Published on in Vol 17, No 5 (2015): May

- El Miedany Y, El Gaafary M, El Aroussy N, Bahlas S, Hegazi M, Palmer D, Youssef S. Toward electronic health recording: evaluation of electronic patient reported outcome measures (e-PROMs) system for remote monitoring of early systemic lupus patients. Clinical Rheumatology 2017;36(11):2461 View
- Steingrímsdóttir Ó, Engdahl B, Hansson P, Stubhaug A, Nielsen C. The Graphical Index of Pain: a new web-based method for high-throughput screening of pain. Pain 2020;161(10):2255 View
- Gyllén J, Magnusson G, Forsberg A. Parents’ Reported Experiences When Having a Child with Cataract—Important Aspects of Self-Management Obtained from the Pediatric Cataract Register (PECARE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(17):6329 View
- Bulkley J, O’Keeffe-Rosetti M, Wendel C, Davis J, Danforth K, Harrison T, Kwan M, Munneke J, Brooks N, Grant M, Leo M, Banegas M, Weinmann S, McMullen C. The effect of multiple recruitment contacts on response rates and patterns of missing data in a survey of bladder cancer survivors 6 months after cystectomy. Quality of Life Research 2020;29(4):879 View
- van Roij J, Zijlstra M, Ham L, Brom L, Fransen H, Vreugdenhil A, Raijmakers N, van de Poll-Franse L, Youssef-ELSoud M, Creemers G, van den Borne B, de Jong W, Baars A, van den Beuken - van Everdingen M, Kuip E, Bunnik R, Hendriks M, Mandigers C, van Basten J, van Kampen – van den Boogaart V, Werner P, van Zuylen L, de Graeff A, van Lindert A, Soesan M, Hunting J, Smals A, van de Winkel L, Stege G, Verhaert L, Peters N, Pepels M, Smilde T, Nieboer P, de Hosson S, den Boer M, Pitz C, Heyne R, Tjin-A-Ton M, van der Padt – Pruijsten A, van den Berg P, Krouwels F, van Leeuwen-Snoeks L, van der Meer F, Vos A, Veldhuis G, Poppema B, Thijs-Visser M, Heller-Baan R, van Laren M, van den Brink K, Douma G, Kloover J, Sommeijer D, Pronk L, Janssens - van Vliet E, van der Velden L, Hafkamp E, Codrington H, Tarasevych S, van Bochove A, de Boer J, Vink G. Prospective cohort study of patients with advanced cancer and their relatives on the experienced quality of care and life (eQuiPe study): a study protocol. BMC Palliative Care 2020;19(1) View
- Grasdalsmoen M, Engdahl B, Fjeld M, Steingrímsdóttir Ó, Nielsen C, Eriksen H, Lønning K, Sivertsen B, Oyeyemi A. Physical exercise and chronic pain in university students. PLOS ONE 2020;15(6):e0235419 View
- Mols F, van de Poll-Franse L, Vreugdenhil G, Beijers A, Kieffer J, Aaronson N, Husson O. Reference data of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-CIPN20 Questionnaire in the general Dutch population. European Journal of Cancer 2016;69:28 View
- Faria L, Reis S, Leite K, da Cruz J, Pimenta R, Viana N, Amaral G, Santos G, Ilias D, Fakhouri F, Xavier G, Srougi M, Passerotti C. Digital application developed to evaluate functional results following robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2020;197:105683 View
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- Taylor T, Scott A. Do Physicians Prefer to Complete Online or Mail Surveys? Findings From a National Longitudinal Survey. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2019;42(1):41 View
- D’Silva C, Côté P, Murphy B, Barakat-Haddad C. Developing and evaluating the feasibility of administering the SLUMP questionnaire for evaluating ergonomic exposures to laptop use in university students. Work 2018;60(2):235 View
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- Fitzgerald D, Hockey R, Jones M, Mishra G, Waller M, Dobson A. Use of Online or Paper Surveys by Australian Women: Longitudinal Study of Users, Devices, and Cohort Retention. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(3):e10672 View
- Hems M, Harkes M, Moret-Hartman M, Melis R, Schoon Y. Eerste ervaringen met patiënt gerapporteerde uitkomstmaten in de geriatrie. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 2017;48(6):287 View
- Welbie M, Wittink H, Westerman M, Topper I, Snoei J, Devillé W. Using Plain Language and Adding Communication Technology to an Existing Health-Related Questionnaire to Help Generate Accurate Information: Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(4):e140 View
