Published on in Vol 20, No 6 (2018): June

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The Social Effects of Exergames on Older Adults: Systematic Review and Metric Analysis

The Social Effects of Exergames on Older Adults: Systematic Review and Metric Analysis

The Social Effects of Exergames on Older Adults: Systematic Review and Metric Analysis


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Fleming T, Sutcliffe K, Lucassen M, Pine R, Donkin L. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  2. Assadi A, Elbaz S, Khalili-Mahani N. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Supporting Everyday Life Activities. View
  3. Muñoz J, Montoya M, Boger J. Smart Home Technologies and Services for Geriatric Rehabilitation. View
  4. Ghafurian M, Muñoz J, Boger J, Hoey J, Dautenhahn K. The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents. View
  5. Shah S, Hameed I, Karlsen A, Solberg M. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Design and Development. View
  6. Stintzing J. Digitale Lernwelten – Serious Games und Gamification. View
  7. Godfrey S, Barresi G. Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design. View
  8. Kloek C. Geriatrie in de fysiotherapie en kinesitherapie. View
  9. Chan G, Alslaity A, Reen J, Anukem S, Orji R. Persuasive Technology. View
  10. Goumopoulos C, Koumanakos G. Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health. View
  11. Kukkohovi S, Siira H, Elo S. Digital Health and Wireless Solutions. View
  12. Vorwerg-Gall S, Perotti L, Dahms R, Stamm O. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. View