validity of Assessing User Satisfaction With Web-Based Health Interventions

Reliability and Validity of Assessing User Satisfaction With Web-Based Health Interventions

Reliability and Validity of Assessing User Satisfaction With Web-Based Health Interventions


  1. Saruhanjan K, Zarski A, Schaub M, Ebert D. Design of a Guided Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Internet Use Disorder—Study Protocol for a Two-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020;11 View
  2. Görges F, Oehler C, von Hirschhausen E, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C. GET.HAPPY - Acceptance of an internet-based self-management positive psychology intervention for adult primary care patients with mild and moderate depression or dysthymia: A pilot study. Internet Interventions 2018;12:26 View
  3. Reins J, Boß L, Lehr D, Berking M, Ebert D. The more I got, the less I need? Efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to online psychoeducation for major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019;246:695 View
  4. Baumgartner C, Bilevicius E, Khazaal Y, Achab S, Schaaf S, Wenger A, Haug S, Keough M, Hodgins D, Schaub M. Efficacy of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problem gambling in Switzerland: study protocol of a two-armed randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2019;9(12):e032110 View
  5. Zarski A, Berking M, Ebert D. Efficacy of Internet-Based Guided Treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Rationale, Treatment Protocol, and Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018;8 View
  6. Terhorst Y, Braun L, Titzler I, Buntrock C, Freund J, Thielecke J, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a guided internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to improve chronic pain–related disability in green professions (PACT-A): study protocol of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2020;10(9):e034271 View
  7. Reis D, Lehr D, Heber E, Ebert D. The German Version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10): Evaluation of Dimensionality, Validity, and Measurement Invariance With Exploratory and Confirmatory Bifactor Modeling. Assessment 2019;26(7):1246 View
  8. Zarski A, Berking M, Hannig W, Ebert D. Wenn Geschlechtsverkehr nicht möglich ist: Vorstellung eines internetbasierten Behandlungsprogramms für Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung mit Falldarstellung. Verhaltenstherapie 2018;28(3):177 View
  9. Lunkenheimer F, Domhardt M, Geirhos A, Kilian R, Mueller-Stierlin A, Holl R, Meissner T, Minden K, Moshagen M, Ranz R, Sachser C, Staab D, Warschburger P, Baumeister H. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of guided Internet- and mobile-based CBT for adolescents and young adults with chronic somatic conditions and comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms (youthCOACHCD): study protocol for a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Trials 2020;21(1) View
  10. Karyotaki E, Klein A, Riper H, Wit L, Krijnen L, Bol E, Bolinski F, Burger S, Ebert D, Auerbach R, Kessler R, Bruffaerts R, Batelaan N, van der Heijde C, Vonk P, Kleiboer A, Wiers R, Cuijpers P. Examining the effectiveness of a web-based intervention for symptoms of depression and anxiety in college students: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2019;9(5):e028739 View
  11. Harrer M, Adam S, Fleischmann R, Baumeister H, Auerbach R, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Kessler R, Berking M, Lehr D, Ebert D. Effectiveness of an Internet- and App-Based Intervention for College Students With Elevated Stress: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(4):e136 View
  12. Freund J, Titzler I, Thielecke J, Braun L, Baumeister H, Berking M, Ebert D. Implementing internet- and tele-based interventions to prevent mental health disorders in farmers, foresters and gardeners (ImplementIT): study protocol for the multi-level evaluation of a nationwide project. BMC Psychiatry 2020;20(1) View
  13. Oehler C, Görges F, Böttger D, Hug J, Koburger N, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C. Efficacy of an internet-based self-management intervention for depression or dysthymia – a study protocol of an RCT using an active control condition. BMC Psychiatry 2019;19(1) View
  14. Hennemann S, Beutel M, Zwerenz R. Drivers and Barriers to Acceptance of Web-Based Aftercare of Patients in Inpatient Routine Care: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(12):e337 View
  15. Kaal E, Schaub M, Wenger A, Ülesoo T, Blankers M, Haug S, Ebert D, Riper H, Keough M, Noormets H, Kilp K. Testing the efficacy of a minimal-guidance online self-help intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2020;20(1) View
  16. Braun L, Titzler I, Ebert D, Buntrock C, Terhorst Y, Freund J, Thielecke J, Baumeister H. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of guided internet-based interventions in the indicated prevention of depression in green professions (PROD-A): study protocol of a 36-month follow-up pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2019;19(1) View
  17. Behrendt D, Ebert D, Spiegelhalder K, Lehr D. Efficacy of a Self-Help Web-Based Recovery Training in Improving Sleep in Workers: Randomized Controlled Trial in the General Working Population. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(1):e13346 View
  18. Bolinski F, Kleiboer A, Karyotaki E, Bosmans J, Zarski A, Weisel K, Ebert D, Jacobi C, Cuijpers P, Riper H. Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic individually tailored Internet-based and mobile-supported intervention for the indicated prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent) in Dutch college students: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2018;19(1) View
