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Published on 24.09.03 in Vol 5, No 3 (2003)

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Works citing "Designing Tailored Web-Based Instruction to Improve Practicing Physicians' Preventive Practices"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.5.3.e20):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Ruiz VR, Quinonez RB, Wilder RS, Phillips C. Infant and Toddler Oral Health: Attitudes and Practice Behaviors of North Carolina Dental Hygienists. Journal of Dental Education 2014;78(1):146
  2. Seagull FJ, Xiao Y, Bochicchio GV, Guzzo J, Dutton RP, Sisley A, Joshi M, Standiford HC, Hebden J, Mackenzie CF, Scalea T. Real Video Clips Make a Real Difference: Video-Based Training for Improving Sterile Practices. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2006;50(9):894
  3. Rossett A, McDonald JA. Evaluating Technology-Enhanced Continuing Medical Education. Medical Education Online 2006;11(1):4609
  4. Friedl R, Höppler H, Ecard K, Scholz W, Hannekum A, Oechsner W, Stracke S. Comparative Evaluation of Multimedia Driven, Interactive, and Case-Based Teaching in Heart Surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2006;82(5):1790
  5. Brooks EM, Gonzalez M, Eden AR, O'Neal J, Sabo RT, Etz RS. What Family Physicians Really Think of Maintenance of Certification Part II Activities. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2017;
  6. Fontaine G, Cossette S, Maheu-Cadotte M, Mailhot T, Deschênes M, Mathieu-Dupuis G, Côté J, Gagnon M, Dubé V. Efficacy of adaptive e-learning for health professionals and students: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2019;9(8):e025252
  7. Fleet LJ, Fox G, Kirby F, Whitton C, McIvor A. Evaluation Outcomes Resulting from an Internet-Based Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Asthma Program: Its Impact on Participants' Knowledge and Satisfaction. Journal of Asthma 2011;48(4):400
  8. Casebeer L, Kristofco RE, Strasser S, Reilly M, Krishnamoorthy P, Rabin A, Zheng S, Karp S, Myers L. Standardizing evaluation of on-line continuing medical education: Physician knowledge, attitudes, and reflection on practice. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2004;24(2):68
  9. Canchihuaman FA, Garcia PJ, Gloyd SS, Holmes KK, Gupta V. An Interactive Internet-Based Continuing Education Course on Sexually Transmitted Diseases for Physicians and Midwives in Peru. PLoS ONE 2011;6(5):e19318
  10. Harris JM, Sklar BM, Amend RW, Novalis-Marine C. The growth, characteristics, and future of online CME. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2010;30(1):3
  11. Short LM, Surprenant ZJ, Harris JM. A Community-Based Trial of an Online Intimate Partner Violence CME Program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2006;30(2):181
  12. Houwink EJ, van Teeffelen SR, Muijtjens AM, Henneman L, Jacobi F, van Luijk SJ, Jan Dinant G, van der Vleuten C, Cornel MC. Sustained effects of online genetics education: a randomized controlled trial on oncogenetics. European Journal of Human Genetics 2014;22(3):310
  13. Stergiou N, Georgoulakis G, Margari N, Aninos D, Stamataki M, Stergiou E, Pouliakis A, Karakitsos P. Using a web-based system for the continuous distance education in cytopathology. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2009;78(12):827
  14. Baker R, Camosso-Stefinovic J, Gillies C, Shaw EJ, Cheater F, Flottorp S, Robertson N, Wensing M, Fiander M, Eccles MP, Godycki-Cwirko M, van Lieshout J, Jäger C. Tailored interventions to address determinants of practice. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015;2015(4)
  15. Lloyd-Williams M, Kite S, Hicks F, Todd J, Ward J, Barnett M. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in palliative medicine: a survey. Medical Teacher 2006;28(2):171
  16. Denham AM, Halpin S, Twyman L, Guillaumier A, Bonevski B. Prevent 2nd Stroke: a pilot study of an online secondary prevention program for stroke survivors. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2018;42(5):484
  17. Wong G, Greenhalgh T, Pawson R. Internet-based medical education: a realist review of what works, for whom and in what circumstances. BMC Medical Education 2010;10(1)
