Published on in Vol 16, No 1 (2014): January
- Williams S, Johnson B, Tobin J, Luque A, Sanders M, Carroll J, Cassells A, Holder T, Fiscella K. Protocol paper: Stepped wedge cluster randomized trial translating the ABCS into optimizing cardiovascular care for people living with HIV. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 2020;63(2):125 View
- Herrler A, Görig T, Georg S, De Bock F, Ullrich C, Eichinger M. Assessment of shared decision making in pediatrics: Developing German scales for patients aged 7–18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports (CollaboRATEpediatric). Patient Education and Counseling 2021;104(3):634 View
- Herrmann A, Hall A, Zdenkowski N, Sanson-Fisher R. Heading in a new direction? Recommendations for future research on patient decision aids. Patient Education and Counseling 2019;102(5):1029 View
- Sahgal S, Yande A, Thompson B, Chen E, Fagerlin A, Morgenstern L, Zahuranec D. Surrogate Satisfaction with Decision Making After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care 2021;34(1):193 View
- Yen R, Durand M, Harris C, Cohen S, Ward A, O’Malley A, Schubbe D, Saunders C, Elwyn G. Text-only and picture conversation aids both supported shared decision making for breast cancer surgery: Analysis from a cluster randomized trial. Patient Education and Counseling 2020;103(11):2235 View
- Dryden E, Hyde J, Wormwood J, Wu J, Calloway R, Cutrona S, Elwyn G, Fix G, Orner M, Shimada S, Bokhour B. Assessing Patients’ Perceptions of Clinician Communication: Acceptability of Brief Point-of-Care Surveys in Primary Care. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2020;35(10):2990 View
- Addington D, Anderson E, Kelly M, Lesage A, Summerville C. Canadian Practice Guidelines for Comprehensive Community Treatment for Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2017;62(9):662 View
- Forcino R, Barr P, O'Malley A, Arend R, Castaldo M, Ozanne E, Percac‐Lima S, Stults C, Tai‐Seale M, Thompson R, Elwyn G. Using CollaboRATE, a brief patient‐reported measure of shared decision making: Results from three clinical settings in the United States. Health Expectations 2018;21(1):82 View
- Socias M, Ahamad K, Le Foll B, Lim R, Bruneau J, Fischer B, Wild T, Wood E, Jutras-Aswad D. The OPTIMA study, buprenorphine/naloxone and methadone models of care for the treatment of prescription opioid use disorder: Study design and rationale. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2018;69:21 View
- Søndergaard S, Madsen P, Hilberg O, Jensen K, Olling K, Steffensen K. A prospective cohort study of shared decision making in lung cancer diagnostics: Impact of using a patient decision aid. Patient Education and Counseling 2019;102(11):1961 View
- Normahani P, Sounderajah V, Harrop-Griffiths W, Chukwuemeka A, Peters N, Standfield N, Collins M, Jaffer U. Achieving good-quality consent: review of literature, case law and guidance. BJS Open 2020;4(5):757 View
- Brown S, Bell S, Roche S, Dente E, Mueller A, Kim T, O’Reilly K, Lee B, Sands K, Talmor D. Preferences of Current and Potential Patients and Family Members Regarding Implementation of Electronic Communication Portals in Intensive Care Units. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2016;13(3):391 View
- Hurley E, Bradley-Ewing A, Bickford C, Lee B, Myers A, Newland J, Goggin K. Measuring shared decision-making in the pediatric outpatient setting: Psychometric performance of the SDM-Q-9 and CollaboRATE among English and Spanish speaking parents in the US Midwest. Patient Education and Counseling 2019;102(4):742 View
- Konheim-Kalkstein Y, Miron-Shatz T. “If only I had . . .”: Regrets from women with an unplanned cesarean delivery. Journal of Health Psychology 2021;26(11):1939 View
- Stubenrouch F, Pieterse A, Falkenberg R, Santema T, Stiggelbout A, van der Weijden T, Aarts J, Ubbink D. OPTION5 versus OPTION12 instruments to appreciate the extent to which healthcare providers involve patients in decision-making. Patient Education and Counseling 2016;99(6):1062 View
- Kunneman M, Henselmans I, Gärtner F, Bomhof-Roordink H, Pieterse A. Do Shared Decision-Making Measures Reflect Key Elements of Shared Decision Making? A Content Review of Coding Schemes. Medical Decision Making 2019;39(7):886 View
- Solomon D, Lee S, Zak A, Corrigan C, Agosti J, Bitton A, Harrold L, Losina E, Lu B, Pincus T, Radner H, Smolen J, Katz J, Fraenkel L. Implementation of treat-to-target in rheumatoid arthritis through a Learning Collaborative: Rationale and design of the TRACTION trial. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2016;46(1):81 View
- Stubenrouch F, Mus E, Lut J, Hesselink E, Ubbink D. The current level of shared decision-making in anesthesiology: an exploratory study. BMC Anesthesiology 2017;17(1) View