  19. Heckendorf H, Lehr D, Ebert D, Freund H. Efficacy of an internet and app-based gratitude intervention in reducing repetitive negative thinking and mechanisms of change in the intervention's effect on anxiety and depression: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2019;119:103415 View
  20. Kählke F, Berger T, Schulz A, Baumeister H, Berking M, Cuijpers P, Bruffaerts R, Auerbach R, Kessler R, Ebert D. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an unguided, internet-based self-help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2019;19(1) View
  21. Bäuerle A, Teufel M, Schug C, Skoda E, Beckmann M, Schäffeler N, Junne F, Erim Y, Zipfel S, Graf J. Web-based MINDfulness and Skills-based distress reduction in cancer (MINDS): study protocol for a multicentre observational healthcare study. BMJ Open 2020;10(8):e036466 View
  22. Lin J, Wurst R, Paganini S, Hohberg V, Kinkel S, Göhner W, Ramsenthaler C, Fuchs R. A group- and smartphone-based psychological intervention to increase and maintain physical activity in patients with musculoskeletal conditions: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (“MoVo-App”). Trials 2020;21(1) View
  23. Hannig W, Etzelmüller A, Zarski A, Ebert D. Vorstellung einer internet- und videobasierten Nachsorge zur Stabilisierung stationärer Therapieerfolge in der Routineversorgung von depressiv Erkrankten. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2019;48(1):51 View
  24. Amann M, Haug S, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Ebert D, Berger T, Stark L, Walter M, Schaub M. The Effects of Social Presence on Adherence-Focused Guidance in Problematic Cannabis Users: Protocol for the CANreduce 2.0 Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(1):e30 View
  25. Schultchen D, Küchler A, Schillings C, Weineck F, Karabatsiakis A, Ebert D, Baumeister H, Pollatos O. Effectiveness of a guided online mindfulness-focused intervention in a student population: Study protocol for a randomised control trial. BMJ Open 2020;10(3):e032775 View
  26. Mol M, van Schaik A, Dozeman E, Ruwaard J, Vis C, Ebert D, Etzelmueller A, Mathiasen K, Moles B, Mora T, Pedersen C, Skjøth M, Pensado L, Piera-Jimenez J, Gokcay D, Ince B, Russi A, Sacco Y, Zanalda E, Zabala A, Riper H, Smit J. Dimensionality of the system usability scale among professionals using internet-based interventions for depression: a confirmatory factor analysis. BMC Psychiatry 2020;20(1) View
  27. Mira A, Soler C, Alda M, Baños R, Castilla D, Castro A, García-Campayo J, García-Palacios A, Gili M, Hurtado M, Mayoral F, Montero-Marín J, Botella C. Exploring the Relationship Between the Acceptability of an Internet-Based Intervention for Depression in Primary Care and Clinical Outcomes: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019;10 View
  28. Schlicker S, Baumeister H, Buntrock C, Sander L, Paganini S, Lin J, Berking M, Lehr D, Ebert D. A Web- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Comorbid, Recurrent Depression in Patients With Chronic Back Pain on Sick Leave (Get.Back): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial on Feasibility, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(4):e16398 View
  29. Grünzig S, Baumeister H, Bengel J, Ebert D, Krämer L. Effectiveness and acceptance of a web-based depression intervention during waiting time for outpatient psychotherapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2018;19(1) View
  30. Kählke F, Berger T, Schulz A, Baumeister H, Berking M, Auerbach R, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Kessler R, Ebert D. Efficacy of an unguided internet‐based self‐help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2019;28(2) View
  31. Weisel K, Zarski A, Berger T, Schaub M, Krieger T, Moser C, Berking M, Ebert D. Transdiagnostic Tailored Internet- and Mobile-Based Guided Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder and Comorbid Anxiety: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018;9 View
  32. Coventry P, Bower P, Blakemore A, Baker E, Hann M, Li J, Paisley A, Gibson M. Satisfaction with a digitally-enabled telephone health coaching intervention for people with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia. npj Digital Medicine 2019;2(1) View
  33. Zarski A, Berking M, Fackiner C, Rosenau C, Ebert D. Internet-Based Guided Self-Help for Vaginal Penetration Difficulties: Results of a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017;14(2):238 View
  34. Fleischmann R, Harrer M, Zarski A, Baumeister H, Lehr D, Ebert D. Patients' experiences in a guided Internet- and App-based stress intervention for college students: A qualitative study. Internet Interventions 2018;12:130 View
  35. Weisel K, Zarski A, Berger T, Krieger T, Schaub M, Moser C, Berking M, Dey M, Botella C, Baños R, Herrero R, Etchemendy E, Riper H, Cuijpers P, Bolinski F, Kleiboer A, Görlich D, Beecham J, Jacobi C, Ebert D. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based indicated transdiagnostic prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent): A three-armed randomized controlled trial in four European countries. Internet Interventions 2019;16:52 View
  36. Etzelmueller A, Radkovsky A, Hannig W, Berking M, Ebert D. Patient's experience with blended video- and internet based cognitive behavioural therapy service in routine care. Internet Interventions 2018;12:165 View
  37. Sander L, Paganini S, Terhorst Y, Schlicker S, Lin J, Spanhel K, Buntrock C, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Effectiveness of a Guided Web-Based Self-help Intervention to Prevent Depression in Patients With Persistent Back Pain. JAMA Psychiatry 2020;77(10):1001 View
  38. Hyppönen H, Kaipio J, Heponiemi T, Lääveri T, Aalto A, Vänskä J, Elovainio M. Developing the National Usability-Focused Health Information System Scale for Physicians: Validation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(5):e12875 View
