Published on in Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Jan-Feb

Developing Health Promotion Interventions on Social Networking Sites: Recommendations from The FaceSpace Project

Developing Health Promotion Interventions on Social Networking Sites: Recommendations from The FaceSpace Project

Developing Health Promotion Interventions on Social Networking Sites: Recommendations from The FaceSpace Project


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  45. Gabarron E, Luque L, Schopf T, Lau A, Armayones M, Wynn R, Serrano J. Impact of Facebook Ads for Sexual Health Promotion Via an Educational Web App. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications 2017;8(2):18 View
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  47. Martin P, Alberti C, Gottot S, Bourmaud A, de La Rochebrochard E. Expert Opinions on Web-Based Peer Education Interventions for Youth Sexual Health Promotion: Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(11):e18650 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Johnston C, Hernandez D, Shuaib A. Nutrition in Lifestyle Medicine. View
  2. Lewis B, Lewis J. Health Communication. View
  3. Antebi N, Schrimshaw E. Encyclopedia of AIDS. View
  4. Lindacher V, Loss J. Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  5. Antebi N, Schrimshaw E. Encyclopedia of AIDS. View
  6. Lindacher V, Loss J. Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  7. Bull S, Walker T, Levine D. Innovations in HIV Prevention Research and Practice through Community Engagement. View
  8. Gabarron E, Luque L, Schopf T, Lau A, Armayones M, Wynn R, Serrano J. Healthcare Policy and Reform. View
  9. Levin-Zamir D, Bertschi I, McElhinney E, Rowlands G. Handbook of Settings-Based Health Promotion. View
  10. Luna J, Lovasi G. Handbook of Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine. View