Published on in Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Jan-Feb

Web-Based Recruiting for Health Research Using a Social Networking Site: An Exploratory Study

Web-Based Recruiting for Health Research Using a Social Networking Site: An Exploratory Study

Web-Based Recruiting for Health Research Using a Social Networking Site: An Exploratory Study


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  48. Subasinghe A, Wark J, Gorelik A, Callegari E, Garland S. The association between inflammation, obesity and elevated blood pressure in 16–25-year-old females. Journal of Human Hypertension 2017;31(9):580 View
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  62. Charbonnier E, Dumas F, Chesterman A, Graziani P. Characteristics of Stress and Suicidal Ideation in the Disclosure of Sexual Orientation among Young French LGB Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(2):290 View
  63. Mishra G, Hockey R, Powers J, Loxton D, Tooth L, Rowlands I, Byles J, Dobson A. Recruitment via the Internet and Social Networking Sites: The 1989-1995 Cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(12):e279 View
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  68. Loxton D, Powers J, Anderson A, Townsend N, Harris M, Tuckerman R, Pease S, Mishra G, Byles J. Online and Offline Recruitment of Young Women for a Longitudinal Health Survey: Findings From the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health 1989-95 Cohort. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(5):e109 View
  69. Khairat S, Ottmar P, Sleath B, Welch B, Qanungo S, Nichols M, Obeid J. Facilitating the Informed Consent Process Using Teleconsent: Protocol for a Feasibility and Efficacy Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(10):e11239 View
  70. Young E, Tabrizi S, Brotherton J, Wark J, Pyman J, Saville M, Wrede C, Jayasinghe Y, Tan J, Gertig D, Pitts M, Garland S. Measuring effectiveness of the cervical cancer vaccine in an Australian setting (the VACCINE study). BMC Cancer 2013;13(1) View
  71. Tustin J, Crowcroft N, Gesink D, Johnson I, Keelan J, Lachapelle B. Facebook Recruitment of Vaccine-Hesitant Canadian Parents: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2017;3(3):e47 View
  72. Batterham P. Recruitment of mental health survey participants using Internet advertising: content, characteristics and cost effectiveness. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2014;23(2):184 View
  73. Tavener M, Mooney R, Thomson C, Loxton D. The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health: Using Focus Groups to Inform Recruitment. JMIR Research Protocols 2016;5(1):e31 View
  74. Parkinson S, Bromfield L. Recruiting young adults to child maltreatment research through Facebook: A feasibility study. Child Abuse & Neglect 2013;37(9):716 View
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  77. Jones R, Goldsmith L, Hewson P, Williams C. Recruitment to Online Therapies for Depression: Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013;15(3):e45 View
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  82. Khazaal Y, van Singer M, Chatton A, Achab S, Zullino D, Rothen S, Khan R, Billieux J, Thorens G. Does Self-Selection Affect Samples’ Representativeness in Online Surveys? An Investigation in Online Video Game Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(7):e164 View
  83. Guillory J, Wiant K, Farrelly M, Fiacco L, Alam I, Hoffman L, Crankshaw E, Delahanty J, Alexander T. Recruiting Hard-to-Reach Populations for Survey Research: Using Facebook and Instagram Advertisements and In-Person Intercept in LGBT Bars and Nightclubs to Recruit LGBT Young Adults. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(6):e197 View
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  87. Jiang H, Robinson D, Nankervis A, Garland S, Callegari E, Price S, Lee P, Wark J. Bone Measures by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography in Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2021;24(2):259 View
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  91. Hildebrand J, Burns S, Zhao Y, Lobo R, Howat P, Allsop S, Maycock B. Potential and Challenges in Collecting Social and Behavioral Data on Adolescent Alcohol Norms: Comparing Respondent-Driven Sampling and Web-Based Respondent-Driven Sampling. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(12):e285 View
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  94. Loux T, Nelson E, Arnold L, Shacham E, Schootman M. Using multilevel regression with poststratification to obtain regional health estimates from a Facebook-recruited sample. Annals of Epidemiology 2019;39:15 View
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  97. González S, Grov C. Recruiting young women of color into a pilot RCT targeting sexual health: Lessons learned and implications for applied health technology research. Journal of American College Health 2022;70(1):305 View
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  102. Das R, Machalek D, Molesworth E, Garland S. Using Facebook to Recruit Young Australian Men Into a Cross-Sectional Human Papillomavirus Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(11):e389 View
  103. Amon K, Paxton K, Klineberg E, Riley L, Hawke C, Steinbeck K. Insights into Facebook Pages: an early adolescent health research study page targeted at parents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 2016;28(1):69 View
  104. Subasinghe A, Garland S, Gorelik A, Tay I, Wark J. Using Mobile Technology to Improve Bone-Related Lifestyle Risk Factors in Young Women With Low Bone Mineral Density: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2019;3(1):e9435 View
  105. Derrick J, Eliseo-Arras R, Hanny C, Britton M, Haddad S. Comparison of internet and mailing methods to recruit couples into research on unaided smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors 2017;75:12 View
