Published on in Vol 14, No 2 (2012): Mar-Apr

Web-Based, Computer-Tailored, Pedometer-Based Physical Activity Advice: Development, Dissemination Through General Practice, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Web-Based, Computer-Tailored, Pedometer-Based Physical Activity Advice: Development, Dissemination Through General Practice, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Web-Based, Computer-Tailored, Pedometer-Based Physical Activity Advice: Development, Dissemination Through General Practice, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial


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  21. Schoeppe S, Duncan M, Plotnikoff R, Mummery W, Rebar A, Alley S, To Q, Short C, Vandelanotte C. Acceptability, usefulness, and satisfaction with a web-based video-tailored physical activity intervention: The TaylorActive randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2022;11(2):133 View
  22. Schoeppe S, Salmon J, Williams S, Power D, Waters K, Alley S, Rebar A, Hayman M, Duncan M, Vandelanotte C. Feasibility of using activity trackers and apps to increase physical activity in whole families: The Step it Up Family intervention. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762211290 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Bagwell M, Fiedler B. Three Facets of Public Health and Paths to Improvements. View
  2. Oinas-Kukkonen H, Zhao L, Enwald H, Huotari M, Ahola R, Jämsä T, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S, Leppäluoto J, Herzig K. Information Systems and Neuroscience. View