- Heddaeus D, Dirmaier J, Brettschneider C, Daubmann A, Grochtdreis T, von dem Knesebeck O, König H, Löwe B, Maehder K, Porzelt S, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Scherer M, Schulte B, Wegscheider K, Weigel A, Werner S, Zimmermann T, Härter M. Study protocol for the COMET study: a cluster-randomised, prospective, parallel-group, superiority trial to compare the effectiveness of a collaborative and stepped care model versus treatment as usual in patients with mental disorders in primary care. BMJ Open 2019;9(11):e032408 View
- Butler J, Hirshberg E, Hopkins R, Wilson E, Orme J, Beesley S, Kuttler K, Brown S, Allen P. Preliminary Identification of Coping Profiles Relevant to Surrogate Decision Making in the ICU. PLOS ONE 2016;11(11):e0166542 View
- Dahl Steffensen K, Hjelholt Baker V, Vinter M. Implementing shared decision making in Denmark: First steps and future focus areas. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2017;123-124:36 View
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- Coylewright M, Mack M, Holmes D, O’Gara P. A Call for an Evidence-Based Approach to the Heart Team for Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2015;65(14):1472 View
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- Lerret S, Haglund K, Johnson N. Parents' Perspectives on Shared Decision Making for Children With Solid Organ Transplants. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2016;30(4):374 View
- Markle-Reid M, Valaitis R, Bartholomew A, Fisher K, Fleck R, Ploeg J, Salerno J, Thabane L. Feasibility and preliminary effects of an integrated hospital-to-home transitional care intervention for older adults with stroke and multimorbidity: A study protocol. Journal of Comorbidity 2019;9 View
- Scalia P, Elwyn G, Barr P, Song J, Zisman-Ilani Y, Lesniak M, Mullin S, Kurek K, Bushell M, Durand M. Exploring the use of Option Grid™ patient decision aids in a sample of clinics in Poland. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2018;134:1 View
- Ikeda A, Hong P, Ishman S, Joe S, Randolph G, Shin J. Evidence‐Based Medicine in Otolaryngology, Part 8: Shared Decision Making—Impact, Incentives, and Instruments. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 2018;159(1):11 View
- Forcino R, Meinders M, Engel J, O'Malley A, Elwyn G. Routine patient-reported experience measurement of shared decision-making in the USA: a qualitative study of the current state according to frontrunners. BMJ Open 2020;10(6):e037087 View
- Doherr H, Christalle E, Kriston L, Härter M, Scholl I, van Wouwe J. Use of the 9-item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9 and SDM-Q-Doc) in intervention studies—A systematic review. PLOS ONE 2017;12(3):e0173904 View
- Spatz E, Elwyn G, Moulton B, Volk R, Frosch D. Shared decision making as part of value based care: New U.S. policies challenge our readiness. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2017;123-124:104 View
- Forcino R, Thygeson M, O’Malley A, Meinders M, Westert G, Elwyn G. Measuring Patient-Reported Shared Decision-Making to Promote Performance Transparency and Value-Based Payment: Assessment of collaboRATE’s Group-Level Reliability. Journal of Patient Experience 2020;7(5):742 View
- Ruiz Yanzi M, Barani M, Franco J, Vazquez Peña F, Terrasa S, Kopitowski K. Translation, transcultural adaptation, and validation of two questionnaires on shared decision making. Health Expectations 2019;22(2):193 View
- Broström A, Pakpour A, Nilsen P, Hedberg B, Ulander M. Validation of CollaboRATE and SURE – two short questionnaires to measure shared decision making during CPAP initiation. Journal of Sleep Research 2019;28(5) View
- Sferra S, Cheng J, Boynton Z, DiSesa V, Kaiser L, Ma G, Erkmen C. Aiding shared decision making in lung cancer screening: two decision tools. Journal of Public Health 2021;43(3):673 View
- de Mik S, Stubenrouch F, Balm R, Ubbink D. Systematic review of shared decision-making in surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2018;105(13):1721 View
- Brodney S, Fowler F, Barry M, Chang Y, Sepucha K. Comparison of Three Measures of Shared Decision Making: SDM Process_4, CollaboRATE, and SURE Scales. Medical Decision Making 2019;39(6):673 View
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- Forcino R, Bustamante N, Thompson R, Percac-Lima S, Elwyn G, Pérez-Arechaederra D, Barr P, Gupta V. Developing and Pilot Testing a Spanish Translation of CollaboRATE for Use in the United States. PLOS ONE 2016;11(12):e0168538 View
- Moore J, Haemer M, Mirza N, Z Weatherall Y, Han J, Mangarelli C, Hawkins M, Xanthakos S, Siegel R. Pilot Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Adolescents with Severe Obesity in US Pediatric Weight Management Programs within the COMPASS Network. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019;16(10):1776 View
