Published on in Vol 7, No 1 (2005):

Usage and Longitudinal Effectiveness of a Web-Based Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Panic Disorder

Usage and Longitudinal Effectiveness of a Web-Based Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Panic Disorder

Usage and Longitudinal Effectiveness of a Web-Based Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Panic Disorder


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  128. Weaver A, Zhang A, Xiang X, Felsman P, Fischer D, Himle J. Entertain Me Well: An Entertaining, Tailorable, Online Platform Delivering CBT for Depression. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 2023;30(1):96 View
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  130. Musiat P, Johnson C, Atkinson M, Wilksch S, Wade T. Impact of guidance on intervention adherence in computerised interventions for mental health problems: a meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 2022;52(2):229 View
  131. Hill C, Reardon T, Taylor L, Creswell C. Online Support and Intervention for Child Anxiety (OSI): Development and Usability Testing. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e29846 View
  132. Eberle J, Boukhechba M, Sun J, Zhang D, Funk D, Barnes L, Teachman B. Shifting Episodic Prediction With Online Cognitive Bias Modification: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Psychological Science 2023;11(5):819 View
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  134. Skaczkowski G, van der Kruk S, Loxton S, Hughes-Barton D, Howell C, Turnbull D, Jensen N, Smout M, Gunn K. Web-Based Interventions to Help Australian Adults Address Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation, and General Mental Well-being: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(2):e31018 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Pohlmeyer A. Positive Psychology Interventions in Practice. View
  2. Gillispie J. Psychology and the Internet. View
  3. Andersson G. The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders. View
  4. Andersson G, Carlbring P, Furmark T. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Social Anxiety Disorder. View
  5. Andersson G, Carlbring P. Stepped Care and e-Health. View
  6. van Ballegooijen W, Klein B, Lindefors N. Guided Internet-Based Treatments in Psychiatry. View
  7. Kay-Lambkin F, Heinsch M, Sampson D. Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. View
  8. . Mental Health and Social Space. View