- Thong M, Mols F, Doege D, van de Poll-Franse L, Arndt V. Population-based cancer survivorship research: Experiences from Germany and the Netherlands. Journal of Cancer Policy 2018;15:87 View
- Raijmakers N, Zijlstra M, van Roij J, Husson O, Oerlemans S, van de Poll-Franse L. Health-related quality of life among cancer patients in their last year of life: results from the PROFILES registry. Supportive Care in Cancer 2018;26(10):3397 View
- Mols F, Husson O, Oudejans M, Vlooswijk C, Horevoorts N, van de Poll-Franse L. Reference data of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire: five consecutive annual assessments of approximately 2000 representative Dutch men and women. Acta Oncologica 2018;57(10):1381 View
- Doolin J, Halpin M, Berry J, Hshieh T, Zerillo J. Why focus on patient-reported outcome measures in older colorectal cancer patients?. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2020;46(3):394 View
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- Oerlemans S, Arts L, Horevoorts N, van de Poll-Franse L. “Am I normal?” The Wishes of Patients With Lymphoma to Compare Their Patient-Reported Outcomes With Those of Their Peers. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(8):e288 View
- Azevedo B, Oliveira C, Araujo G, Silva F, Damato T, Pinto R, Christofaro D. Is There Equivalence Between the Electronic and Paper Version of the Questionnaires for Assessment of Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain?. Spine 2020;45(6):E329 View
- Pejtersen J, Claydon-Mueller L. The effect of monetary incentive on survey response for vulnerable children and youths: A randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE 2020;15(5):e0233025 View
- Reedijk M, Lenters V, Slottje P, Pijpe A, Peeters P, Korevaar J, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Verschuren W, Verheij R, Pieterson I, van Leeuwen F, Rookus M, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R. Cohort profile: LIFEWORK, a prospective cohort study on occupational and environmental risk factors and health in the Netherlands. BMJ Open 2018;8(2):e018504 View
- El Miedany Y, El Gaafary M, Youssef S, Bahlas S, Almedany S, Ahmed I, Palmer D. Toward Electronic Health Recording: Evaluation of Electronic Patient-reported Outcome Measures System for Remote Monitoring of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Journal of Rheumatology 2016;43(12):2106 View
- Palojoki S, Pajunen T, Saranto K, Lehtonen L. Electronic Health Record-Related Safety Concerns: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Electronic Health Record Users. JMIR Medical Informatics 2016;4(2):e13 View
- Arts L, Oerlemans S, Posthuma E, Issa D, Oosterveld M, van der Griend R, Nijziel M, van de Poll-Franse L. Web-Based Self-Management for Patients With Lymphoma: Assessment of the Reach of Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(5):e17018 View
- Pompili C, Boele F, Absolom K, Holch P, Clayton B, Smyllie E, Franks K, Velikova G. Patients’ views of routine quality of life assessment following a diagnosis of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2020;31(3):324 View
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- Grant J, Graven L. High Priority Problems Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Individuals With Heart Failure. Home Health Care Management & Practice 2019;31(2):75 View
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- Grant J, Graven L. Heart failure caregivers’ support services: Implications for palliative care. Progress in Palliative Care 2020;28(5):318 View
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- Bion J, Brookes O, Brown C, Tarrant C, Archer J, Buckley D, Buckley L, Clement I, Evison F, Smith F, Gibbins C, Hayton E, Jones J, Lilford R, Mullhi R, Packer G, Perkins G, Shelton J, Snelson C, Sullivan P, Vlaev I, Wolstenholme D, Wright S. A framework and toolkit of interventions to enhance reflective learning among health-care professionals: the PEARL mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research 2020;8(32):1 View