  18. Abdolrasulnia M, Collins BC, Casebeer L, Wall T, Spettell C, Ray MN, Weissman NW, Allison JJ. Using email reminders to engage physicians in an Internet-based CME intervention. BMC Medical Education 2004;4(1)
  19. Scott KM, Baur L, Barrett J. Evidence-Based Principles for Using Technology-Enhanced Learning in the Continuing Professional Development of Health Professionals. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2017;37(1):61
  20. Shojania KG, Jennings A, Mayhew A, Ramsay CR, Eccles MP, Grimshaw J. The effects of on-screen, point of care computer reminders on processes and outcomes of care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009;
  21. Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Wall T, Casebeer L, Ray MN, Spettell CM, Hook EW, Oh MK, Person SD, Weissman NW. Multicomponent Internet continuing medical education to promote chlamydia screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;28(3):285
  22. Fiander M, McGowan J, Grad R, Pluye P, Hannes K, Labrecque M, Roberts NW, Salzwedel DM, Welch V, Tugwell P. Interventions to increase the use of electronic health information by healthcare practitioners to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015;2015(3)
  23. Truncali A, Lee JD, Ark TK, Gillespie C, Triola M, Hanley K, Gourevitch MN, Kalet AL. Teaching physicians to address unhealthy alcohol use: A randomized controlled trial assessing the effect of a Web-based module on medical student performance. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2011;40(2):203
  24. Midmer D, Kahan M, Marlow B. Effects of a distance learning program on physicians' opioid- and benzodiazepine-prescribing skills. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2006;26(4):294
  25. Gil-Guillén V, Carratalá Munuera MC, Orozco-Beltrán D, Quirce Andrés F, Rentero Caño ML, Merino Sánchez J. Programas de doctorado en Medicina de Familia: un nuevo servicio de la universidad para los médicos de atencion primaria. Atención Primaria 2009;41(3):163
  26. Rosen BL, Bishop JM, McDonald SL, Kahn JA, Kreps GL. Quality of Web-Based Educational Interventions for Clinicians on Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Content and Usability Assessment. JMIR Cancer 2018;4(1):e3
  27. Xiao Y, Seagull FJ, Bochicchio GV, Guzzo JL, Dutton RP, Sisley A, Joshi M, Standiford HC, Hebden JN, Mackenzie CF, Scalea TM. Video-based training increases sterile-technique compliance during central venous catheter insertion*. Critical Care Medicine 2007;35(5):1302
  28. Marsh-Tootle WL, Funkhouser E, Frazier MG, Crenshaw K, Wall TC. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Environment: What Primary Care Providers Say About Pre-School Vision Screening. Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(2):104
  29. Kemper KJ, Woods C, McBride A. What’s in a Name? Impact of Marketing Different Course Titles on Enrollment for Online Classes. Academic Medicine 2008;83(12):1187
  30. Gagnon M, Légaré F, Labrecque M, Frémont P, Pluye P, Gagnon J, Car J, Pagliari C, Desmartis M, Turcot L, Gravel K. Interventions for promoting information and communication technologies adoption in healthcare professionals. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009;2010(1)
  31. Curran VR, Fleet LJ, Kirby F. A comparative evaluation of the effect of internet-based CME delivery format on satisfaction, knowledge and confidence. BMC Medical Education 2010;10(1)
  32. Calderwood AH, Logan JR, Zurfluh M, Lieberman DA, Jacobson BC, Heeren TC, Schroy PC. Validity of a Web-based Educational Program to Disseminate a Standardized Bowel Preparation Rating Scale. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2014;48(10):856
  33. Curran V, Rourke L, Snow P. A framework for enhancing continuing medical education for rural physicians: A summary of the literature. Medical Teacher 2010;32(11):e501
  34. Harris JM, Elliott TE, Davis BE, Chabal C, Fulginiti JV, Fine PG. Educating Generalist Physicians about Chronic Pain: Live Experts and Online Education Can Provide Durable Benefits. Pain Medicine 2008;9(5):555
  35. Finkelstein J, Lapshin O. Reducing depression stigma using a web-based program. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2007;76(10):726
  36. Cook DA, Garside S, Levinson AJ, Dupras DM, Montori VM. What do we mean by web-based learning? A systematic review of the variability of interventions. Medical Education 2010;44(8):765
