Published on in Vol 11, No 2 (2009): Apr-Jun

Effectiveness of a Novel Integrative Online Treatment for Depression (Deprexis): Randomized Controlled Trial

Effectiveness of a Novel Integrative Online Treatment for Depression (Deprexis): Randomized Controlled Trial

Effectiveness of a Novel Integrative Online Treatment for Depression (Deprexis): Randomized Controlled Trial


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  239. Ghosh A, Cherian R, Wagle S, Sharma P, Kannan K, Bajpai A, Gupta N. An Unguided, Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention (TreadWill) in a Lower Middle-Income Country: Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e41005 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Langrial S, Lappalainen P. Web-Based Behavioral Therapies for Mental Disorders. View
  2. Berger T. Psychotherapie und Würde. View
  3. Moritz S, Timpano K, Wittekind C, Knaevelsrud C. Handbook of Treating Variants and Complications in Anxiety Disorders. View
  4. Donker T, Cuijpers P, Stanley D, Danaher B. Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety. View
  5. McGrath R, O’Donohue W. Integrated Primary and Behavioral Care. View
  6. Richards D, Enrique A, Palacios J, Duffy D. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Clinical Applications. View
  7. Ahern D, Phalen J. Lifestyle Medicine, Second Edition. View
  8. von Wachter M, Hendrischke A. Psychoedukation bei chronischen Schmerzen. View
  9. Rajagopalan A, Ho R. Major Depressive Disorder. View
  10. Apolinário-Hagen J, Fritsche L, Albers L, Salewski C. Treatment Resistance in Psychiatry. View
  11. Apolinário-Hagen J, Salewski C. Understanding Depression. View
  12. Langrial S, Lappalainen P. Research Anthology on Mental Health Stigma, Education, and Treatment. View
  13. Dobias M, Schleider J, Ollendick T. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  14. Shelton C, Kotsiou A, Hetzel-Riggin M. Human Factors Issues and the Impact of Technology on Society. View
  15. Berger T. Praxishandbuch Depression. View
  16. Graziani P, Romo L. Soigner les Addictions par les TCC. View