- Ooues G, Clift P, Bowater S, Arif S, Epstein A, Prasad N, Adamson D, Cummings M, Spencer C, Woodmansey P, Borley J, Ingram T, Morley-Davies A, Roberts W, Qureshi N, Hawkesford S, Pope N, Anthony J, Gaffey T, Thorne S, Hudsmith L. Patient experience within the adult congenital heart disease outreach network: a questionnaire-based study. Journal of Congenital Cardiology 2018;2(1) View
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- Yu C, Choi D, Bruno B, Thorpe K, Straus S, Cantarutti P, Chu K, Frydrych P, Hoang-Kim A, Ivers N, Kaplan D, Leung F, Maxted J, Rezmovitz J, Sale J, Sodhi-Helou S, Stacey D, Telner D. Impact of MyDiabetesPlan, a Web-Based Patient Decision Aid on Decisional Conflict, Diabetes Distress, Quality of Life, and Chronic Illness Care in Patients With Diabetes: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(9):e16984 View
- Richter M, Storck M, Blitz R, Goltermann J, Seipp J, Dannlowski U, Baune B, Dugas M, Opel N. Repeated Digitized Assessment of Risk and Symptom Profiles During Inpatient Treatment of Affective Disorder: Observational Study. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(12):e24066 View
- Wright A, Elcombe E, Burns E. “Paper, face-to-face and on my mobile please”: A survey of women’s preferred methods of receiving antenatal education. Women and Birth 2021;34(6):e547 View
- Sivertsen B, Harvey A, Gradisar M, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Delayed sleep–wake phase disorder in young adults: prevalence and correlates from a national survey of Norwegian university students. Sleep Medicine 2021;77:184 View
- Kühne F, Maas J, Weck F. Warum nehmen Verhaltenstherapeut_innen an Fortbildungen teil?. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2019;48(4):219 View
- Dinur T, Istaiti M, Frydman D, Becker-Cohen M, Szer J, Zimran A, Revel-Vilk S. Patient reported outcome measures in a large cohort of patients with type 1 Gaucher disease. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2020;15(1) View
- Ailawadhi S, Swaika A, Advani P, Hodge D, Paulus A, Khera N, Hashmi S, Alegria V, Abdulazeez M, Bodepudi S, Jamwal K, Roy V, Sher T, Chanan-Khan A, Ailawadhi M. Awareness of myeloma care and the global impact of treatment: An international internet-based prospective study. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 2022;28(2):425 View
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- Potard C, Pochon R, Henry A, Combes C, Kubiszewski V, Roy A. Relationships Between School Bullying and Frustration Intolerance Beliefs in Adolescence: A Gender-Specific Analysis. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 2022;40(1):103 View
- Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Harvey A, Petrie K. The Epidemiology of Insomnia and Sleep Duration Across Mental and Physical Health: The SHoT Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12 View
- Horn M, Reinke E, Mather R, O’Donnell J, George S. Electronic health record–integrated approach for collection of patient-reported outcome measures: a retrospective evaluation. BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1) View
- Bulkley J, McMullen C, Rawlings A, Krouse R, Francisco M, Sterrett A, Burnett-Hartman A, Pawloski P, Corley D, Colwell J, Feigelson H. The association of bowel function, participation in life activities, and quality of life in rectal cancer survivors. Quality of Life Research 2022;31(2):487 View
- Humphries B, Cox J, Parkash R, Thabane L, Foster G, MacKillop J, Nemis‐White J, Hamilton L, Ciaccia A, Choudhri S, Xie F. Patient‐Reported Outcomes and Patient‐Reported Experience of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in the IMPACT‐AF Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Heart Association 2021;10(15) View
- Hlubocky F, Daugherty C, Peppercorn J, Young K, Wroblewski K, Yamada S, Lee N. Utilization of an Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Platform to Evaluate the Psychosocial and Quality-of-Life Experience Among a Community Sample of Ovarian Cancer Survivors. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2022;(6) View
