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Published on 22.07.16 in Vol 18, No 7 (2016): July

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Works citing "Modelling and Predicting eHealth Usage in Europe: A Multidimensional Approach From an Online Survey of 13,000 European Union Internet Users"

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  3. Almenara CA, Aimé A, Maïano C. Vinegar and weight loss in women of eighteenth-century France: a lesson from the past. History of Psychiatry 2020;31(2):232
  4. Torrent-Sellens J, Díaz-Chao , Soler-Ramos I, Saigí-Rubió F. Modeling and Predicting Outcomes of eHealth Usage by European Physicians: Multidimensional Approach from a Survey of 9196 General Practitioners. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(10):e279
  5. Del Hoyo J, Nos P, Faubel R, Bastida G, Muñoz D, Valero-Pérez E, Garrido-Marín A, Bella P, Peña B, Savini C, Aguas M. Adaptation of TECCU App Based on Patients´ Perceptions for the Telemonitoring of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(6):1871
  6. Merkel S, Hess M. The Use of Internet-Based Health and Care Services by Elderly People in Europe and the Importance of the Country Context: Multilevel Study. JMIR Aging 2020;3(1):e15491
  7. Melchiorre MG, Papa R, Quattrini S, Lamura G, Barbabella F. Integrated Care Programs for People with Multimorbidity in European Countries: eHealth Adoption in Health Systems. BioMed Research International 2020;2020:1
  8. Hirano R, Yamaguchi S, Waki K, Kimura Y, Chin K, Nannya Y, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T, Ohe K. Willingness of Patients Prescribed Medications for Lifestyle-Related Diseases to Use Personal Health Records: Questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(5):e13866
  9. Almenara CA, Machackova H, Smahel D. Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Correlates of Using Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Fitness Websites: An Online Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(4):e10189
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  1. Hegerl U, Dogan E, Oehler C, Sander C, Stöber F. Gesundheit digital. 2019. Chapter 4:47