Published on in Vol 15, No 12 (2013): December

Development and Initial Evaluation of an Internet-Based Support System for Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Proof of Concept Study

Development and Initial Evaluation of an Internet-Based Support System for Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Proof of Concept Study

Development and Initial Evaluation of an Internet-Based Support System for Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Proof of Concept Study


  1. Pfund R, Whelan J, Meyers A, Peter S, Ward K, Horn T. The Use of a Smartphone Application to Complete Therapeutic Homework in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Gambling Disorder: a Pilot Study of Acceptability and Feasibility. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 2020;5(2):156 View
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  3. Brännström K, Öberg M, Ingo E, Månsson K, Andersson G, Lunner T, Laplante-Lévesque A. The initial evaluation of an Internet-based support system for audiologists and first-time hearing aid clients. Internet Interventions 2016;4:82 View
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  6. Urech A, Krieger T, Möseneder L, Biaggi A, Vincent A, Poppe C, Meyer B, Riper H, Berger T. A patient post hoc perspective on advantages and disadvantages of blended cognitive behaviour therapy for depression: A qualitative content analysis. Psychotherapy Research 2019;29(8):986 View
  7. Silfvernagel K, Gren-Landell M, Emanuelsson M, Carlbring P, Andersson G. Individually tailored internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A pilot effectiveness study. Internet Interventions 2015;2(3):297 View
  8. Kemmeren L, van Schaik D, Riper H, Kleiboer A, Bosmans J, Smit J. Effectiveness of blended depression treatment for adults in specialised mental healthcare: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2016;16(1) View
  9. Kooistra L, Wiersma J, Ruwaard J, van Oppen P, Smit F, Lokkerbol J, Cuijpers P, Riper H. Blended vs. face-to-face cognitive behavioural treatment for major depression in specialized mental health care: study protocol of a randomized controlled cost-effectiveness trial. BMC Psychiatry 2014;14(1) View
  10. Vlaescu G, Carlbring P, Lunner T, Andersson G. An E-Platform for Rehabilitation of Persons With Hearing Problems. American Journal of Audiology 2015;24(3):271 View
  11. Davies S, Caldwell D, Dawson S, Sampson S, Welton N, Wiles N, Kessler D, Miljanović M, Milunovic V, Peters T, Lewis G, Lopez-Lopez J, Churchill R. Multimedia-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 View
  12. Borjalilu S, Mazaheri M, Talebpour A. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Management in The Mental Health of Iranian University Students: A Comparison of Blended Therapy, Face-to-Face Sessions, and mHealth App (Aramgar). Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2019;13(2) View
  13. Siemer L, Brusse-Keizer M, Postel M, Ben Allouch S, Patrinopoulos Bougioukas A, Sanderman R, Pieterse M. Blended Smoking Cessation Treatment: Exploring Measurement, Levels, and Predictors of Adherence. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(8):e246 View
  14. Stawarz K, Preist C, Tallon D, Wiles N, Kessler D, Turner K, Shafran R, Coyle D. Design Considerations for the Integrated Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(9):e15972 View
  15. Siemer L, Brusse-Keizer M, Postel M, Ben Allouch S, Sanderman R, Pieterse M. Adherence to Blended or Face-to-Face Smoking Cessation Treatment and Predictors of Adherence: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e17207 View
  16. Kraepelien M, Schibbye R, Månsson K, Sundström C, Riggare S, Andersson G, Lindefors N, Svenningsson P, Kaldo V. Individually Tailored Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Daily Functioning in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2020;10(2):653 View
  17. Kivi M, Eriksson M, Hange D, Petersson E, Björkelund C, Johansson B. Experiences and attitudes of primary care therapists in the implementation and use of internet-based treatment in Swedish primary care settings. Internet Interventions 2015;2(3):248 View
  18. Kooistra L, Ruwaard J, Wiersma J, van Oppen P, van der Vaart R, van Gemert-Pijnen J, Riper H. Development and initial evaluation of blended cognitive behavioural treatment for major depression in routine specialized mental health care. Internet Interventions 2016;4:61 View
  19. Schuster R, Laireiter A, Berger T, Moritz S, Meyer B, Hohagen F, Klein J. Immediate and long-term effectiveness of adding an Internet intervention for depression to routine outpatient psychotherapy: Subgroup analysis of the EVIDENT trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020;274:643 View
  20. Schuster R, Pokorny R, Berger T, Topooco N, Laireiter A. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online and Blended Therapy: Survey Study Amongst Licensed Psychotherapists in Austria. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(12):e11007 View