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- van Eenbergen M, Vromans R, Tick L, Vreugdenhil G, Krahmer E, Mols F, van de Poll-Franse L. Comparing Survivors of Cancer in Population-Based Samples With Those in Online Cancer Communities: Cross-sectional Questionnaire Study. JMIR Cancer 2022;8(1):e19379 View
- Ossowski S, Kammerer A, Stram D, Piazza-DeLap L, Basch E, Katzel J. Patient-Reported Outcomes Integrated Within an Electronic Medical Record in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2021;(5):842 View
- Gyllén J, Haargaard B, Nyström A, Tornqvist K, Udén D, Magnusson G, Forsberg A. PECARE: Parental Feedback to Improve Congenital Cataract Care in Sweden. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 2023;60(4):288 View
- Olsson C, Josse Eklund A, Larsson M, Ringnér A. Sexuality After Treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma: Patients' Experiences and Psychometric Testing of the Sexual Adjustment Questionnaire-Swedish Version II. Cancer Nursing 2021;44(6):499 View
- van de Poll-Franse L, Horevoorts N, Schoormans D, Beijer S, Ezendam N, Husson O, Oerlemans S, Schagen S, Hageman G, Van Deun K, van den Hurk C, van Eenbergen M, Mols F, Rooij B, Raijmakers N, Vlooswijk C, Bonhof C, Ekels A, Hoedjes M, van Cappellen – van Maldegem S, Ham L, van de Graaf D, van Roij J. Measuring Clinical, Biological, and Behavioral Variables to Elucidate Trajectories of Patient-Reported Outcomes: The PROFILES Registry. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2022;114(6):800 View
- Vissers P, Vink G, Koelink M, Koopman M, Arts L, Oerlemans S, May A, van de Poll-Franse L, van Erning F. Evaluation of an individual feedback report on patient-reported outcomes in the Prospective Dutch ColoRectal Cancer cohort. Supportive Care in Cancer 2022;30(9):7303 View
- Yu H, Yu Q, Nie Y, Xu W, Pu Y, Dai W, Wei X, Shi Q. Data Quality of Longitudinally Collected Patient-Reported Outcomes After Thoracic Surgery: Comparison of Paper- and Web-Based Assessments. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(11):e28915 View
- Chen S, Keglovits M, Devine M, Stark S. Sociodemographic Differences in Respondent Preferences for Survey Formats: Sampling Bias and Potential Threats to External Validity. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation 2022;4(1):100175 View
- Bulkley J, Varga A, Dickerson J, Crawford P, Croen L, Daida Y, Fombonne E, Hatch B, Lee A, Massolo M, Vaughn K, Lynch F. A framework for measuring the cost to families of caring for children’s health: the design, methodology, and study population of the r-Kids study. BMC Pediatrics 2023;23(1) View
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- Spencer K, Absolom K, Allsop M, Relton S, Pearce J, Liao K, Naseer S, Salako O, Howdon D, Hewison J, Velikova G, Faivre-Finn C, Bekker H, van der Veer S. Fixing the Leaky Pipe: How to Improve the Uptake of Patient-Reported Outcomes–Based Prognostic and Predictive Models in Cancer Clinical Practice. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2023;(7) View
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- Lin J, Cantor R, Niell‐Swiller M, Sayegh P, Palmer C. Cultural, demographic, and other non‐demographic factors associated with cancer genetic counseling patients' appointment accompaniment preferences in the United States. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2024 View
- Rossen S, Sandager M, Hofland D, Nielsen C, Maribo T. Are all cancer survivors included when using electronically administered patient reported outcomes in primary healthcare cancer rehabilitation? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2024;8(1) View
- Mols F, Schoormans D, Oerlemans S, Horevoorts N, Ezendam N, Raijmakers N, van de Poll-Franse L. Patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivorship: insights from two decades of population-based PROFILES registry research. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2024 View