  37. Bonevski B, Magin P, Horton G, Bryant J, Randell M, Kimlin M. An internet based approach to improve general practitioners’ knowledge and practices: The development and pilot testing of the “ABC's of vitamin D” program. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2015;84(6):413
  38. Sedory Holzer SE, Kokemueller P. Internet Platforms for Lifelong Learning: A Continuum of Opportunity. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 2007;40(6):1275
  39. Hon C, Gamage B, Bryce EA, LoChang J, Yassi A, Maultsaid D, Yu S. Personal protective equipment in health care: Can online infection control courses transfer knowledge and improve proper selection and use?. American Journal of Infection Control 2008;36(10):e33
  40. Tian J, Atkinson NL, Portnoy B, Gold RS. A systematic review of evaluation in formal continuing medical education. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2007;27(1):16
  41. . Behavioral Problems In The Utilization Of New Technology To Control Caries: Patients And Provider Readiness And Motivation. BMC Oral Health 2006;6(S1)
  42. Hansen KE, Rosenblatt ER, Gjerde CL, Crowe ME. Can an Online Osteoporosis Lecture Increase Physician Knowledge and Improve Patient Care?. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2007;10(1):10
  43. Bishop JM, Real FJ, McDonald SL, Klein M, DeBlasio D, Kahn JA, Kreps GL, Rosen BL. Evaluation of HPV Vaccine: Same Way, Same DayTM: A Pilot Study. Journal of Health Communication 2021;26(12):839
  44. Denham AMJ, Guillaumier A, McCrabb S, Turner A, Baker AL, Spratt NJ, Pollack M, Magin P, Oldmeadow C, Collins C, Callister R, Wallis M, Wynne O, Bonevski B. Development of an online secondary prevention programme for stroke survivors: Prevent 2nd Stroke. BMJ Innovations 2019;5(1):35
  45. Cook DA, Beckman TJ, Thomas KG, Thompson WG. Adapting Web-based Instruction to Residents’ Knowledge Improves Learning Efficiency. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008;23(7):985
  46. Jabbour J, Dhillon HM, Shepherd HL, Sundaresan P, Milross C, Clark JR. A web-based comprehensive head and neck cancer patient education and support needs program: Usability testing. Health Informatics Journal 2022;28(1):146045822210871
  47. Mahimbo A, Tiwari P, Abdi I, Seale H, Charania N, Heywood AE. Designing an online educational program to improve immunisation service delivery for migrants and refugees in Australia and New Zealand. Discover Health Systems 2023;2(1)
  48. Naemi R, Sanjari M, Aalaa M, Atlasi R, Fahimfar N, Ostovar A, Nomali M, Mehrdad N, Larijani B. Osteoporosis e-learning courses: A systematic review to develop a comprehensive virtual course for General Practitioners. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 2023;23(1):251

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.5.3.e20):

  1. Pouliakis A, Archondakis S, Karakitsou E, Karakitsos P. Cloud Computing Applications for Quality Health Care Delivery. 2014. chapter 13:250
  2. Cheater F, Baker R, Gillies C, Hearnshaw H, Flottorp S, Robertson N, Shaw EJ, Oxman AD, Shaw EJ. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2005.
  3. McGowan J, Grad R, Pluye P, Hannes K, Deane K, Labrecque M, Welch V, Tugwell P, McGowan J. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2009.
  4. Pouliakis A, Margari N, Karakitsou E, Archondakis S, Karakitsos P. Emerging Developments and Practices in Oncology. 2018. chapter 5:114
  5. Pouliakis A, Archondakis S, Karakitsou E, Karakitsos P. Cloud Technology. 2015. chapter 60:1312
  6. Mixon AS, Powell L, Estrada CA. Essentials of Clinical Research. 2014. Chapter 13:275
  7. Archondakis S, Vavoulidis E, Nasioutziki M, Oustampasidou O, Daniilidis A, Vatopoulou A, Papanikolaou A, Dinas K. Mobile Health Applications for Quality Healthcare Delivery. 2019. chapter 8:165
  8. Rodríguez M, Preciado A. Advances in Web Intelligence. 2004. Chapter 9:64
  9. Salanitro AH, Estrada CA, Allison JJ. Essentials of Clinical Research. 2008. Chapter 13:217
  10. Pouliakis A, Margari N, Karakitsou E, Archondakis S, Karakitsos P. Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing. 2021. chapter 85:1740
  11. Archondakis S, Vavoulidis E, Nasioutziki M, Oustampasidou O, Daniilidis A, Vatopoulou A, Papanikolaou A, Dinas K. Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing. 2021. chapter 48:1011