Published on in Vol 16, No 5 (2014): May

Cognitive Factors of Using Health Apps: Systematic Analysis of Relationships Among Health Consciousness, Health Information Orientation, eHealth Literacy, and Health App Use Efficacy

Cognitive Factors of Using Health Apps: Systematic Analysis of Relationships Among Health Consciousness, Health Information Orientation, eHealth Literacy, and Health App Use Efficacy

Cognitive Factors of Using Health Apps: Systematic Analysis of Relationships Among Health Consciousness, Health Information Orientation, eHealth Literacy, and Health App Use Efficacy

Authors of this article:

Jaehee Cho1 ;   Dongjin Park2 ;   H Erin Lee3


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Kante M, Ndayizigamiye P. Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South. View
  2. Özen H, Yaşin B. New Approaches to CSR, Sustainability and Accountability, Volume II. View
  3. Rössler E, Halbach P, Burbach L, Ziefle M, Calero Valdez A. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. View
  4. Matlebjane D, Ndayizigamiye P, Kante M. Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South. View
  5. Halvadia N, Bhatt K, Patel H, Halvadia S. Proceedings of World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management. View