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Published on 29.06.16 in Vol 18, No 6 (2016): Jun

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Works citing "Adherence to Internet-Based Mobile-Supported Stress Management: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data From Three Randomized Controlled Trials"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.4493):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Ryan C, Bergin M, Wells JS. Theoretical Perspectives of Adherence to Web-Based Interventions: a Scoping Review. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2018;25(1):17
  2. Weisel KK, Lehr D, Heber E, Zarski A, Berking M, Riper H, Ebert DD. Severely Burdened Individuals Do Not Need to Be Excluded From Internet-Based and Mobile-Based Stress Management: Effect Modifiers of Treatment Outcomes From Three Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(6):e211
  3. Weisel KK, Zarski A, Berger T, Schaub MP, Krieger T, Moser CT, Berking M, Ebert DD. Transdiagnostic Tailored Internet- and Mobile-Based Guided Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder and Comorbid Anxiety: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018;9
  4. Kuster AT, Dalsbø TK, Luong Thanh BY, Agarwal A, Durand-Moreau QV, Kirkehei I. Computer-based versus in-person interventions for preventing and reducing stress in workers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017;2017(8)
  5. Villaume K, Tafvelin S, Hasson D. Health-relevant personality traits in relation to adherence to a web-based occupational health promotion and stress management intervention. International Journal of Workplace Health Management 2018;11(3):143
  6. Sieverink F, Kelders SM, van Gemert-Pijnen JE. Clarifying the Concept of Adherence to eHealth Technology: Systematic Review on When Usage Becomes Adherence. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(12):e402
  7. Bonn SE, Löf M, Östenson C, Trolle Lagerros Y. App-technology to improve lifestyle behaviors among working adults - the Health Integrator study, a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1)
  8. Etzelmueller A, Vis C, Karyotaki E, Baumeister H, Titov N, Berking M, Cuijpers P, Riper H, Ebert DD. Effects of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Care for Adults in Treatment for Depression and Anxiety: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(8):e18100
  9. Kählke F, Buntrock C, Smit F, Berking M, Lehr D, Heber E, Funk B, Riper H, Ebert DD. Economic Evaluation of an Internet-Based Stress Management Intervention Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2019;6(5):e10866
  10. Ebert DD, Buntrock C, Lehr D, Smit F, Riper H, Baumeister H, Cuijpers P, Berking M. Effectiveness of Web- and Mobile-Based Treatment of Subthreshold Depression With Adherence-Focused Guidance: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy 2018;49(1):71
  11. Kählke F, Berger T, Schulz A, Baumeister H, Berking M, Auerbach RP, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Kessler RC, Ebert DD. Efficacy of an unguided internet‐based self‐help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2019;28(2)
  12. Boß L, Lehr D, Schaub MP, Paz Castro R, Riper H, Berking M, Ebert DD. Efficacy of a web‐based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking: results of a three‐arm randomized controlled trial. Addiction 2018;113(4):635
  13. Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Fritsche L, Drüge M, Krings L, Beck K, Salewski C, Zarski A, Lehr D, Baumeister H, Ebert DD. Internet- and App-Based Stress Intervention for Distance-Learning Students With Depressive Symptoms: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019;10
  14. Beintner I, Görlich D, Berger T, Ebert DD, Zeiler M, Herrero Camarano R, Waldherr K, Jacobi C. Interrelations between participant and intervention characteristics, process variables and outcomes in online interventions: A protocol for overarching analyses within and across seven clinical trials in ICare. Internet Interventions 2019;16:86
  15. Khalili-Mahani N, Smyrnova A, Kakinami L. To Each Stress Its Own Screen: A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Patterns of Stress and Various Screen Uses in Relation to Self-Admitted Screen Addiction. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(4):e11485
  16. Ebert DD, Cuijpers P, Muñoz RF, Baumeister H. Prevention of Mental Health Disorders Using Internet- and Mobile-Based Interventions: A Narrative Review and Recommendations for Future Research. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2017;8
  17. Saruhanjan K, Zarski A, Schaub MP, Ebert DD. Design of a Guided Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Internet Use Disorder—Study Protocol for a Two-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020;11
  18. Heikkilä P, Mattila E, Ainasoja M. Field study of a web service for stimulating the positive side of stress: entrepreneurs’ experiences and design implications. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2019;19(1)
  19. Renfrew ME, Morton DP, Morton JK, Hinze JS, Beamish PJ, Przybylko G, Craig BA. A Web- and Mobile App–Based Mental Health Promotion Intervention Comparing Email, Short Message Service, and Videoconferencing Support for a Healthy Cohort: Randomized Comparative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(1):e15592
  20. Zarski A, Berking M, Ebert DD. Efficacy of Internet-Based Guided Treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Rationale, Treatment Protocol, and Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018;8
  21. Harrer M, Adam SH, Fleischmann RJ, Baumeister H, Auerbach R, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Kessler RC, Berking M, Lehr D, Ebert DD. Effectiveness of an Internet- and App-Based Intervention for College Students With Elevated Stress: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(4):e136
