Published on in Vol 14, No 6 (2012): Nov-Dec

Patient Perceptions of a Personal Health Record: A Test of the Diffusion of Innovation Model

Patient Perceptions of a Personal Health Record: A Test of the Diffusion of Innovation Model

Patient Perceptions of a Personal Health Record: A Test of the Diffusion of Innovation Model


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Koskinen J, Rantanen M. Well-Being in the Information Society. Fruits of Respect. View
  2. Benzi F, Cabitza F, Fogli D, Lanzilotti R, Piccinno A. Ambient Intelligence. View
  3. Alzahrani S, Daim T. R&D Management in the Knowledge Era. View
  4. Seldon H, Minoi J, Ahsan M, Al-Habsi A. Telehealth and Mobile Health. View
  5. Fischer G, Fogli D, Piccinno A. New Perspectives in End-User Development. View
  6. Alzahrani S, Daim T. R&D Management in the Knowledge Era. View
  7. . Telehealth and Mobile Health. View
  8. Arshad H. Frugal Innovation and Its Implementation. View
  9. Sharma M, Lakhan R. Effective Approaches to Global Health Issues. View