Published on in Vol 25 (2023)
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- Moffett K, Seserman K, Margolis K, Kranzler E, Marshall M, Dahlen H, Kim J, Denison B, Hoffman B, Dupervil D, Yu K, Hoffman L. Differences in social media use by COVID-19 vaccination status. Vaccine 2024;42(9):2166 View
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- Kim J, Kranzler E, Yu K, Denison B, Dahlen H, Luchman J, Ihongbe T, Marshall M, Hoffman B, Moffett K, Dupervil D, Margolis K, Hoffman L. The Association Between the We Can Do This Campaign and Vaccination Beliefs in the United States, January 2021–March 2022. Journal of Health Communication 2024;29(8):502 View
- Moffett K, Marshall M, Kim J, Dahlen H, Denison B, Kranzler E, Meaney M, Hoffman B, Pavisic I, Hoffman L. Analyzing Google COVID-19 Vaccine Intent Search Trends and Vaccine Readiness in the United States: Panel Data Study. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 2024;16:e55422 View