Published on in Vol 16, No 1 (2014): January

Mind the Gap: Social Media Engagement by Public Health Researchers

Mind the Gap: Social Media Engagement by Public Health Researchers

Mind the Gap: Social Media Engagement by Public Health Researchers


  1. Deiner M, Fathy C, Kim J, Niemeyer K, Ramirez D, Ackley S, Liu F, Lietman T, Porco T. Facebook and Twitter vaccine sentiment in response to measles outbreaks. Health Informatics Journal 2019;25(3):1116 View
  2. Olszewski K, Wolf D. Follow Me, Like Me, Tweet Me!. Workplace Health & Safety 2015;63(6):240 View
  3. Feinberg Y, Pereira J, Quach S, Kwong J, Crowcroft N, Wilson S, Guay M, Lei Y, Deeks S, Grce M. Understanding Public Perceptions of the HPV Vaccination Based on Online Comments to Canadian News Articles. PLOS ONE 2015;10(6):e0129587 View
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  10. Chan W, Leung A. Use of Social Network Sites for Communication Among Health Professionals: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(3):e117 View
  11. Unnikrishnan B, Rathi P, Shah D, Tyagi A, Rao A, Paul K, Tomy J. Perception among Healthcare Professionals of the Use of Social Media in Translating Research Evidence into Clinical Practice in Mangalore. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 2018;2018:1 View
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  13. Harrison D, Wilding J, Bowman A, Fuller A, Nicholls S, Pound C, Reszel J, Sampson M, Hejtmancik J. Using YouTube to Disseminate Effective Vaccination Pain Treatment for Babies. PLOS ONE 2016;11(10):e0164123 View
  14. Wilkinson J, Strickling K, Payne H, Jensen K, West J. Evaluation of Diet-Related Infographics on Pinterest for Use of Behavior Change Theories: A Content Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2016;4(4):e133 View
  15. Pattisapu N, Gupta M, Kumaraguru P, Varma V. A distant supervision based approach to medical persona classification. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2019;94:103205 View
  16. Campbell-Yeo M, Dol J, Disher T, Benoit B, Chambers C, Sheffield K, Boates T, Harrison D, Hewitt B, Jangaard K, Stinson J, Taddio A, Parker J, Caddell K. The Power of a Parent's Touch. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 2017;31(4):341 View
  17. Aukett J. The DIKW pathway: a route to effective oral health promotion?. British Dental Journal 2019;226(11):897 View
  18. Fagerlin A, Valley T, Scherer A, Knaus M, Das E, Zikmund-Fisher B. Communicating infectious disease prevalence through graphics: Results from an international survey. Vaccine 2017;35(32):4041 View
  19. Tabak R, Reis R, Wilson P, Brownson R. Dissemination of Health-Related Research among Scientists in Three Countries: Access to Resources and Current Practices. BioMed Research International 2015;2015:1 View
  20. Allen C, Andersen B, Chambers D, Groshek J, Roberts M. Twitter use at the 2016 Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health: analyzing #DIScience16. Implementation Science 2018;13(1) View
  21. Kjellberg S, Haider J, Sundin O. Researchers' use of social network sites: A scoping review. Library & Information Science Research 2016;38(3):224 View
  22. Wekerle C, Vakili N, Stewart S, Black T. The utility of Twitter as a tool for increasing reach of research on sexual violence. Child Abuse & Neglect 2018;85:220 View
  23. Cumerlato C, Rotta R, Oliveira L, Corrêa M. #Dentalpain. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 2020;19:e208591 View
  24. Tseng A. Students and evaluation of web-based misinformation about vaccination: critical reading or passive acceptance of claims?. International Journal of Science Education, Part B 2018;8(3):250 View
  25. Coşkun Ö, Özeke V, Budakoğlu I, Kula S. E-Learning Readiness of Medical Educators: A Sample from Gazi University. Ankara Medical Journal 2018;18(2):175 View
  26. Ow D, Wetherell D, Papa N, Bolton D, Lawrentschuk N. Patients' Perspectives of Accessibility and Digital Delivery of Factual Content Provided by Official Medical and Surgical Specialty Society Websites: A Qualitative Assessment. interactive Journal of Medical Research 2015;4(1):e7 View
  27. Chopan M, Sayadi L, Clark E, Maguire K. Plastic Surgery and Social Media: Examining Perceptions. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2019;143(4):1259 View
