Introduction: Using the Internet for laboratory needs to quickly retrieve information, such as special parameters, addresses, market news & innovations or a product's manual, is time-consuming. There exist already numerous Web sites and their number is ever-increasing. But does the useful information presented in these sites always reach the desired target group? Evidence shows that this has not happened, so far. IVD-net has identified this problem and devoted a good deal of effort to resolving it, over the last year. As an alternative to time-consuming searches in a large number of sources, IVD-net offers a centralized, firmly established Internet forum devoted to in vitro diagnostics.
Methods: IVD-net intends to be a guiding compass in the "jungle" of Web-pages dealing with laboratory medicine. This guidance is being created in a virtual community of specialists and interested people this field. It is the community of people connected by a common interest in in-vitro diagnostics. In this community, step-by-step, a network of knowledge and experiences is created, where each member can benefit from. IVD-net is authentic; there is no contribution without reference to the original source.
Results: Structure of IVD-Web-sites:
Membership is free of charge. Members pages consist of:
Discussion: Economic globalization and increasing pressure to reduce costs in public health systems bring up a great challenge; the one of finding new solutions.
Edited by G Eysenbach; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. published 19.09.99
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