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Published on 10.07.15 in Vol 17, No 7 (2015): July

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Works citing "How to Increase Reach and Adherence of Web-Based Interventions: A Design Research Viewpoint"

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  1. Kelders SM, Sommers-Spijkerman M, Goldberg J. Investigating the Direct Impact of a Gamified Versus Nongamified Well-Being Intervention: An Exploratory Experiment. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(7):e247
  2. Watson NL, Heffner JL, Mull KE, McClure JB, Bricker JB. Comparing Treatment Acceptability and 12-Month Cessation Rates in Response to Web-Based Smoking Interventions Among Smokers Who Do and Do Not Screen Positive for Affective Disorders: Secondary Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(6):e13500
  3. Kip H, Sieverink F, van Gemert-Pijnen LJEWC, Bouman YHA, Kelders SM. Integrating People, Context, and Technology in the Implementation of a Web-Based Intervention in Forensic Mental Health Care: Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(5):e16906
  4. Kelders SM, van Zyl LE, Ludden GDS. The Concept and Components of Engagement in Different Domains Applied to eHealth: A Systematic Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology 2020;11
  5. Nordin CA, Michaelson P, Gard G, Eriksson MK. Effects of the Web Behavior Change Program for Activity and Multimodal Pain Rehabilitation: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(10):e265
  6. de Boer J, Aiking H. Strategies towards healthy and sustainable protein consumption: A transition framework at the levels of diets, dishes, and dish ingredients. Food Quality and Preference 2019;73:171
  7. Pot M, Paulussen TG, Ruiter RA, Mollema L, Hofstra M, Van Keulen HM. Dose-Response Relationship of a Web-Based Tailored Intervention Promoting Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: Process Evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e14822
  8. Roncero M, Belloch A, Doron G. A novel approach to challenging OCD related beliefs using a mobile-app: An exploratory study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 2018;59:157
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  64. Varsi C, Ledel Solem IK, Eide H, Børøsund E, Kristjansdottir OB, Heldal K, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Schreurs KMG, Morrison EJ, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. Health care providers’ experiences of pain management and attitudes towards digitally supported self-management interventions for chronic pain: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1)
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