- Garvelink M, Jillissen M, Knops A, Kremer J, Hermens R, Meinders M. Implementation of the three good questions—A feasibility study in Dutch hospital departments. Health Expectations 2019;22(6):1272 View
- Harrison M, Bansback N, Aguiar M, Koehn C, Shojania K, Finckh A, Hudson M. Preferences for treatments to prevent rheumatoid arthritis in Canada and the influence of shared decision-making. Clinical Rheumatology 2020;39(10):2931 View
- Jelinek L, Moritz S, Hauschildt M. Patients’ perspectives on treatment with Metacognitive Training for Depression (D-MCT): Results on acceptability. Journal of Affective Disorders 2017;221:17 View
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- Steffensen K, Vinter M, Crüger D, Dankl K, Coulter A, Stuart B, Berry L. Lessons in Integrating Shared Decision-Making Into Cancer Care. Journal of Oncology Practice 2018;14(4):229 View
- Gionfriddo M, Branda M, Fernandez C, Leppin A, Yost K, Kimball B, Spencer-Bonilla G, Larrea L, Nowakowski K, Montori V, Tilburt J. Comparison of audio vs. audio + video for the rating of shared decision making in oncology using the observer OPTION5 instrument: an exploratory analysis. BMC Health Services Research 2018;18(1) View
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- Bangerter L, Griffin J, Eagan A, Mishra M, Lunde A, Roger V, Mulley A, Lotherington J. Recommendations from the Salzburg Global Seminar on Rethinking Care Toward the End of Life. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2018;30(5):408 View
- Giguere A, Lawani M, Fortier-Brochu É, Carmichael P, Légaré F, Kröger E, Witteman H, Voyer P, Caron D, Rodríguez C. Tailoring and evaluating an intervention to improve shared decision-making among seniors with dementia, their caregivers, and healthcare providers: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2018;19(1) View
- Rosenberg D, Schön U, Nyholm M, Grim K, Svedberg P. Shared decision making in Swedish community mental health services – an evaluation of three self-reporting instruments. Journal of Mental Health 2017;26(2):142 View
- Goossens B, Sevenants A, Declercq A, Van Audenhove C. ‘We DECide optimized’ - training nursing home staff in shared decision-making skills for advance care planning conversations in dementia care: protocol of a pretest-posttest cluster randomized trial. BMC Geriatrics 2019;19(1) View
- Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Moritz S. “Association splitting” versus cognitive remediation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2018;56:17 View
- Norful A, Dillon J, Baik D, George M, Ye S, Poghosyan L. Instruments to measure shared decision-making in outpatient chronic care: a systematic review and appraisal. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2020;121:15 View
- Nijhuis F, Elwyn G, Bloem B, Post B, Faber M. Improving shared decision-making in advanced Parkinson’s disease: protocol of a mixed methods feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2018;4(1) View
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- Drivenes K, Haaland V, Mesel T, Tanum L. Practitioners' positive attitudes promote shared decision‐making in mental health care. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2019;25(6):1041 View
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- Philpott S, Witteman H, Jones K, Sonderman D, Julien A, Politi M. Clinical trainees’ responses to parents who question evidence-based recommendations. Patient Education and Counseling 2017;100(9):1701 View
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- Casey D, Thomas R, Bhalla V, Commodore-Mensah Y, Heidenreich P, Kolte D, Muntner P, Smith S, Spertus J, Windle J, Wozniak G, Ziaeian B. 2019 AHA/ACC Clinical Performance and Quality Measures for Adults With High Blood Pressure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2019;12(11) View
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- de Mik S, Stubenrouch F, Legemate D, Balm R, Ubbink D. Improving shared decision-making in vascular surgery by implementing decision support tools: study protocol for the stepped-wedge cluster-randomised OVIDIUS trial. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020;20(1) View
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- Durand M, Yen R, O’Malley A, Politi M, Dhage S, Rosenkranz K, Weichman K, Margenthaler J, Tosteson A, Crayton E, Jackson S, Bradley A, Volk R, Sepucha K, Ozanne E, Percac-Lima S, Song J, Acosta J, Mir N, Elwyn G. What matters most: protocol for a randomized controlled trial of breast cancer surgery encounter decision aids across socioeconomic strata. BMC Public Health 2018;18(1) View
- Bomhof‐Roordink H, Gärtner F, van Duijn‐Bakker N, van der Weijden T, Stiggelbout A, Pieterse A. Measuring shared decision making in oncology: Development and first testing of the iSHAREpatient and iSHAREphysician questionnaires. Health Expectations 2020;23(2):496 View
