Published on in Vol 14, No 5 (2012): Sep-Oct

Smartphone Versus Pen-and-Paper Data Collection of Infant Feeding Practices in Rural China

Smartphone Versus Pen-and-Paper Data Collection of Infant Feeding Practices in Rural China

Smartphone Versus Pen-and-Paper Data Collection of Infant Feeding Practices in Rural China


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  54. van Velthoven M, Li Y, Wang W, Chen L, Du X, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Rudan I, Car J, Operario D. Prevalence of Mobile Phones and Factors Influencing Usage by Caregivers of Young Children in Daily Life and for Health Care in Rural China: A Mixed Methods Study. PLOS ONE 2015;10(3):e0116216 View
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  60. Li Y, Wang W, Wu Q, van Velthoven M, Chen L, Du X, Zhang Y, Rudan I, Car J. Increasing the response rate of text messaging data collection: a delayed randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2015;22(1):51 View
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  62. Wu Q, Huang Y, Helena van Velthoven M, Wang W, Chang S, Zhang Y, Hodges M. Feasibility of using WeChat to improve infant and young child feeding in rural areas in China: A mixed quantitative and qualitative study. PLOS ONE 2021;16(2):e0246942 View
  63. Wu Q, Huang Y, van Velthoven M, Wang W, Zhang Y. Trends in complementary feeding practices and caregivers’ feeding knowledge among children aged 6-23 months: Repeated cross-sectional surveys in rural Qinghai China 2012-18. Journal of Global Health 2021;11 View
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  72. Liu A, Zhang J, Wu Q, Zhang Y, van Velthoven M. Comparison of the agreement between WeChat-based self-administered and interviewer-administered data on infant and young child feeding in China: A test-retest study. Journal of Global Health 2022;12 View
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  77. Zhang Y, Wu Q, Wang W, van Velthoven M, Chang S, Han H, Xing M, Chen L, Scherpbier R. Effectiveness of complementary food supplements and dietary counselling on anaemia and stunting in children aged 6–23 months in poor areas of Qinghai Province, China: a controlled interventional study. BMJ Open 2016;6(10):e011234 View
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Books/Policy Documents

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  2. Berry R, Johnston L. Enhancing the Role of ICT in Doctoral Research Processes. View
  3. Ahmadi C, Wedashwara W, Puspita N, Chen J. Proceedings of the First Mandalika International Multi-Conference on Science and Engineering 2022, MIMSE 2022 (Informatics and Computer Science). View
  4. Mehto A. Open Electronic Data Capture Tools for Medical and Biomedical Research and Medical Allied Professionals. View