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Published on 23.12.16 in Vol 18, No 12 (2016): December

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Works citing "Drivers and Barriers to Acceptance of Web-Based Aftercare of Patients in Inpatient Routine Care: A Cross-Sectional Survey"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.6003):

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  2. Sotirova MB, McCaughan EM, Ramsey L, Flannagan C, Kerr DP, O’Connor SR, Blackburn NE, Wilson IM. Acceptability of online exercise-based interventions after breast cancer surgery: systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2021;15(2):281
  3. Hennemann S, Farnsteiner S, Sander L. Internet- and mobile-based aftercare and relapse prevention in mental disorders: A systematic review and recommendations for future research. Internet Interventions 2018;14:1
  4. Dülsen P, Bendig E, Küchler A, Christensen H, Baumeister H. Digital interventions in adult mental healthcare settings: recent evidence and future directions. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2020;33(4):422
  5. Griebel L, Enwald H, Gilstad H, Pohl A, Moreland J, Sedlmayr M. eHealth literacy research—Quo vadis?. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2018;43(4):427
  6. Owens OL, Wooten NR, Tavakoli AS. Development and initial psychometric evaluation of the computer-based prostate Cancer screening decision aid acceptance scale for African-American men. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019;19(1)
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  47. Netter A, Beintner I, Brakemeier E. Adding an App-Based Intervention to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy in Routine Outpatient Psychotherapy Treatment: Proof-of-Concept Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(8):e35482
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  55. Geiger S, Steinbach J, Skoda E, Jahre L, Rentrop V, Kocol D, Jansen C, Schüren L, Niedergethmann M, Teufel M, Bäuerle A. Needs and Demands for e-Mental Health Interventions in Individuals with Overweight and Obesity: User-Centred Design Approach. Obesity Facts 2023;16(2):173
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