: This application is a hybrid architecture that embeds a previous hospital booking procedure and allows to book visits and diagnostic examinations by remote people, general practitioners, clinical centers via an Internet connection. A PowerBuilder-based Web server has been developed to interface the procedure, in such a way as at any client request, the DDL functions are used through the web server, and at any reply of the Oracle database, a HTML string is generated that goes back to the client. To realize this project many tools have been used:
Internet Information Server - it is a set of applications using dynamic link libraries much faster than the standard CGI ones.
The developed software fully manages the hospital booking procedure and is included into the hospital network. In this way the Unique Booking Center can work both inside the hospital and from all over the country by means of a simple Internet connection.
Edited by G Eysenbach; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. published 19.09.99
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