  28. Tunnecliff J, Ilic D, Morgan P, Keating J, Gaida J, Clearihan L, Sadasivan S, Davies D, Ganesh S, Mohanty P, Weiner J, Reynolds J, Maloney S. The Acceptability Among Health Researchers and Clinicians of Social Media to Translate Research Evidence to Clinical Practice: Mixed-Methods Survey and Interview Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(5):e119 View
  29. Cavazos-Rehg P, Krauss M, Sowles S, Bierut L. Marijuana-Related Posts on Instagram. Prevention Science 2016;17(6):710 View
  30. Rosenblum S, Isett K, Melkers J, Funkhouser E, Hicks D, Gilbert G, Melkers M, McEdward D, Buchberg-Trejo M. The association between professional stratification and use of online sources: Evidence from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of Information Science 2021;47(3):373 View
  31. Parmar N, Dong L, Eisingerich A. Connecting With Your Dentist on Facebook: Patients’ and Dentists’ Attitudes Towards Social Media Usage in Dentistry. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(6):e10109 View
  32. Robillard J, Lo C, Feng T, Hennessey C. “A Light Switch in the #Brain”: Optogenetics on Social Media. Neuroethics 2016;9(3):279 View
  33. Allen C, Roberts M, Andersen B, Khoury M. Communication About Hereditary Cancers on Social Media: A Content Analysis of Tweets About Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and Lynch Syndrome. Journal of Cancer Education 2020;35(1):131 View
  34. Bhuiyan M, Medina-Inojosa J, Croghan I, Marcelin J, Ghosh K, Bhagra A. Internal Medicine Physicians and Social media: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 2020;11 View
  35. Al-Khalifa K, Al-Swuailem A, AlSheikh R, Muazen Y, Al-Khunein Y, Halawany H, Al-Abidi K. The use of social media for professional purposes among dentists in Saudi Arabia. BMC Oral Health 2021;21(1) View
  36. Chopan M, Clark E, Sayadi L, Khoshab N, Maguire K. WITHDRAWN: Hashtags In Plastic Surgery: A Sentiment Analysis Of Over One Million Tweets. JPRAS Open 2020 View
  37. Shimkhada R, Attai D, Scheitler A, Babey S, Glenn B, Ponce N. Using a Twitter Chat to Rapidly Identify Barriers and Policy Solutions for Metastatic Breast Cancer Care: Qualitative Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(1):e23178 View
  38. Ramirez A, Aguilar R, Merck A, Despres C, Sukumaran P, Cantu-Pawlik S, Chalela P. Use of #SaludTues Tweetchats for the Dissemination of Culturally Relevant Information on Latino Health Equity: Exploratory Case Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(3):e21266 View
  39. Manheim D, Gesser-Edelsburg A. The Structure of Tweets About Vaccine Safety Between Health Organizations, Experts, and the Public: Analyzing Risk Communication Conversations. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2022;16(3):927 View
  40. Worrall A, Kelly C, O'Neill A, O'Doherty M, Kelleher E, Cushen A, McNally C, McConkey S, Glavey S, Lavin M, de Barra E. Online Search Trends Influencing Anticoagulation in Patients With COVID-19: Observational Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(8):e21817 View
  41. Dailah Sr H, Naeem M. A Social Media Organizational Productivity Model: Insights From Public Health Professionals. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e23792 View
  42. Chaudhri V, Oomen T, Pridmore J, Joon A. “CARE” in social media: perceptions of reputation in the healthcare sector. Journal of Communication Management 2021;25(2):125 View
  43. Tseng A, Bonilla S, MacPherson A. Fighting “bad science” in the information age: The effects of an intervention to stimulate evaluation and critique of false scientific claims. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 2021;58(8):1152 View
  44. Khan H, Gupta P, Zimba O, Gupta L. Bibliometric and Altmetric Analysis of Retracted Articles on COVID-19. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2022;37(6) View
  45. Indiraswari T, Supriyanto S, Ernawaty E, Putri N. Health Insurance Literacy: Discussion and Reaction of Facebook Users’ towards the National Health Insurance in Indonesia. Journal of Public Health Research 2020;9(2) View
  46. Jiang L, Huang Y, Cheng H, Zhang T, Huang L. Emergency Response and Risk Communication Effects of Local Media during COVID-19 Pandemic in China: A Study Based on a Social Media Network. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(20):10942 View