  22. Karekla M, Kasinopoulos O, Neto DD, Ebert DD, Van Daele T, Nordgreen T, Höfer S, Oeverland S, Jensen KL. Best Practices and Recommendations for Digital Interventions to Improve Engagement and Adherence in Chronic Illness Sufferers. European Psychologist 2019;24(1):49
  23. Amann M, Haug S, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Ebert DD, Berger T, Stark L, Walter M, Schaub MP. The Effects of Social Presence on Adherence-Focused Guidance in Problematic Cannabis Users: Protocol for the CANreduce 2.0 Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(1):e30
  24. Servant D, Leterme A, Barasino O, Rougegrez L, Duhamel A, Vaiva G. Efficacy of Seren@ctif, a Computer-Based Stress Management Program for Patients With Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety: Protocol for a Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(10):e190
  25. Zarski A, Berking M, Reis D, Lehr D, Buntrock C, Schwarzer R, Ebert DD. Turning Good Intentions Into Actions by Using the Health Action Process Approach to Predict Adherence to Internet-Based Depression Prevention: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(1):e9
  26. Arnold C, Villagonzalo K, Meyer D, Farhall J, Foley F, Kyrios M, Thomas N. Predicting engagement with an online psychosocial intervention for psychosis: Exploring individual- and intervention-level predictors. Internet Interventions 2019;18:100266
  27. Heber E, Ebert DD, Lehr D, Cuijpers P, Berking M, Nobis S, Riper H. The Benefit of Web- and Computer-Based Interventions for Stress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(2):e32
  28. Carolan S, Harris PR, Cavanagh K. Improving Employee Well-Being and Effectiveness: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Web-Based Psychological Interventions Delivered in the Workplace. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(7):e271
  29. Ebert DD, Van Daele T, Nordgreen T, Karekla M, Compare A, Zarbo C, Brugnera A, Øverland S, Trebbi G, Jensen KL, Kaehlke F, Baumeister H. Internet- and Mobile-Based Psychological Interventions: Applications, Efficacy, and Potential for Improving Mental Health. European Psychologist 2018;23(2):167
  30. Heckendorf H, Lehr D, Ebert DD, Freund H. Efficacy of an internet and app-based gratitude intervention in reducing repetitive negative thinking and mechanisms of change in the intervention's effect on anxiety and depression: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2019;119:103415
  31. Kählke F, Berger T, Schulz A, Baumeister H, Berking M, Cuijpers P, Bruffaerts R, Auerbach RP, Kessler RC, Ebert DD. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an unguided, internet-based self-help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2019;19(1)
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  33. Fleischmann R, Harrer M, Zarski A, Baumeister H, Lehr D, Ebert D. Patients' experiences in a guided Internet- and App-based stress intervention for college students: A qualitative study. Internet Interventions 2018;12:130
  34. Renfrew ME, Morton DP, Morton JK, Hinze JS, Przybylko G, Craig BA. The Influence of Three Modes of Human Support on Attrition and Adherence to a Web- and Mobile App–Based Mental Health Promotion Intervention in a Nonclinical Cohort: Randomized Comparative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(9):e19945
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  36. Stanger C, Kowatsch T, Xie H, Nahum-Shani I, Lim-Liberty F, Anderson M, Santhanam P, Kaden S, Rosenberg B. A Digital Health Intervention (SweetGoals) for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Protocol for a Factorial Randomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(2):e27109
  37. Baumgartner C, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Malischnig D, Augsburger M, Walter M, Berger T, Stark L, Ebert DD, Keough MT, Haug S. CANreduce 2.0 Adherence-Focused Guidance for Internet Self-Help Among Cannabis Users: Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(4):e27463
  38. Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Fritsche L, Salewski C, Zarski A, Lehr D, Baumeister H, Cuijpers P, Ebert DD. Effect of an internet- and app-based stress intervention compared to online psychoeducation in university students with depressive symptoms: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2021;24:100374
  39. Renfrew ME, Morton DP, Northcote M, Morton JK, Hinze JS, Przybylko G. Participant Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Adherence in a Digital Mental Health Intervention for a Nonclinical Cohort: Content Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(4):e25358
  40. . Low-Intensity Interventions and EMDR Therapy. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 2021;15(2):86
  41. Ebert DD, Franke M, Zarski A, Berking M, Riper H, Cuijpers P, Funk B, Lehr D. Effectiveness and Moderators of an Internet-Based Mobile-Supported Stress Management Intervention as a Universal Prevention Approach: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(12):e22107
  42. Hartmann AS, Schmidt M, Staufenbiel T, Ebert DD, Martin A, Schoenenberg K. ImaginYouth—A Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Adolescents and Young Adults With Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Study Protocol for a Two-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021;12
  43. Anton MT, Greenberger HM, Andreopoulos E, Pande RL. Evaluation of a Commercial Mobile Health App for Depression and Anxiety (AbleTo Digital+): Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(9):e27570
  44. Nixon P, Boß L, Heber E, Ebert DD, Lehr D. A three-armed randomised controlled trial investigating the comparative impact of guidance on the efficacy of a web-based stress management intervention and health impairing and promoting mechanisms of prevention. BMC Public Health 2021;21(1)
