Published on in Vol 16, No 9 (2014): September

mHealth and Mobile Medical Apps: A Framework to Assess Risk and Promote Safer Use

mHealth and Mobile Medical Apps: A Framework to Assess Risk and Promote Safer Use

mHealth and Mobile Medical Apps: A Framework to Assess Risk and Promote Safer Use

Authors of this article:

Thomas Lorchan Lewis1 Author Orcid Image ;   Jeremy C Wyatt2 Author Orcid Image


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  130. Aljedaani B, Ahmad A, Zahedi M, Babar M. End-users’ knowledge and perception about security of clinical mobile health apps: A case study with two Saudi Arabian mHealth providers. Journal of Systems and Software 2023;195:111519 View
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  133. Poitras M, Couturier Y, Beaupré P, Girard A, Aubry F, Vaillancourt V, Carrier J, Fortin L, Racine J, Morneau J, Boudreault A, Cormier C, Morin A, McGraw M. Collaborative practice competencies needed for telehealth delivery by health and social care professionals: a scoping review. Journal of Interprofessional Care 2023:1 View
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  135. Chenais G, Lagarde E, Gil-Jardiné C. Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine: Viewpoint of Current Applications and Foreseeable Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e40031 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Lynch J, Fisk M. Mobile e-Health. View
  2. Stanimirovic A. Chronic Stress and Its Effect on Brain Structure and Connectivity. View
  3. Khelifi A, Hashmi S, Darwich F, Ali S, Tenaiji A. Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 2. View
  4. Elgujja A. Impacts of Information Technology on Patient Care and Empowerment. View
  5. Marinou M, Pallikarakis N. XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016. View
  6. Shepherd C, Petitcolas F, Akram R, Markantonakis K. Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business. View
  7. Molina-Recio G, García-Hernández L, Castilla-Melero A, Palomo-Romero J, Molina-Luque R, Sánchez-Muñoz A, Arauzo-Azofra A, Salas-Morera L. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. View
  8. Kim J, Kim D. Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2019. View
  9. Pan A, Zhao F. Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context. View
  10. Saad A. Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems. View
  11. Mitchell J, de Quincey E, Pantin C, Mustfa N. Design, User Experience, and Usability. Case Studies in Public and Personal Interactive Systems. View
  12. Brennan L, Bevilacqua A, Kechadi T, Caulfield B. 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. View
  13. Stanimirovic A. Research Anthology on Mental Health Stigma, Education, and Treatment. View
  14. Sharma T, Dyer H, Campbell R, Bashir M. Intelligent Computing. View
  15. Strauss J, Zhang J, Jarrett M, Patterson B, Van Ameringen M. Mental Health in a Digital World. View
  16. Huang G, Chen L, Feng Z. Inclusive Smart Cities and Digital Health. View
  17. Moses J, Adibi S. The Science behind the COVID Pandemic and Healthcare Technology Solutions. View
  18. Schneider G. Health Data Pools Under European Data Protection and Competition Law. View
  19. Elgujja A. Research Anthology on Securing Medical Systems and Records. View
  20. Türkmen İ, Sardoğan B. Handbook of Research on Quality and Competitiveness in the Healthcare Services Sector. View