  39. Fung H, Chan C, Ross C. A Web-based Psychoeducation Program for People with Pathological Dissociation: Development and Pilot Testing. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 2020;17(4):427 View
  40. Bäuerle A, Graf J, Jansen C, Musche V, Schweda A, Hetkamp M, Weismüller B, Dörrie N, Junne F, Teufel M, Skoda E. E-mental health mindfulness-based and skills-based ‘CoPE It’ intervention to reduce psychological distress in times of COVID-19: study protocol for a bicentre longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2020;10(8):e039646 View
  41. Lin J, Klatt L, McCracken L, Baumeister H. Psychological flexibility mediates the effect of an online-based acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: an investigation of change processes. Pain 2018;159(4):663 View
  42. Mol M, van Genugten C, Dozeman E, van Schaik D, Draisma S, Riper H, Smit J. Why Uptake of Blended Internet-Based Interventions for Depression Is Challenging: A Qualitative Study on Therapists’ Perspectives. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019;9(1):91 View
  43. Sotirova M, McCaughan E, Ramsey L, Flannagan C, Kerr D, O’Connor S, Blackburn N, Wilson I. Acceptability of online exercise-based interventions after breast cancer surgery: systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2021;15(2):281 View
  44. Oehler C, Görges F, Rogalla M, Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U. Efficacy of a Guided Web-Based Self-Management Intervention for Depression or Dysthymia: Randomized Controlled Trial With a 12-Month Follow-Up Using an Active Control Condition. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e15361 View
  45. Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Fritsche L, Drüge M, Krings L, Beck K, Salewski C, Zarski A, Lehr D, Baumeister H, Ebert D. Internet- and App-Based Stress Intervention for Distance-Learning Students With Depressive Symptoms: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019;10 View
  46. Sander L, Paganini S, Lin J, Schlicker S, Ebert D, Buntrock C, Baumeister H. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a guided Internet- and mobile-based intervention for the indicated prevention of major depression in patients with chronic back pain—study protocol of the PROD-BP multicenter pragmatic RCT. BMC Psychiatry 2017;17(1) View
  47. Kien C, Schultes M, Szelag M, Schoberberger R, Gartlehner G. German language questionnaires for assessing implementation constructs and outcomes of psychosocial and health-related interventions: a systematic review. Implementation Science 2018;13(1) View
  48. Meyers M, Margraf J, Velten J. Psychological Treatment of Low Sexual Desire in Women: Protocol for a Randomized, Waitlist-Controlled Trial of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfulness-Based Treatments. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(9):e20326 View
  49. Hennemann S, Böhme K, Baumeister H, Bendig E, Kleinstäuber M, Ebert D, Witthöft M. Efficacy of a guided internet-based intervention (iSOMA) for somatic symptoms and related distress in university students: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018;8(12):e024929 View
  50. Braun L, Titzler I, Terhorst Y, Freund J, Thielecke J, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Effectiveness of guided internet-based interventions in the indicated prevention of depression in green professions (PROD-A): Results of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021;278:658 View
  51. Bendig E, Meißner E, Erb B, Weger L, Küchler A, Bauereiss N, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial on SISU, a software agent providing a brief self-help intervention for adults with low psychological well-being. BMJ Open 2021;11(2):e041573 View
  52. Shaygan M, Yazdani Z, Valibeygi A. The effect of online multimedia psychoeducational interventions on the resilience and perceived stress of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: a pilot cluster randomized parallel-controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2021;21(1) View
  53. Küchler A, Schultchen D, Pollatos O, Moshagen M, Ebert D, Baumeister H. StudiCare mindfulness—study protocol of a randomized controlled trial evaluating an internet- and mobile-based intervention for college students with no and “on demand” guidance. Trials 2020;21(1) View
  54. Amanvermez Y, Karyotaki E, Cuijpers P, Salemink E, Spinhoven P, Struijs S, de Wit L. Feasibility and acceptability of a guided internet-based stress management intervention for university students with high levels of stress: Protocol for an open trial. Internet Interventions 2021;24:100369 View
  55. Rahmadiana M, Karyotaki E, Schulte M, Ebert D, Passchier J, Cuijpers P, Berger T, van Ballegooijen W, Wimbarti S, Riper H. Transdiagnostic Internet Intervention for Indonesian University Students With Depression and Anxiety: Evaluation of Feasibility and Acceptability. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(3):e20036 View
  56. Bührmann L, Schuurmans J, Ruwaard J, Fleuren M, Etzelmüller A, Piera-Jiménez J, Finch T, Rapley T, Potthoff S, Aouizerate B, Batterham P, Calear A, Christensen H, Pedersen C, Ebert D, Van der Eycken E, Fanaj N, van Genugten C, Hanssen D, Hegerl U, Hug J, Kleiboer A, Mathiasen K, May C, Mustafa S, Oehler C, Cerga-Pashoja A, Pope C, Qirjako G, Rosmalen J, Sacco Y, Samalin L, Skjøth M, Tarp K, Titzler I, Zanalda E, Zbukvic I, Smit J, Riper H, Vis C. Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Trials 2020;21(1) View
  57. Ebenfeld L, Lehr D, Ebert D, Kleine Stegemann S, Riper H, Funk B, Berking M. Evaluating a Hybrid Web-Based Training Program for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(3):e20829 View
  58. Provoost S, Kleiboer A, Ornelas J, Bosse T, Ruwaard J, Rocha A, Cuijpers P, Riper H. Improving adherence to an online intervention for low mood with a virtual coach: study protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials 2020;21(1) View
