Published on in Vol 21, No 8 (2019): August

A Multicomponent eHealth Intervention for Family Carers for People Affected by Psychosis: A Coproduced Design and Build Study

A Multicomponent eHealth Intervention for Family Carers for People Affected by Psychosis: A Coproduced Design and Build Study

A Multicomponent eHealth Intervention for Family Carers for People Affected by Psychosis: A Coproduced Design and Build Study


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  12. Batchelor R, Gulshan S, Shritharan H, Williams E, Henderson C, Gillard S, Woodham L, Cornelius V, Elkes J, Sin J. Perceived Acceptability and Experiences of a Digital Psychoeducation and Peer Support Intervention (COPe-support): Interview Study With Carers Supporting Individuals With Psychosis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(2):e27781 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Baena E, Harvey C, Abelleira C, Fernández J, Sánchez J. Psychological Interventions for Psychosis. View