Published on in Vol 14, No 5 (2012): Sep-Oct

This is a member publication of Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, Tromso, Norway

Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art

Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art

Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art


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  4. Griffiths F, Bryce C, Cave J, Dritsaki M, Fraser J, Hamilton K, Huxley C, Ignatowicz A, Kim S, Kimani P, Madan J, Slowther A, Sujan M, Sturt J. Timely Digital Patient-Clinician Communication in Specialist Clinical Services for Young People: A Mixed-Methods Study (The LYNC Study). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(4):e102 View
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  13. Jensen R, Snyder C, Abernethy A, Basch E, Potosky A, Roberts A, Loeffler D, Reeve B. Review of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes Systems Used in Cancer Clinical Care. Journal of Oncology Practice 2014;10(4):e215 View
  14. Allsop M, Johnson O, Taylor S, Hackett J, Allen P, Bennett M, Bewick B. Multidisciplinary Software Design for the Routine Monitoring and Assessment of Pain in Palliative Care Services: The Development of PainCheck. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2019;(3):1 View
  15. Schougaard L, Larsen L, Jessen A, Sidenius P, Dorflinger L, de Thurah A, Hjollund N. AmbuFlex: tele-patient-reported outcomes (telePRO) as the basis for follow-up in chronic and malignant diseases. Quality of Life Research 2016;25(3):525 View
  16. Holch P, Henry A, Davidson S, Gilbert A, Routledge J, Shearsmith L, Franks K, Ingleson E, Albutt A, Velikova G. Acute and Late Adverse Events Associated With Radical Radiation Therapy Prostate Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review of Clinician and Patient Toxicity Reporting in Randomized Controlled Trials. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics 2017;97(3):495 View
  17. Wolf M, Seligman H, Davis T, Fleming D, Curtis L, Pandit A, Parker R, Schillinger D, DeWalt D. Clinic-Based Versus Outsourced Implementation of a Diabetes Health Literacy Intervention. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2014;29(1):59 View
  18. Warrington L, Absolom K, Conner M, Kellar I, Clayton B, Ayres M, Velikova G. Electronic Systems for Patients to Report and Manage Side Effects of Cancer Treatment: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(1):e10875 View
  19. Lederman R, Wadley G, Gleeson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M. Using On-Line Technologies to Identify and Track Early Warning Signs of Psychosis. SSRN Electronic Journal 2013 View
  20. Ashley L, Jones H, Thomas J, Newsham A, Downing A, Morris E, Brown J, Velikova G, Forman D, Wright P. Integrating Patient Reported Outcomes With Clinical Cancer Registry Data: A Feasibility Study of the Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes From Cancer Survivors (ePOCS) System. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013;15(10):e230 View
  21. Mirkovic J, Jessen S, Kristjansdottir O, Krogseth T, Koricho A, Ruland C. Developing Technology to Mobilize Personal Strengths in People with Chronic Illness: Positive Codesign Approach. JMIR Formative Research 2018;2(1):e10774 View
  22. Holch P, Pini S, Henry A, Davidson S, Routledge J, Brown J, Absolom K, Gilbert A, Franks K, Hulme C, Morris C, Velikova G. eRAPID electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice: a pilot study protocol in pelvic radiotherapy. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2018;4(1) View
  23. Griffiths F, Atherton H, Barker J, Cave J, Dennick K, Dowdall P, Fraser J, Huxley C, Kim S, Madan J, Matharu H, Musumadi L, Palmer T, Paul M, Sankaranarayanan S, Slowther A, Sujan M, Sutcliffe P, Sturt J. Improving health outcomes for young people with long term conditions: The role of digital communication in current and future patient–clinician communication for NHS providers of specialist clinical services for young people – LYNC study protocol. DIGITAL HEALTH 2015;1 View
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  26. Van Deen W, van der Meulen-de Jong A, Parekh N, Kane E, Zand A, DiNicola C, Hall L, Inserra E, Choi J, Ha C, Esrailian E, van Oijen M, Hommes D. Development and Validation of an Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Monitoring Index for Use With Mobile Health Technologies. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016;14(12):1742 View
  27. Morrison D, Wyke S, Agur K, Cameron E, Docking R, MacKenzie A, McConnachie A, Raghuvir V, Thomson N, Mair F. Digital Asthma Self-Management Interventions: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(2):e51 View
  28. Echarri A, Vera I, Ollero V, Arajol C, Riestra S, Robledo P, Calvo M, Gallego F, Ceballos D, Castro B, Aguas M, García-López S, Marín-Jiménez I, Chaparro M, Mesonero P, Guerra I, Guardiola J, Nos P, Muñiz J. The Harvey–Bradshaw Index Adapted to a Mobile Application Compared with In-Clinic Assessment: The MediCrohn Study. Telemedicine and e-Health 2020;26(1):78 View
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  31. Griffiths F, Armoiry X, Atherton H, Bryce C, Buckle A, Cave J, Court R, Hamilton K, Dliwayo T, Dritsaki M, Elder P, Forjaz V, Fraser J, Goodwin R, Huxley C, Ignatowicz A, Karasouli E, Kim S, Kimani P, Madan J, Matharu H, May M, Musumadi L, Paul M, Raut G, Sankaranarayanan S, Slowther A, Sujan M, Sutcliffe P, Svahnstrom I, Taggart F, Uddin A, Verran A, Walker L, Sturt J. The role of digital communication in patient–clinician communication for NHS providers of specialist clinical services for young people [the Long-term conditions Young people Networked Communication (LYNC) study]: a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research 2018;6(9):1 View
  32. Slev V, Mistiaen P, Pasman H, Leeuw I, Uden-Kraan C, Francke A. Effects of eHealth for patients and informal caregivers confronted with cancer: A meta-review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2016;87:54 View
  33. Smith T, Beckwitt A, van de Poll-Franse L, Bontemps-Jones J, James T, McCabe R, Francescatti A, Aaronson N. Oncology team perspectives on distress screening: a multisite study of a well-established use of patient-reported outcomes for clinical assessment. Supportive Care in Cancer 2022;30(2):1261 View
  34. Pretorius C, McCashin D, Coyle D. Supporting personal preferences and different levels of need in online help-seeking: a comparative study of help-seeking technologies for mental health. Human–Computer Interaction 2024;39(5-6):288 View
  35. Holch P, Absolom K, Henry A, Walker K, Gibson A, Hudson E, Rogers Z, Holmes M, Peacock R, Pini S, Gilbert A, Davidson S, Routledge J, Murphy A, Franks K, Hulme C, Hewison J, Morris C, McParland L, Brown J, Velikova G. Online Symptom Monitoring During Pelvic Radiation Therapy: Randomized Pilot Trial of the eRAPID Intervention. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics 2023;115(3):664 View
  36. Cocosila M, Farrelly G, Trabelsi H. Perceptions of users and non-users of an early contact tracing mobile application to fight COVID-19 spread: a value-based empirical investigation. Information Technology & People 2023;36(5):2088 View
  37. Grove B, Valen Schougaard L, Ivarsen P, Hjollund N, de Thurah A, Mejdahl C, Jayakody Mudiyanselage S. Remote follow-up based on patient-reported outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study of patient perspectives. PLOS ONE 2023;18(2):e0281393 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Zilli T, Miralbell R. Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Prostate Cancer. View