  59. Bodschwinna D, Lorenz I, Bauereiss N, Gündel H, Baumeister H, Hoenig K. PartnerCARE—a psycho-oncological online intervention for partners of patients with cancer: study protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial. BMJ Open 2020;10(10):e035599 View
  60. Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Fritsche L, Salewski C, Zarski A, Lehr D, Baumeister H, Cuijpers P, Ebert D. Effect of an internet- and app-based stress intervention compared to online psychoeducation in university students with depressive symptoms: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2021;24:100374 View
  61. Baumgartner C, Schaub M, Wenger A, Malischnig D, Augsburger M, Walter M, Berger T, Stark L, Ebert D, Keough M, Haug S. CANreduce 2.0 Adherence-Focused Guidance for Internet Self-Help Among Cannabis Users: Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(4):e27463 View
  62. Shaygan M, Jaberi A. The effect of a smartphone-based pain management application on pain intensity and quality of life in adolescents with chronic pain. Scientific Reports 2021;11(1) View
  63. Fitzpatrick S, Wagner A, Crenshaw A, Varma S, Whitfield K, Valela R, Di Bartolomeo A, Fulham L, Martin-Newnham C, Mensah D, Collins A, Landy M, Morland L, Doss B, Monson C. Initial outcomes of couple HOPES: A guided online couple intervention for PTSD and relationship enhancement. Internet Interventions 2021;25:100423 View
  64. Kerber A, Beintner I, Burchert S, Knaevelsrud C. Does app-based unguided self-management improve mental health literacy, patient empowerment and access to care for people with mental health impairments? Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2021;11(7):e049688 View
  65. Augsburger M, Kaal E, Ülesoo T, Wenger A, Blankers M, Haug S, Ebert D, Riper H, Keough M, Noormets H, Schaub M, Kilp K. Effects of a minimal‐guided on‐line intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: a randomized controlled trial. Addiction 2022;117(1):108 View
  66. Nixon P, Boß L, Heber E, Ebert D, Lehr D. A three-armed randomised controlled trial investigating the comparative impact of guidance on the efficacy of a web-based stress management intervention and health impairing and promoting mechanisms of prevention. BMC Public Health 2021;21(1) View
  67. Vis C, Schuurmans J, Aouizerate B, Atipei Craggs M, Batterham P, Bührmann L, Calear A, Cerga Pashoja A, Christensen H, Dozeman E, Duedal Pedersen C, Ebert D, Etzelmueller A, Fanaj N, Finch T, Hanssen D, Hegerl U, Hoogendoorn A, Mathiasen K, May C, Meksi A, Mustafa S, O'Dea B, Oehler C, Piera-Jiménez J, Potthoff S, Qirjako G, Rapley T, Rosmalen J, Sacco Y, Samalin L, Skjoth M, Tarp K, Titzler I, Van der Eycken E, van Genugten C, Whitton A, Zanalda E, Smit J, Riper H. Effectiveness of Self-guided Tailored Implementation Strategies in Integrating and Embedding Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Mental Health Care: Results of a Multicenter Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e41532 View
  68. Nixon P, Ebert D, Boß L, Angerer P, Dragano N, Lehr D. The Efficacy of a Web-Based Stress Management Intervention for Employees Experiencing Adverse Working Conditions and Occupational Self-efficacy as a Mediator: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(10):e40488 View
  69. Sit H, Li G, Chen W, Sou E, Wong M, Burchert S, Hong I, Sit H, Lam A, Hall B. A protocol for a type 1 effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial of the WHO digital mental health intervention Step-by-Step to address depression among Chinese young adults in Macao (SAR), China. Internet Interventions 2022;30:100579 View
  70. Kerckhove N, Delage N, Cambier S, Cantagrel N, Serra E, Marcaillou F, Maindet C, Picard P, Martiné G, Deleens R, Trouvin A, Fourel L, Espagne-Dubreuilh G, Douay L, Foulon S, Dufraisse B, Gov C, Viel E, Jedryka F, Pouplin S, Lestrade C, Combe E, Perrot S, Perocheau D, De Brisson V, Vergne-Salle P, Mertens P, Pereira B, Djiberou Mahamadou A, Antoine V, Corteval A, Eschalier A, Dualé C, Attal N, Authier N. eDOL mHealth App and Web Platform for Self-monitoring and Medical Follow-up of Patients With Chronic Pain: Observational Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(3):e30052 View
  71. Bendig E, Küchler A, Baumeister H, Becker T. Blended Care in In-Patient Acute Psychiatric Care. The Example of a Group Training for Social Competences in Adults—A Pretest–Posttest Feasibility Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(18):9433 View
  72. van Schaik D, Schotanus A, Dozeman E, Huibers M, Cuijpers P, Donker T. Pilot Study of Blended-Format Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Major Depressive Disorder. American Journal of Psychotherapy 2023;76(2):69 View
  73. Niu Z, Bhurosy T, Heckman C. Digital interventions for promoting sun protection and skin self-examination behaviors: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022;26:101709 View
  74. Dey M, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Herrmann U, Augsburger M, Haug S, Malischnig D, Schaub M. Comparing a mindfulness- and CBT-based guided self-help Internet- and mobile-based intervention against a waiting list control condition as treatment for adults with frequent cannabis use: a randomized controlled trial of CANreduce 3.0. BMC Psychiatry 2022;22(1) View
  75. Amarti K, Schulte M, Kleiboer A, Van Genugten C, Oudega M, Sonnenberg C, Gonçalves G, Rocha A, Riper H. Feasibility of Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depressed Older Adults With the Moodbuster Platform: Protocol for 2 Pilot Feasibility Studies. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(10):e41445 View
  76. Baumeister H, Paganini S, Sander L, Lin J, Schlicker S, Terhorst Y, Moshagen M, Bengel J, Lehr D, Ebert D. Effectiveness of a Guided Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Patients with Chronic Back Pain and Depression (WARD-BP): A Multicenter, Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2021;90(4):255 View