  45. Nixon P, Ebert DD, Boß L, Angerer P, Dragano N, Lehr D. The Efficacy of a Web-Based Stress Management Intervention for Employees Experiencing Adverse Working Conditions and Occupational Self-efficacy as a Mediator: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(10):e40488
  46. Saleem M, Kühne L, De Santis KK, Christianson L, Brand T, Busse H. Understanding Engagement Strategies in Digital Interventions for Mental Health Promotion: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(12):e30000
  47. Muuraiskangas ST, Honka AM, Junno U, Nieminen HO, Kaartinen JK. A Technology-Assisted Telephone Intervention for Work-Related Stress Management: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(7):e26569
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  50. Amanvermez Y, Zhao R, Cuijpers P, de Wit LM, Ebert DD, Kessler RC, Bruffaerts R, Karyotaki E. Effects of self-guided stress management interventions in college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Internet Interventions 2022;28:100503
  51. Blanco V, Otero P, Vázquez FL. A pilot study for a smartphone app for the prevention of depression in non-professional caregivers. Aging & Mental Health 2023;27(1):166
  52. Leach B, Parkinson S, Gkousis E, Abel G, Atherton H, Campbell J, Clark C, Cockcroft E, Marriott C, Pitchforth E, Sussex J. Digital Facilitation to Support Patient Access to Web-Based Primary Care Services: Scoping Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(7):e33911
  53. Renfrew ME, Morton DP, Morton JK, Przybylko G. The Influence of Human Support on the Effectiveness of Digital Mental Health Promotion Interventions for the General Population. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12
  54. Daniore P, Nittas V, von Wyl V. Enrollment and Retention of Participants in Remote Digital Health Studies: Scoping Review and Framework Proposal. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(9):e39910
  55. Leong QY, Sridhar S, Blasiak A, Tadeo X, Yeo G, Remus A, Ho D. Characteristics of Mobile Health Platforms for Depression and Anxiety: Content Analysis Through a Systematic Review of the Literature and Systematic Search of Two App Stores. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(2):e27388
  56. . Hands-off: Feasibility and preliminary results of a two-armed randomized controlled trial of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problematic pornography use. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 2021;10(4):1015
  57. Beames JR, Spanos S, Roberts A, McGillivray L, Li S, Newby JM, O’Dea B, Werner-Seidler A. Intervention Programs Targeting the Mental Health, Professional Burnout, and/or Wellbeing of School Teachers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. Educational Psychology Review 2023;35(1)
  58. Braun L, Freund J, Thielecke J, Baumeister H, Ebert DD, Titzler I. Barriers to and Facilitators of Engaging With and Adhering to Guided Internet-Based Interventions for Depression Prevention and Reduction of Pain-Related Disability in Green Professions: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(11):e39122
  59. Schulte C, Zarski A, Sachser C, Rosner R, Ebert DD. Internet- and mobile-based trauma-focused intervention for adolescents and young adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study protocol of a proof-of-concept feasibility study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2022;13(2)
  60. Kerr JI, Naegelin M, Benk M, v. Wangenheim F, Meins E, Viganò E, Ferrario A. Investigating Employees’ Concerns and Wishes for Digital Stress Management Interventions with Value Sensitive Design: Mixed Methods Study (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;
  61. Zelviene P, Kairyte A, Dumarkaite A, Nomeikaite A, Kazlauskas E. Internet-based stress recovery intervention for adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2023;24(1)
  62. Fasthoff RM, Nolte L, Kortsch T. Effectiveness of Digital and Analog Stress Management Interventions within Occupational Health Management in the Public Sector. Merits 2023;3(4):615
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  71. Bernstein K, Zarski A, Pekarek E, Schaub MP, Berking M, Baumeister H, Ebert DD. Case report for an internet- and mobile-based intervention for internet use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023;14
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  81. Zarski A, Weisel KK, Berger T, Krieger T, Schaub MP, Berking M, Görlich D, Jacobi C, Ebert DD. Efficacy of an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Subclinical Anxiety and Depression (ICare Prevent) with Two Guidance Formats: Results from a Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2024;:1

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.4493):

  1. Ebert DD, Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Baumeister H. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2019. Chapter 29:583
  2. Poznanski B, Silva K, Conroy K, Georgiadis C, Comer JS. Handbook of Evidence-Based Therapies for Children and Adolescents. 2020. Chapter 25:369
  3. Nobis S, Heber E, Lehr D. Digitales Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement. 2018. Chapter 36:475
  4. Ebert DD, Zarski A, Berking M, Baumeister H. eHealth in Deutschland. 2016. Chapter 20:363
  5. Bamberg E, Tanner G. Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit. 2021. Chapter 2-1:1
  6. Hoppe A, Roswag M, Lehr D. Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit. 2021. Chapter 23-1:1
  7. Bamberg E, Tanner G. Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit. 2022. Chapter 2:11
  8. Hoppe A, Roswag M, Lehr D. Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit. 2022. Chapter 23:351
  9. Zarski A, Baumeister H, Ebert DD. Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. 2023. Chapter 1:3