  106. Clyne W, Pezaro S, Deeny K, Kneafsey R. Using Social Media to Generate and Collect Primary Data: The #ShowsWorkplaceCompassion Twitter Research Campaign. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(2):e41 View
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  108. Valdez R, Guterbock T, Thompson M, Reilly J, Menefee H, Bennici M, Williams I, Rexrode D. Beyond Traditional Advertisements: Leveraging Facebook’s Social Structures for Research Recruitment. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(10):e243 View
  109. Tirlapur S, Leung E, Ball E, Khan K, Clark T. Future research in gynaecological surgery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2013;27(3):471 View
  110. Callegari E, Gorelik A, Garland S, Chiang C, Wark J. Bone turnover marker reference intervals in young females. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2017;54(4):438 View
  111. Khatri C, Chapman S, Glasbey J, Kelly M, Nepogodiev D, Bhangu A, Fitzgerald J, Sullivan P. Social Media and Internet Driven Study Recruitment: Evaluating a New Model for Promoting Collaborator Engagement and Participation. PLOS ONE 2015;10(3):e0118899 View
  112. Jones R, Lacroix L, Nolte K. “Is Your Man Stepping Out?” An Online Pilot Study to Evaluate Acceptability of a Guide-Enhanced HIV Prevention Soap Opera Video Series and Feasibility of Recruitment by Facebook Advertising. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 2015;26(4):368 View
  113. Callegari E, Garland S, Gorelik A, Wark J. Determinants of bone mineral density in young Australian women; results from the Safe-D study. Osteoporosis International 2017;28(9):2619 View
  114. Osborne S, Tabrizi S, Brotherton J, Cornall A, Wark J, Wrede C, Jayasinghe Y, Gertig D, Pitts M, Garland S. Assessing genital human papillomavirus genoprevalence in young Australian women following the introduction of a national vaccination program. Vaccine 2015;33(1):201 View
  115. Arafa A, Anzengruber F, Mostafa A, Navarini A. Perspectives of online surveys in dermatology. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2019;33(3):511 View
  116. Farina-Henry E, Waterston L, Blaisdell L. Social Media Use in Research: Engaging Communities in Cohort Studies to Support Recruitment and Retention. JMIR Research Protocols 2015;4(3):e90 View
  117. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Effectiveness of Organ Donation Information Campaigns in Germany: A Facebook Based Online Survey. interactive Journal of Medical Research 2015;4(3):e16 View
  118. Carlini B, Safioti L, Rue T, Miles L. Using Internet to Recruit Immigrants with Language and Culture Barriers for Tobacco and Alcohol Use Screening: A Study Among Brazilians. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2015;17(2):553 View
  119. Kajdy A, Feduniw S, Ajdacka U, Modzelewski J, Baranowska B, Sys D, Pokropek A, Pawlicka P, Kaźmierczak M, Rabijewski M, Jasiak H, Lewandowska R, Borowski D, Kwiatkowski S, Poon L. Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicine 2020;99(30):e21279 View
  120. Callegari E, Garland S, Gorelik A, Chiang C, Wark J. Bone turnover marker determinants in young women: results from the Safe-D study. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2018;55(3):328 View
  121. Charbonnier É, Hatteschweiler C, Graziani P. Risque suicidaire et stress chez les jeunes homosexuels. Psychologie Française 2015;60(3):209 View
  122. Caplan A, Friesen P. Health disparities and clinical trial recruitment: Is there a duty to tweet?. PLOS Biology 2017;15(3):e2002040 View
  123. Nichols P, Harris K, Brant A, Manka M, Haney N, Johnson M, Herati A, Allaf M, Pierorazio P. Patient Decision-making and Predictors of Genital Satisfaction Associated With Testicular Prostheses After Radical Orchiectomy: A Questionnaire-based Study of Men With Germ Cell Tumors of the Testicle. Urology 2019;124:276 View
  124. Brieger K, Zajac G, Pandit A, Foerster J, Li K, Annis A, Schmidt E, Clark C, McMorrow K, Zhou W, Yang J, Kwong A, Boughton A, Wu J, Scheller C, Parikh T, de la Vega A, Brazel D, Frieser M, Rea-Sandin G, Fritsche L, Vrieze S, Abecasis G. Genes for Good: Engaging the Public in Genetics Research via Social Media. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2019;105(1):65 View
  125. Amon K, Campbell A, Hawke C, Steinbeck K. Facebook as a Recruitment Tool for Adolescent Health Research: A Systematic Review. Academic Pediatrics 2014;14(5):439 View
  126. Leach L, Butterworth P, Poyser C, Batterham P, Farrer L. Online Recruitment: Feasibility, Cost, and Representativeness in a Study of Postpartum Women. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(3):e61 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Akhtar S. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. View
  2. Gray K, Sanchez F, Bright G, Cheng A. Advancing Medical Practice through Technology. View
  3. Christie J, Nowson C, Garland S, Wark J. Nutritional Influences on Bone Health. View
  4. Akhtar S. Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Media and Communications. View
  5. Marques-da-Silva D, Francisco R, dos Reis Ferreira V, Forbat L, Lagoa R, Videira P, Witters P, Jaeken J, Cassiman D. JIMD Reports, Volume 44. View
  6. English R. Gender Considerations in Online Consumption Behavior and Internet Use. View
  7. Rambaree K, Faxelid E. Advancing Research Methods with New Technologies. View
  8. Gray K, Sanchez F, Bright G, Cheng A. Remote Work and Collaboration. View
  9. Lefèvre T, Delpierre C. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. View
  10. Custódio P, Telles C, Azevedo Barros N. Sustainable Policies and Practices in Energy, Environment and Health Research. View
  11. Lefèvre T, Delpierre C. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. View