  77. Spanhel K, Hovestadt E, Lehr D, Spiegelhalder K, Baumeister H, Bengel J, Sander L. Engaging Refugees With a Culturally Adapted Digital Intervention to Improve Sleep: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022;13 View
  78. Netter A, Beintner I, Brakemeier E. Adding an App-Based Intervention to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy in Routine Outpatient Psychotherapy Treatment: Proof-of-Concept Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(8):e35482 View
  79. Braun L, Terhorst Y, Titzler I, Freund J, Thielecke J, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Lessons Learned from an Attempted Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial for Improvement of Chronic Pain-Associated Disability in Green Professions: Long-Term Effectiveness of a Guided Online-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy  (PACT-A). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(21):13858 View
  80. Vis C, Kleiboer A, Mol M, Pedersen C, Finch T, Smit J, Riper H, Albaina O, Cavallo M, Dozeman E, Duedal Pedersen C, Ebert D, Etzelmüller A, van der Eycken E, Fullaondo A, Gabilondo A, González Pinto A, Gutiérrez B, Kohls E, de Manuel E, Mathiasen K, Mora J, Peleteiro-Pensado L, Ponte J, Power K, Retolaza A, Sacco Y, van Schaik A, Sierra Callau M, Skjøth M, Sogomonjan M, Tajes-Alonso M, Txarramendieta J, Vis C, Wright C, Zanalda E. Organisational implementation climate in implementing internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
  81. Viefhaus P, Adam J, Goletz H, Woitecki K, Döpfner M. Implementation and Evaluation of Therapeutic Online Coaching Using Habit Reversal Training in Children With Tourette’s Disorder – A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12 View
  82. Spanhel K, Burdach D, Pfeiffer T, Lehr D, Spiegelhalder K, Ebert D, Baumeister H, Bengel J, Sander L. Effectiveness of an internet‐based intervention to improve sleep difficulties in a culturally diverse sample of international students: A randomised controlled pilot study. Journal of Sleep Research 2022;31(2) View
  83. Bäuerle A, Martus P, Erim Y, Schug C, Heinen J, Krakowczyk J, Steinbach J, Damerau M, Bethge W, Dinkel A, Dries S, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Neumann A, Schadendorf D, Tewes M, Wiltink J, Wünsch A, Zipfel S, Graf J, Teufel M. Web-based mindfulness and skills-based distress reduction for patients with cancer: study protocol of the multicentre, randomised, controlled confirmatory intervention trial Reduct. BMJ Open 2022;12(6):e056973 View
  84. Geirhos A, Domhardt M, Lunkenheimer F, Temming S, Holl R, Minden K, Warschburger P, Meissner T, Mueller-Stierlin A, Baumeister H. Feasibility and potential efficacy of a guided internet- and mobile-based CBT for adolescents and young adults with chronic medical conditions and comorbid depression or anxiety symptoms (youthCOACHCD): a randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC Pediatrics 2022;22(1) View
  85. Kurki M, Gilbert S, Mishina K, Lempinen L, Luntamo T, Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki S, Sinokki A, Upadhyaya S, Wei Y, Sourander A. Digital mental health literacy -program for the first-year medical students’ wellbeing: a one group quasi-experimental study. BMC Medical Education 2021;21(1) View
  86. Schulte C, Zarski A, Sachser C, Rosner R, Ebert D. Internet- and mobile-based trauma-focused intervention for adolescents and young adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study protocol of a proof-of-concept feasibility study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2022;13(2) View
  87. Schillings C, Meissner D, Erb B, Schultchen D, Bendig E, Pollatos O. A chatbot-based intervention with ELME to improve stress and health-related parameters in a stressed sample: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. Frontiers in Digital Health 2023;5 View
  88. Lorente-Català R, Gili M, López-Del-Hoyo Y, Mayoral-Cleries F, Perez-Aranda A, Castro A, Varela-Moreno E, Baños R, Roca M, Monreal-Bartolomé A, García-Palacios A. Implementation of a psychological online intervention for low to moderate depression in primary care: study protocol. Internet Interventions 2022;30:100581 View
  89. Li Y, Nazari N, Sadeghi M. Internet delivered, non-inferiority, two-arm, assessor-blinded intervention comparing mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive-behavioral treatment for insomnia: a protocol study for a randomized controlled trial for nursing staff with insomnia. Trials 2022;23(1) View
  90. Boß L, Angerer P, Dragano N, Ebert D, Engels M, Heber E, Kuhlmann R, Ruhle S, Schwens C, Wulf I, Lehr D. Comparative effectiveness of guided internet-based stress management training versus established in-person group training in employees – study protocol for a pragmatic, randomized, non-inferiority trial. BMC Public Health 2021;21(1) View
  91. Spiegelhalder K, Baumeister H, Al-Kamaly A, Bader M, Bauereiss N, Benz F, Braun L, Buntrock C, Burkhardt M, Cuijpers P, Domschke K, Dülsen P, Franke M, Frase L, Heber E, Helm K, Jentsch T, Johann A, Küchler A, Kuhn M, Lehr D, Maun A, Morin C, Moshagen M, Richter K, Schiel J, Simon L, Spille L, Weeß H, Riemann D, Ebert D. Comparative effectiveness of three versions of a stepped care model for insomnia differing in the amount of therapist support in internet-delivered treatment: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial (GET Sleep). BMJ Open 2022;12(8):e058212 View
  92. Karyotaki E, Klein A, Ciharova M, Bolinski F, Krijnen L, de Koning L, de Wit L, van der Heijde C, Ebert D, Riper H, Batelaan N, Vonk P, Auerbach R, Kessler R, Bruffaerts R, Struijs S, Wiers R, Cuijpers P. Guided internet-based transdiagnostic individually tailored Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for symptoms of depression and/or anxiety in college students: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2022;150:104028 View
