Published on in Vol 19, No 3 (2017): March

Patient Portals as a Tool for Health Care Engagement: A Mixed-Method Study of Older Adults With Varying Levels of Health Literacy and Prior Patient Portal Use

Patient Portals as a Tool for Health Care Engagement: A Mixed-Method Study of Older Adults With Varying Levels of Health Literacy and Prior Patient Portal Use

Patient Portals as a Tool for Health Care Engagement: A Mixed-Method Study of Older Adults With Varying Levels of Health Literacy and Prior Patient Portal Use


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  99. Allen C, Hunt K, McMahon L, Thornhill C, Jackson A, Clark J, Kirchoff K, Garrison K, Foil K, Malphrus L, Norman S, Ramos P, Perritt K, Brown C, Lenert L, Judge D. Using implementation science to evaluate a population-wide genomic screening program: Findings from the first 20,000 In Our DNA SC participants. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2024;111(3):433 View
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  101. Soares S, Hoffmeister L, Fernandes M, Henriques A, Costa A. The Use of Digital Technologies in the Promotion of Health Literacy and Empowerment of Informal Caregivers: Scoping Review. JMIR Aging 2024;7:e54913 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Bozan K, Mooney D. Delivering Superior Health and Wellness Management with IoT and Analytics. View
  2. Eriksson-Backa K, Ahmad F, Huvila I, Enwald H, Hirvonen N. Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. View
  3. Karimi P, Ballard K, Vazirani P, Jorigay R, Martin-Hammond A. Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. View
  4. Smith L, Ottosen T, Beyea A, Henage C. Reichel's Care of the Elderly. View