  21. Ivanov V, Enander J, Mataix‐Cols D, Serlachius E, Månsson K, Andersson G, Flygare O, Tolin D, Rück C. Enhancing group cognitive‐behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder with between‐session Internet‐based clinician support: A feasibility study. Journal of Clinical Psychology 2018;74(7):1092 View
  22. Pandey J, Garg S, Mishra P, Mishra B. Computer Based Psychological Interventions. International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice 2017;2(1):25 View
  23. Brännström K, Öberg M, Ingo E, Månsson K, Andersson G, Lunner T, Laplante-Lévesque A. The Process of Developing an Internet-Based Support System for Audiologists and First-Time Hearing Aid Clients. American Journal of Audiology 2015;24(3):320 View
  24. Muroff J, Otte S. Innovations in CBT treatment for hoarding: Transcending office walls. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2019;23:100471 View
  25. Cerga-Pashoja A, Doukani A, Gega L, Walke J, Araya R. Added value or added burden? A qualitative investigation of blending internet self-help with face-to-face cognitive behaviour therapy for depression. Psychotherapy Research 2020;30(8):998 View
  26. Andersson G. Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatments. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2016;12(1):157 View
  27. Siemer L, Ben Allouch S, Pieterse M, Brusse-Keizer M, Sanderman R, Postel M. Patients’ User Experience of a Blended Face-to-Face and Web-Based Smoking Cessation Treatment: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(6):e14550 View
  28. Wilansky P, Eklund J, Milner T, Kreindler D, Cheung A, Kovacs T, Shooshtari S, Astell A, Ohinmaa A, Henderson J, Strauss J, Mills R. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxious and Depressed Youth: Improving Homework Adherence Through Mobile Technology. JMIR Research Protocols 2016;5(4):e209 View
  29. Davies S, Caldwell D, Lopez-Lopez J, Dawson S, Wiles N, Kessler D, Welton N, Churchill R. The process and delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression in adults: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 View
  30. Kemmeren L, van Schaik A, Smit J, Ruwaard J, Rocha A, Henriques M, Ebert D, Titzler I, Hazo J, Dorsey M, Zukowska K, Riper H. Unraveling the Black Box: Exploring Usage Patterns of a Blended Treatment for Depression in a Multicenter Study. JMIR Mental Health 2019;6(7):e12707 View
  31. Dijksman I, Dinant G, Spigt M. The Perception and Needs of Psychologists Toward Blended Care. Telemedicine and e-Health 2017;23(12):983 View
  32. Månsson K, Klintmalm H, Nordqvist R, Andersson G. Conventional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Facilitated by an Internet-Based Support System: Feasibility Study at a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(8):e158 View
  33. Schuster R, Fichtenbauer I, Sparr V, Berger T, Laireiter A. Feasibility of a blended group treatment (bGT) for major depression: uncontrolled interventional study in a university setting. BMJ Open 2018;8(3):e018412 View
  34. Schuster R, Sigl S, Berger T, Laireiter A. Patients’ Experiences of Web- and Mobile-Assisted Group Therapy for Depression and Implications of the Group Setting: Qualitative Follow-Up Study. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(3):e49 View
  35. Schuster R, Leitner I, Carlbring P, Laireiter A. Exploring blended group interventions for depression: Randomised controlled feasibility study of a blended computer- and multimedia-supported psychoeducational group intervention for adults with depressive symptoms. Internet Interventions 2017;8:63 View
  36. Mol M, van Genugten C, Dozeman E, van Schaik D, Draisma S, Riper H, Smit J. Why Uptake of Blended Internet-Based Interventions for Depression Is Challenging: A Qualitative Study on Therapists’ Perspectives. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019;9(1):91 View
  37. Wentzel J, van der Vaart R, Bohlmeijer E, van Gemert-Pijnen J. Mixing Online and Face-to-Face Therapy: How to Benefit From Blended Care in Mental Health Care. JMIR Mental Health 2016;3(1):e9 View
  38. Lenhard F, Vigerland S, Engberg H, Hallberg A, Thermaenius H, Serlachius E, Jiménez-Murcia S. “On My Own, but Not Alone” - Adolescents’ Experiences of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. PLOS ONE 2016;11(10):e0164311 View
  39. Erbe D, Eichert H, Riper H, Ebert D. Blending Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Interventions for the Treatment of Mental Disorders in Adults: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(9):e306 View
  40. Krieger T, Meyer B, Sude K, Urech A, Maercker A, Berger T. Evaluating an e-mental health program (“deprexis”) as adjunctive treatment tool in psychotherapy for depression: design of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2014;14(1) View
  41. Mishna F, Fantus S, McInroy L. Informal Use of Information and Communication Technology: Adjunct to Traditional Face-to-Face Social Work Practice. Clinical Social Work Journal 2017;45(1):49 View