  93. Schuster R, Fischer E, Jansen C, Napravnik N, Rockinger S, Steger N, Laireiter A. Blending Internet-based and tele group treatment: Acceptability, effects, and mechanisms of change of cognitive behavioral treatment for depression. Internet Interventions 2022;29:100551 View
  94. Miller M, Wright C, Kuntsche E, Kuntsche S. The Effects of a Web-Based Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Among Middle-Aged Women: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e34842 View
  95. Fung H, Chan C, Chien W, Chong Y, Ross C. The Acceptability and Potential Benefits of a Web-Based Psychoeducation Program for People with Pathological Dissociation: A Pilot Evaluation Study. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2023;24(1):95 View
  96. López-del-Hoyo Y, Fernández-Martínez S, Pérez-Aranda A, Barceló-Soler A, Guzman-Parra J, Varela-Moreno E, Campos D, Monreal-Bartolomé A, Beltrán-Ruiz M, Moreno-Küstner B, Mayoral-Cleries F, García-Campayo J. Effectiveness and implementation of an online intervention (MINDxYOU) for reducing stress and promote mental health among healthcare workers in Spain: a study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial. BMC Nursing 2022;21(1) View
  97. Krämer L, Mueller-Weinitschke C, Zeiss T, Baumeister H, Ebert D, Bengel J. Effectiveness of a web-based behavioural activation intervention for individuals with depression based on the Health Action Process Approach: protocol for a randomised controlled trial with a 6-month follow-up. BMJ Open 2022;12(1):e054775 View
  98. Lindegaard T, Wasteson E, Demetry Y, Andersson G, Richards D, Shahnavaz S. Investigating the potential of a novel internet-based cognitive behavioural intervention for Dari and Farsi speaking refugee youth: A feasibility study. Internet Interventions 2022;28:100533 View
  99. Kalisch L, Boniwell I, Osin E, Baeza-Velasco C. Feeling Good Despite EDS: The Effects of a 5-Week Online Positive Psychology Programme for Ehlers–Danlos-Syndromes Patients. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 2022;52(1):79 View
  100. Freund J, Buntrock C, Braun L, Thielecke J, Baumeister H, Berking M, Ebert D, Titzler I. Digital prevention of depression for farmers? A qualitative study on participants' experiences regarding determinants of acceptance and satisfaction with a tailored guided internet intervention program. Internet Interventions 2022;29:100566 View
  101. Bodschwinna D, Lorenz I, Bauereiß N, Gündel H, Baumeister H, Hönig K. A psycho‐oncological online intervention supporting partners of patients with cancer (PartnerCARE): Results from a randomized controlled feasibility trial. Psycho-Oncology 2022;31(7):1230 View
  102. Debrot A, Kheyar M, Efinger L, Berthoud L, Pomini V. Supporting People Who Have Lost a Close Person by Bereavement or Separation: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Two French-Language Internet-Based Interventions. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(6):e39026 View
  103. Pedersen H, Havnen A, Brattmyr M, Attkisson C, Lara-Cabrera M. A digital Norwegian version of the client satisfaction questionnaire 8: factor validity and internal reliability in outpatient mental health care. BMC Psychiatry 2022;22(1) View
  104. Bäuerle A, Jahre L, Teufel M, Jansen C, Musche V, Schweda A, Fink M, Dinse H, Weismüller B, Dörrie N, Junne F, Graf J, Skoda E. Evaluation of the E-Mental Health Mindfulness-Based and Skills-Based “CoPE It” Intervention to Reduce Psychological Distress in Times of COVID-19: Results of a Bicentre Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021;12 View
  105. Amarnath A, Ozmen S, Struijs S, de Wit L, Cuijpers P. Effectiveness of a guided internet-based intervention for procrastination among university students – A randomized controlled trial study protocol. Internet Interventions 2023;32:100612 View
  106. Baumann H, Heuel L, Bischoff L, Wollesen B. mHealth interventions to reduce stress in healthcare workers (fitcor): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2023;24(1) View
  107. Starke F, Sikora A, Stegmann R, Knebel L, Buntrock C, de Rijk A, Houkes I, Szycik G, Unger H, Schumacher J, Stark H, Hauth I, Holzapfel C, Borgolte A, Schneller C, Unterschemmann S, Paetow W, Jung A, Berking M, Zimmermann J, Wegewitz U. Evaluating a multimodal, clinical and work-directed intervention (RTW-PIA) to support sustainable return to work among employees with mental disorders: study protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2023;23(1) View
  108. Daehn D, Martens C, Loew V, Kemmler L, Rudolf S, Kochen E, Renneberg B, Pawils S. SmartMoms – a web application to raise awareness and provide information on postpartum depression. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2023;23(1) View
  109. Jilani A, Khan A, Saloni S, Kumar S, Singh J, Varma K, Siddiqui M, Sinha R. Level of patient satisfaction with online psychiatric outdoor services. Consortium Psychiatricum 2023;4(3):23 View
  110. Behrendt D, Boß L, Hannibal S, Kunzler A, Wessa M, Lehr D. Feasibility and efficacy of a digital resilience training: A pilot study of the strengths-based training RESIST. Internet Interventions 2023;33:100649 View
  111. Thielecke J, Buntrock C, Freund J, Braun L, Ebert D, Berking M, Baumeister H, Titzler I. How to promote usage of telehealth interventions for farmers' mental health? A qualitative study on supporting and hindering aspects for acceptance and satisfaction with a personalized telephone coaching for depression prevention. Internet Interventions 2023;34:100671 View
  112. Ozmen S, Amarnath A, Struijs S, de Wit L, Cuijpers P. A Guided Web-Based Intervention Targeting Procrastination in College Students: Protocol for an Open Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e44907 View
