Text Messaging Interventions on Cancer Screening Rates: A Systematic Review

Text Messaging Interventions on Cancer Screening Rates: A Systematic Review

Text Messaging Interventions on Cancer Screening Rates: A Systematic Review


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  49. Levitz C, Kuo E, Guo M, Ruiz E, Torres-Ozadali E, Brar Prayaga R, Escaron A. Using Text Messages and Fotonovelas to Increase Return of Home-Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests: Mixed Methods Evaluation. JMIR Cancer 2023;9:e39645 View
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  52. Guo M, Brar Prayaga R, Levitz C, Kuo E, Ruiz E, Torres-Ozadali E, Escaron A. Tailoring a Text Messaging and Fotonovela Program to Increase Patient Engagement in Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Large Urban Community Clinic Population: Quality Improvement Project. JMIR Cancer 2023;9:e43024 View
  53. Yakoubovitch S, Zaki T, Anand S, Pecoriello J, Liang P. Effect of Behavioral Interventions on the Uptake of Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2023;118(10):1829 View
  54. McIntosh J, Emery J, Wood A, Chondros P, Goodwin B, Trevena J, Wilson C, Chang S, Hocking J, Campbell T, Macrae F, Milley K, Lew J, Nightingale C, Dixon I, Castelli M, Lee N, Innes L, Jolley T, Fletcher S, Buchanan L, Doncovio S, Broun K, Austin G, Jiang J, Jenkins M. SMARTERscreen protocol: a three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial of patient SMS messaging in general practice to increase participation in the Australian National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. Trials 2023;24(1) View
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  61. McIntosh J, Jenkins M, Wood A, Chondros P, Campbell T, Wenkart E, O’Reilly C, Dixon I, Toner J, Martinez-Gutierrez J, Govan L, Emery J. Increasing bowel cancer screening using SMS in general practice: the SMARTscreen cluster randomised trial. British Journal of General Practice 2024;74(741):e275 View
  62. Hamad W, Purushotham A, Hughes S, Round T. Text-message reminders to increase participation in colorectal cancer screening. British Journal of General Practice 2024;74(741):152 View
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  64. Vives N, Travier N, Farre A, Binefa G, Vidal C, Pérez Lacasta M, Ibáñez-Sanz G, Niño de Guzmán E, Panera J, Garcia M. Effectiveness and Acceptability of Targeted Text Message Reminders in Colorectal Cancer Screening: Randomized Controlled Trial (M-TICS Study). JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e57959 View
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  72. Vives N, Binefa G, Travier N, Farre A, Panera J, Casas B, Vidal C, Ibáñez-Sanz G, Garcia M. Text Messaging Versus Postal Reminders to Improve Participation in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Program: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2025;13:e64243 View
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  74. McIntosh J, Wood A, Jenkins M, Onwuka S, Chondros P, Campbell T, Wenkart E, O’Reilly C, Dixon I, Toner J, Martinez Gutierrez J, Govan L, Emery J. Using an SMS to improve bowel cancer screening: the acceptability and feasibility of a multifaceted intervention. Family Practice 2025;42(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Sumilang C. Advancing Mobile Learning in Contemporary Educational Spaces. View
  2. Hiwale S, Ulman S, Subbaraman K. Pre-Screening Systems for Early Disease Prediction, Detection, and Prevention. View
  3. Sandoval M. Oncologic Emergency Medicine. View
  4. Ytterland T, Fagernes S, Sandnes F. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies. View
  5. Malkin J, Alqunaibet A, Rakic S, Alsukait R. Noncommunicable Diseases in Saudi Arabia: Toward Effective Interventions for Prevention. View
  6. AlRumaihi K, El Ansari W, Arafa M. Accelerating Strategic Changes for Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Industry. View