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Published on 13.06.16 in Vol 18, No 6 (2016): Jun

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Works citing "A Web-Based and Mobile Health Social Support Intervention to Promote Adherence to Inhaled Asthma Medications: Randomized Controlled Trial"

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  2. Symer MM, Abelson JS, Yeo HL. Barriers to Regionalized Surgical Care: Public Perspective Survey and Geospatial Analysis. Annals of Surgery 2019;269(1):73
  3. Simeon R, Dewidar O, Trawin J, Duench S, Manson H, Pardo Pardo J, Petkovic J, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P, Yoganathan M, Presseau J, Welch V. Behavior Change Techniques Included in Reports of Social Media Interventions for Promoting Health Behaviors in Adults: Content Analysis Within a Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(6):e16002
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  5. Ji H, Zhang L, Li L, Gong G, Cao Z, Zhang J, Zhou N, Wang Y, Tu H, Wang K. Illness perception in Chinese adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy Research 2016;128:94
  6. Normansell R, Kew KM, Stovold E. Interventions to improve adherence to inhaled steroids for asthma. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017;2017(4)
  7. Unni E, Gabriel S, Ariely R. A review of the use and effectiveness of digital health technologies in patients with asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2018;121(6):680
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  9. Jeminiwa R, Hohmann L, Qian J, Garza K, Hansen R, Fox BI. Impact of eHealth on medication adherence among patients with asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Respiratory Medicine 2019;149:59
  10. Blakey JD, Bender BG, Dima AL, Weinman J, Safioti G, Costello RW. Digital technologies and adherence in respiratory diseases: the road ahead. European Respiratory Journal 2018;52(5):1801147
  11. Wu W, Hung C. Impact of a peer virtual community on pregnant women's well‐being: A repeated‐measure and quasi‐experimental study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2019;75(5):1099
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