  47. Boatman D, Eason S, Conn M, Kennedy-Rea S. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Messaging on TikTok: Social Media Content Analysis. Health Promotion Practice 2022;23(3):382 View
  48. Ray R, Sewell A, Gilbert K, Roberts J. Missed Opportunity? Leveraging Mobile Technology to Reduce Racial Health Disparities. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 2017;42(5):901 View
  49. Ghandhi D, Bodani N, Lal A, Maqsood A, Ahmed N, Basha S, Assiry A, Heboyan A, Karobari M. Evaluation of Social Media Usage by Dental Practitioners of Pakistan for Professional Purposes – A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry 2022;Volume 14:245 View
  50. Kamath S, Busse J, Venkataramaiah S, Rachana C. Internet use among anaesthesiologists: A cross-sectional survey. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2016;60(10):771 View
  51. Hanchard M. Issue-networks as omitted publics in the construction of #rarediseaseday discourse. Wellcome Open Research 2022;7:276 View
  52. Chopan M, Sayadi L, Clark E, Arora J, Maguire K. Hashtags in Plastic Surgery: A Sentiment Analysis of over 1 Million Tweets. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2023;47(6):2874 View
  53. Lee R. Social media use - A risky activity or a beneficial commodity?. BDJ In Practice 2023;36(4):14 View
  54. Bronfman K, Chao A. Psychosocial Factors, Technology Use, and Disordered Eating in College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 2023;61(10):29 View
  55. Shauly O, Marxen T, Goel P, Gould D. The New Era of Marketing in Plastic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Algorithm of Social Media and Digital Marketing. Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum 2023;5 View
  56. Alhafez L, Rubio-Rico L, Diez-Bosch M. Healthcare professionals’ editorial opinions on communicating with the public: shifting social media hesitancies. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2023;10(1) View
  57. Alnufaiy B, Alzahrani H, Alqahtani A, Gufran K, Alhamdan A, Alhamdan K. Periodontists’ perceptions and attitudes toward the use of social media for professional purposes in Saudi Arabia. BMC Oral Health 2023;23(1) View
  58. Kerzner B, Dasari S, Swindell H, Obioha O, Khan Z, Rea P, Fortier L, Haynes M, Chahla J. Association Between Social Media Activity and Ratings on Physician Review Websites Among Orthopaedic Surgeons With an Active Online Media Presence. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2024;12(2) View
  59. Pyon R, Sayadi L, Pakvasa M, Vyas R, Wang E. Plastic Surgery or Facial Plastic Surgery: Can the Public Tell the Difference?. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 2024;12(3):e5679 View
  60. Singh A, Mishra G, Gupta V, Kumar S, Pai Khot A. Social Media Impact on Self-Perceived Oral Health Practices Among Patients Visiting Tertiary Care Hospital in Lucknow: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus 2024 View
  61. Straton N. Computational model of engagement with stigmatised sentiment: COVID and general vaccine discourse on social media. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 2024;13(1) View
  62. Lindberg J, Lundgren A. Peer-to-peer sharing in public health interventions: strategies when people share health-related personal information on social media. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2024;19(1) View
  63. Ledderer L, Kjær M, Madsen E, Busch J, Fage-Butler A. Nudging in Public Health Lifestyle Interventions: A Systematic Literature Review and Metasynthesis. Health Education & Behavior 2020;47(5):749 View
  64. Cillo F, Simões-Zenari M, Nemr K. Vocal Hygiene: What Are Professional Voice Users Saying About It on YouTube?. Journal of Voice 2024 View
  65. Lupton D, Michael M. “For Me, the Biggest Benefit Is Being Ahead of the Game”:The Use of Social Media in Health Work. Social Media + Society 2017;3(2) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Song M, Abelson J. Handbook of Research on Citizen Engagement and Public Participation in the Era of New Media. View
  2. Song M, Abelson J. Healthcare Policy and Reform. View
  3. Song M. Using New Media for Citizen Engagement and Participation. View
  4. Shih L, Chien Y. EcoDesign and Sustainability I. View
  5. Sharma M. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View