Published on in Vol 12, No 3 (2010): Jul-Sep

A Review of Online Evidence-based Practice Point-of-Care Information Summary Providers

A Review of Online Evidence-based Practice Point-of-Care Information Summary Providers

A Review of Online Evidence-based Practice Point-of-Care Information Summary Providers


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  14. Moja L, Kwag K. Point of care information services: a platform for self-directed continuing medical education for front line decision makers. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2015;91(1072):83 View
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  17. Agoritsas T, Iserman E, Hobson N, Cohen N, Cohen A, Roshanov P, Perez M, Cotoi C, Parrish R, Pullenayegum E, Wilczynski N, Iorio A, Haynes R. Increasing the quantity and quality of searching for current best evidence to answer clinical questions: protocol and intervention design of the MacPLUS FS Factorial Randomized Controlled Trials. Implementation Science 2014;9(1) View
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  29. Van de Velde S, Vander Stichele R, Fauquert B, Geens S, Heselmans A, Ramaekers D, Kunnamo I, Aertgeerts B. EBMPracticeNet: A Bilingual National Electronic Point-Of-Care Project for Retrieval of Evidence-Based Clinical Guideline Information and Decision Support. JMIR Research Protocols 2013;2(2):e23 View
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  37. Moja L, Kwag K, Lytras T, Bertizzolo L, Brandt L, Pecoraro V, Rigon G, Vaona A, Ruggiero F, Mangia M, Iorio A, Kunnamo I, Bonovas S. Effectiveness of Computerized Decision Support Systems Linked to Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Public Health 2014;104(12):e12 View
  38. Kwag K, González-Lorenzo M, Banzi R, Bonovas S, Moja L. Providing Doctors With High-Quality Information: An Updated Evaluation of Web-Based Point-of-Care Information Summaries. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(1):e15 View
  39. Laera E. Is There an App for That? Are Medical Apps Helpful to Clinical Librarians?. Journal of Hospital Librarianship 2017;17(4):339 View
  40. Van de Velde S, Macken L, Vanneste K, Goossens M, Vanschoenbeek J, Aertgeerts B, Vanopstal K, Vander Stichele R, Buysschaert J. Technology for Large-Scale Translation of Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Pilot Study of the Performance of a Hybrid Human and Computer-Assisted Approach. JMIR Medical Informatics 2015;3(4):e33 View
  41. Johnson E, Emani V, Ren J. Breadth of Coverage, Ease of Use, and Quality of Mobile Point-of-Care Tool Information Summaries: An Evaluation. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2016;4(4):e117 View
  42. Ahmed I. HOW TO CRITICALLY APPRAISE A RESEARCH PAPER?. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 2021;9(3):229 View
  43. Lenaerts G, Bekkering G, Goossens M, De Coninck L, Delvaux N, Cordyn S, Adriaenssens J, Aertgeerts B, Vankrunkelsven P. A Tool to Assess the Trustworthiness of Evidence-Based Point-of-Care Information for Health Care Professionals (CAPOCI): Design and Validation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(10):e27174 View
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  46. Whitehorn A, Lockwood C, Hu Y, Xing W, Zhu Z, Porritt K. Methodological components, structure and quality assessment tools for evidence summaries: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 2024 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Van den Block L, Vandevoorde J. Textbook of Palliative Care. View
  2. Van den Block L, Vandevoorde J. Textbook of Palliative Care. View
  3. Van den Block L, Vandevoorde J, Pype P. Textbook of Palliative Care. View