- Bansback N, Trenaman L, MacDonald K, Hawker G, Johnson J, Stacey D, Marshall D. An individualized patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) based patient decision aid and surgeon report for patients considering total knee arthroplasty: protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2019;20(1) View
- Schoenfeld E, Probst M, Quigley D, St. Marie P, Nayyar N, Sabbagh S, Beckford T, Kanzaria H, Hess E. Does Shared Decision Making Actually Occur in the Emergency Department? Looking at It from the Patients’ Perspective. Academic Emergency Medicine 2019;26(12):1369 View
- Kunneman M, LaVecchia C, Singh Ospina N, Abu Dabrh A, Behnken E, Wilson P, Branda M, Hargraves I, Yost K, Frankel R, Montori V. Reflecting on shared decision making: A reflection‐quantification study. Health Expectations 2019;22(5):1165 View
- Gärtner F, Bomhof-Roordink H, Smith I, Scholl I, Stiggelbout A, Pieterse A, van Wouwe J. The quality of instruments to assess the process of shared decision making: A systematic review. PLOS ONE 2018;13(2):e0191747 View
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- Horbach S, Ubbink D, Stubenrouch F, Koelemay M, van der Vleuten C, Verhoeven B, Reekers J, Schultze Kool L, van der Horst C. Shared Decision-Making in the Management of Congenital Vascular Malformations. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2017;139(3):725e View
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- Barr P, Forcino R, Mishra M, Blitzer R, Elwyn G. Competing priorities in treatment decision-making: a US national survey of individuals with depression and clinicians who treat depression. BMJ Open 2016;6(1):e009585 View
- Casey D, Thomas R, Bhalla V, Commodore-Mensah Y, Heidenreich P, Kolte D, Muntner P, Smith S, Spertus J, Windle J, Wozniak G, Ziaeian B. 2019 AHA/ACC Clinical Performance and Quality Measures for Adults With High Blood Pressure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2019;74(21):2661 View
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- Drivenes K, Haaland V, Hauge Y, Vederhus J, Irgens A, Solli K, Regevik H, Falk R, Tanum L. Discrepancy in Ratings of Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Health Professionals: A Cross Sectional Study in Mental Health Care. Frontiers in Psychology 2020;11 View
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- Goossens B, Sevenants A, Declercq A, Van Audenhove C. Shared decision-making in advance care planning for persons with dementia in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics 2020;20(1) View
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- Forcino R, Thygeson M, O’Malley A, Meinders M, Westert G, Elwyn G. Do collaboRATE Scores Reflect Differences in Perceived Shared Decision-Making Across Diverse Patient Populations? Evidence From a Large-Scale Patient Experience Survey in the United States. Journal of Patient Experience 2020;7(5):778 View
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- Collins K, Reed M, Lifford K, Burton M, Edwards A, Ring A, Brain K, Harder H, Robinson T, Cheung K, Morgan J, Audisio R, Ward S, Richards P, Martin C, Chater T, Pemberton K, Nettleship A, Murray C, Walters S, Bortolami O, Armitage F, Leonard R, Gath J, Revell D, Green T, Wyld L. Bridging the age gap in breast cancer: evaluation of decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2017;7(7):e015133 View
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- Durand M, Yen R, O’Malley A, Schubbe D, Politi M, Saunders C, Dhage S, Rosenkranz K, Margenthaler J, Tosteson A, Crayton E, Jackson S, Bradley A, Walling L, Marx C, Volk R, Sepucha K, Ozanne E, Percac‐Lima S, Bergin E, Goodwin C, Miller C, Harris C, Barth R, Aft R, Feldman S, Cyr A, Angeles C, Jiang S, Elwyn G. What matters most: Randomized controlled trial of breast cancer surgery conversation aids across socioeconomic strata. Cancer 2021;127(3):422 View
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- Lupu D, Aldous A, Harbert G, Kurella Tamura M, Holdsworth L, Nicklas A, Vinson B, Moss A. Pathways Project: Development of a Multimodal Innovation To Improve Kidney Supportive Care in Dialysis Centers. Kidney360 2021;2(1):114 View
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Books/Policy Documents
- Légaré F, Härter M, Stiggelbout A, Thomson R, Stacey D. Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems. View
- Walsh T. Finding What Matters Most to Patients. View
- Härter M. Kompendium Internistische Onkologie. View
- Athanasiou G, Bachtsetzis C. Healthcare Access. View
- Deremer C. Telehealth: Strategies for Establishing Pharmacy Practice Models in Ambulatory Care Settings. View
- Benson T. Patient-Reported Outcomes and Experience. View
- Turnbull A, Kruser J. Shared Decision Making in Adult Critical Care. View