  113. Atik E, Stricker J, Schückes M, Pittig A. Efficacy of a Brief Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in University Students: Uncontrolled Intervention Study. JMIR Mental Health 2023;10:e44742 View
  114. Amanvermez Y, Karyotaki E, Cuijpers P, Ciharova M, Donker M, Hurks P, Salemink E, Spinhoven P, Struijs S, de Wit L. A Guided, Internet-Based Stress Management Intervention for University Students With High Levels of Stress: Feasibility and Acceptability Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e45725 View
  115. Shaygan M, Hosseini F, Shemiran M, Hedayati A. The effect of mobile-based logotherapy on depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness in patients with major depressive disorder: a mixed-methods study. Scientific Reports 2023;13(1) View
  116. Lortz J, Rassaf T, Jansen C, Knuschke R, Schweda A, Schnaubert L, Rammos C, Köberlein-Neu J, Skoda E, Teufel M, Bäuerle A. A mHealth intervention to reduce perceived stress in patients with ischemic heart disease: study protocol of the randomized, controlled confirmatory intervention “mStress-IHD” trial. Trials 2023;24(1) View
  117. Boumparis N, Noroozi A, Naghizadeh E, Meyer A, Wenger A, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Schaub M. Blended smartphone intervention for patients in opioid maintenance treatment in Iran: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2023;23(1) View
  118. Balci S, Küchler A, Ebert D, Baumeister H. An online mindfulness intervention for international students: A randomized controlled feasibility trial. Clinical Psychology in Europe 2023;5(2) View
  119. Bernstein K, Zarski A, Pekarek E, Schaub M, Berking M, Baumeister H, Ebert D. Case report for an internet- and mobile-based intervention for internet use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023;14 View
  120. Coronado-Montoya S, Abdel-Baki A, Côté J, Crockford D, Dubreucq S, Fischer B, Lachance-Touchette P, Lecomte T, L'Heureux S, Ouellet-Plamondon C, Roy M, Tatar O, Tibbo P, Villeneuve M, Wittevrongel A, Jutras-Aswad D. Evaluation of a Cannabis Harm Reduction Intervention for People With First-Episode Psychosis: Protocol for a Pilot Multicentric Randomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e53094 View
  121. Dworschak C, Heim E, Tröster A, Grunder C, Maercker A. Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of an internet-based CBT intervention for loneliness in older adults: A pilot RCT. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 2024;15:100692 View
  122. Reinhardt I, Schmidt L, Reske D, Zielasek J, Braun G, Böttche M, Boettcher J, Burchert S, Glaesmer H, Knaevelsrud C, Konnopka A, Muntendorf L, Nohr L, Paskuy S, Renneberg B, Sierau S, Stammel N, Wagner B, Wirz T, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E. Blended-ALMAMAR app for inpatient mental health care for refugees: study protocol for a multicenter implementation study within the I-REACH consortium (Internet based REfugee mentAl healtH Care). BMC Health Services Research 2023;23(1) View
  123. Boettcher J, Heinrich M, Boettche M, Burchert S, Glaesmer H, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Heeke C, Hernek M, Knaevelsrud C, Konnopka A, Muntendorf L, Nilles H, Nohr L, Pohl S, Paskuy S, Reinhardt I, Sierau S, Stammel N, Wirz C, Renneberg B, Wagner B. Internet-based transdiagnostic treatment for emotional disorders in Arabic- and Farsi-speaking refugees: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2024;25(1) View
  124. Cho S, Bastien L, Petrovic J, Böke B, Heath N. The Role of Mental Health Stigma in University Students’ Satisfaction With Web-Based Stress Management Resources: Intervention Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e50018 View
  125. Etzelmueller A, Heber E, Horvath H, Radkovsky A, Lehr D, Ebert D. The Evaluation of the GET.ON Nationwide Web-Only Treatment Service for Depression- and Stress-Related Symptoms: Naturalistic Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e42976 View
  126. Lo R, Schumacher A, LaForge-Mackenzie K, Cost K, Crosbie J, Charach A, Anagnostou E, Birken C, Monga S, Korczak D. Evaluation of an automated matching system of children and families to virtual mental health resources during COVID-19. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2024;18(1) View
  127. Harrer M, Nixon P, Sprenger A, Heber E, Boß L, Heckendorf H, Buntrock C, Ebert D, Lehr D. Are web-based stress management interventions effective as an indirect treatment for depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis of six randomised trials. BMJ Mental Health 2024;27(1):e300846 View
  128. Li G, Sit H, Chen W, Wu K, Sou E, Wong M, Chen Z, Burchert S, Hong I, Sit H, Lam A, Hall B. A WHO digital intervention to address depression among young Chinese adults: a type 1 effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial. Translational Psychiatry 2024;14(1) View
  129. Kocol D, Geiger S, Schweda A, Beckord J, Schadendorf T, Jansen C, Robitzsch A, Skoda E, Teufel M, Bäuerle A. An e-mental health intervention to reduce depression symptoms in individuals with obesity: study protocol for the randomized, controlled, two-armed, confirmatory LightMood trial. Trials 2024;25(1) View
  130. Ledoux A, Zemek R, Cairncross M, Silverberg N, Sicard V, Barrowman N, Goldfield G, Gray C, Harris A, Jaworska N, Reed N, Saab B, Smith A, Walker L. Smartphone App–Delivered Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescents: Protocol for a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e57226 View
  131. Delage N, Cantagrel N, Soriot-Thomas S, Frost M, Deleens R, Ginies P, Eschalier A, Corteval A, Laveyssière A, Phalip J, Bertin C, Pereira B, Chenaf C, Doreau B, Authier N, Kerckhove N. Mobile Health App and Web Platform (eDOL) for Medical Follow-Up of Patients With Chronic Pain: Cohort Study Involving the French eDOL National Cohort After 1 Year. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024;12:e54579 View