  42. Berger T, Krieger T, Sude K, Meyer B, Maercker A. Evaluating an e-mental health program (“deprexis”) as adjunctive treatment tool in psychotherapy for depression: Results of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018;227:455 View
  43. Siemer L, Pieterse M, Brusse-Keizer M, Postel M, Ben Allouch S, Sanderman R. Study protocol for a non-inferiority trial of a blended smoking cessation treatment versus face-to-face treatment (LiveSmokefree-Study). BMC Public Health 2016;16(1) View
  44. Hill C, Martin J, Thomson S, Scott-Ram N, Penfold H, Creswell C. Navigating the challenges of digital health innovation: considerations and solutions in developing online and smartphone-application-based interventions for mental health disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry 2017;211(2):65 View
  45. Schuster R, Berger T, Laireiter A. Computer und Psychotherapie – geht das zusammen?. Psychotherapeut 2018;63(4):271 View
  46. Vara M, Herrero R, Etchemendy E, Espinoza M, Baños R, García-Palacios A, Lera G, Folch B, Palop-Larrea V, Vázquez P, Franco-Martín M, Kleiboer A, Riper H, Botella C. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a blended cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in Spanish primary health care: study protocol for a randomised non-inferiority trial. BMC Psychiatry 2018;18(1) View
  47. Cooper D, Champion S, Stavropoulos L, Grisham J. How technology can enhance treatment: A scoping review of clinical interventions for anxiety and obsessive‐compulsive spectrum disorders. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 2022;61(S1):8 View
  48. Mellentin A, Behrendt S, Bilberg R, Blankers M, Folker M, Tarp K, Uffelmann J, Nielsen A. BLEND-A: blending internet treatment into conventional face-to-face treatment for alcohol use disorder - a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 2021;21(1) View
  49. Yang C, Hakun J, Roque N, Sliwinski M, Conroy D. Mindful walking and cognition in older adults: A proof of concept study using in-lab and ambulatory cognitive measures. Preventive Medicine Reports 2021;23:101490 View
  50. Mendes-Santos C, Nunes F, Weiderpass E, Santana R, Andersson G. Understanding Mental Health Professionals’ Perspectives and Practices Regarding the Implementation of Digital Mental Health: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e32558 View
  51. Dech M, Klawohn J, Romanczuk-Seiferth N. Das Beste aus zwei Welten: Eine systematische Übersicht zu Faktoren der Implementierung einer “Blended Therapy” (Gemischte Therapie) in der Psychotherapeutischen Routineversorgung. Verhaltenstherapie 2022;32(4):153 View
  52. Atik E, Schückes M, Apolinário-Hagen J. Patient and Therapist Expectations for a Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Depression: Qualitative Exploratory Study. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(12):e36806 View
  53. Tarp K, Rasmussen J, Mejldal A, Folker M, Nielsen A. Blended Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (Blend-A): Explorative Mixed Methods Pilot and Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e17761 View
  54. Krenn M. Telemedizin und digitale Hilfen in der psychiatrischen Praxis. psychopraxis. neuropraxis 2022;25(3):153 View
  55. Kemmeren L, van Schaik A, Draisma S, Kleiboer A, Riper H, Smit J. Effectiveness of Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Versus Treatment as Usual for Depression in Routine Specialized Mental Healthcare: E-COMPARED Trial in the Netherlands. Cognitive Therapy and Research 2023;47(3):386 View
  56. Shams F, Tai A, Kim J, Boyd M, Meyer M, Kazemi A, Krausz R. Adherence to e-health interventions for substance use and the factors influencing it: Systematic Review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
  57. Sudarshan S, Mehrotra S, Thirthalli J. Effectiveness of Blended Internet-based Self-help and Face-to-face Intervention for Depression: A Pilot Study from India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2024 View
  58. Willemsen R, Versluis A, Aardoom J, Petrus A, Silven A, Chavannes N, van Dijke A. Evaluation of completely online psychotherapy with app-support versus therapy as usual for clients with depression or anxiety disorder: A retrospective matched cohort study investigating the effectiveness, efficiency, client satisfaction, and costs. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;189:105485 View
  59. Balaskas A, Schueller S, Doherty K, Cox A, Doherty G. Designing personalized mental health interventions for anxiety: CBT therapists’ perspective. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2024;190:103319 View
  60. Lundin J, Jansson-Fröjmark M, Gustafsson-Björverud L, Grey N, Santoft F, Ehlers A, Carlbring P, Lundgren T, Bragesjö M, Salomonsson S. Integrating digital and in-person therapy for PTSD: feasibility and acceptability of blended trauma-focused cognitive therapy in routine care. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2024;15 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Mollaioli D, Sansone A, Romanelli F, Jannini E. Sexual Dysfunctions in Mentally Ill Patients. View
  2. Andersson G, Berger T. Clinical Psychology. View