  132. Listiyandini R, Andriani A, Afsari N, Krisnamurthi P, Moulds M, Mahoney A, Newby J. Evaluating the Feasibility of a Guided Culturally Adapted Internet-Delivered Mindfulness Intervention for Indonesian University Students Experiencing Psychological Distress. Mindfulness 2024;15(5):1095 View
  133. Lorente-Català R, Font-Furnieles P, Escriva-Sanchis R, Bertó-García C, Vera-Albero P, García-Palacios A. Telephone support vs. self-guidance in an Internet-based self-administered psychological program for the treatment of depression: Protocol for a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2024;36:100742 View
  134. Lin J, Sander L, Paganini S, Schlicker S, Ebert D, Berking M, Bengel J, Nobis S, Lehr D, Mittag O, Riper H, Baumeister H. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a guided internet- and mobile-based depression intervention for individuals with chronic back pain: protocol of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2017;7(12):e015226 View
  135. Visvalingam S, Matheson A, Magson N, Norberg M. Intentional Imperfection Program: A pilot randomised controlled trial to help university students manage perfectionism. Current Psychology 2024;43(31):25629 View
  136. Striegl J, Richter J, Grossmann L, Bråstad B, Gotthardt M, Rück C, Wallert J, Loitsch C. Deep learning-based dimensional emotion recognition for conversational agent-based cognitive behavioral therapy. PeerJ Computer Science 2024;10:e2104 View
  137. Heim E, Burchert S, Shala M, Hoxha A, Kaufmann M, Cerga Pashoja A, Morina N, Schaub M, Knaevelsrud C, Maercker A. Effect of cultural adaptation of a smartphone-based self-help programme on its acceptability and efficacy: Randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychology in Europe 2024;6(2) View
  138. Schulte C, Sachser C, Rosner R, Ebert D, Zarski A. Feasibility of a trauma-focused internet- and mobile-based intervention for youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2024;15(1) View
  139. Spies J, Lang T, Helbig-Lang S. A Smart Solution? Efficacy of a Self-Management Smartphone App for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Cognitive Therapy and Research 2025;49(1):98 View
  140. Guo W, Nazari N, Sadeghi M. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for insomnia and mindfulness-based stress reduction in nurses with insomnia: a non-inferiority internet delivered randomized controlled trial. PeerJ 2024;12:e17491 View
  141. Akhtar A, de Graaff A, Habashneh R, Keyan D, Abualhaija A, Fanatseh S, Faroun M, Aqel I, Dardas L, Servili C, van Ommeren M, Bryant R, Carswell K. Scalable Technology for Adolescents and Youth to Reduce Stress in the Treatment of Common Mental Disorders in Jordan: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e54585 View
  142. Norberg M, Matheson A, Visvalingam S, King R, Olivier J, David J, McLellan L. Breaking up with belongings: a pilot randomized controlled trial of an unguided web-based program to reduce overconsumption. Current Psychology 2024;43(40):31568 View
  143. Spaargaren K, Begeer S, Greaves-Lord K, Riper H, van Straten A. Protocol of a randomized controlled trial into guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in autistic adults (i-Sleep Autism). Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024;146:107704 View
  144. Hu J, Li C, Ge Y, Yang J, Zhu S, He C. Mapping the Evolution of Digital Health Research: Bibliometric Overview of Research Hotspots, Trends, and Collaboration of Publications in JMIR (1999-2024). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e58987 View
  145. Debrot A, Efinger L, Kheyar M, Pomini V, Berthoud L. A French-Language Web-Based Intervention Targeting Prolonged Grief Symptoms in People Who Are Bereaved and Separated: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e57294 View
  146. Combs J, Lin P, DelBello M, Carle A, Bridge J, Axelson D, Fornari V, Feuer V, Emslie G, Kennard B, Porter S, Sorter M, Barzman D. Examining Alternative Treatment Settings for Adolescents With Suicidal Thoughts During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAACAP Open 2024 View
  147. Lehr D, Freund H, Sieland B, Kalon L, Berking M, Riper H, Ebert D. Effectiveness of a guided multicomponent internet and mobile gratitude training program - A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2024;38:100787 View
  148. Mwilongo N, Kamugisha D, Kilugwe Z. Unethical Practices in Tanzania Public Universities: Does Workload Matter?. SCIENCE MUNDI 2024;4(2):96 View
  149. Aeschlimann A, Heim E, Killikelly C, Mahmoud N, Haji F, Stoeckli R, Aebersold M, Thoma M, Maercker A. Cultural adaptation of a self-help app for grieving Syrian refugees in Switzerland. A feasibility and acceptability pilot-RCT. Internet Interventions 2025;39:100800 View
  150. Murphy R, Khera C, Osborne E. Breaking the cycle: a pilot study on autonomous Digital CBTe for recurrent binge eating. Frontiers in Digital Health 2025;6 View
  151. de Graaff A, Habashneh R, Fanatseh S, Keyan D, Akhtar A, Abualhaija A, Faroun M, Aqel I, Dardas L, Servili C, van Ommeren M, Bryant R, Carswell K. Evaluation of a Guided Chatbot Intervention for Young People in Jordan: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2025;12:e63515 View
  152. Thielecke J, Titzler I, Braun L, Ebert D, Freund J, Baumeister H, Berking M, Buntrock C. Does Telephone Coaching Improve Farmers' Mental Health in the Long Term? Results of the 12- and 18-month Follow-Up of a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Occupational Health Science 2025 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Gotthardt M, Striegl J, Loitsch C, Weber G. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. View
  2. Siegert I, Busch M, Metzner S, Krüger J. Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications. View
  3. Striegl J, Loitsch C, Weber G. Human-Computer Interaction. View
  4. Striegl J, Fekih F, Weber G, Loitsch C. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. View