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Published on 23.03.16 in Vol 18, No 3 (2016): March

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Works citing "An Online Intervention for Co-Occurring Depression and Problematic Alcohol Use in Young People: Primary Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.5178):

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  1. Smedslund G, Wollscheid S, Fang L, Nilsen W, Steiro A, Larun L. Effects of early, computerized brief interventions on risky alcohol use and risky cannabis use among young people. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2017;13(1):1
  2. Cunningham JA, Hendershot CS, Kay-Lambkin F, Neighbors C, Griffiths KM, Bennett K, Bennett A, Godinho A, Schell C. Does providing a brief internet intervention for hazardous alcohol use to people seeking online help for depression reduce both alcohol use and depression symptoms among participants with these co-occurring disorders? Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018;8(7):e022412
  3. Yoon G, Petrakis IL. Pharmacological and Psychological Treatments for Comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder and Depressive Disorder: a Review. Current Addiction Reports 2018;5(3):312
  4. . Depressed Individuals and Depressed Populations. Journal of Adolescent Health 2020;66(5):515
  5. Frohlich JR, Rapinda KK, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Johnson EA, O'Connor RM, Vincent N, Blankers M, Ebert DD, Hadjistavropoulos H, Mackenzie CS, Keough MT. Efficacy of an Online Self-Help Treatment for Comorbid Alcohol Misuse and Emotional Problems in Young Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(11):e11298
  6. Schulte B, Kaner EFS, Beyer F, Schmidt CS, O'Donnell A. Study protocol for a systematic review of evidence for digital interventions for comorbid excessive drinking and depression in community-dwelling populations. BMJ Open 2019;9(10):e031503
  7. Clancy R, Lewin TJ, Bowman JA, Kelly BJ, Mullen AD, Flanagan K, Hazelton MJ. Providing physical health care for people accessing mental health services: Clinicians’ perceptions of their role. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2019;28(1):256
  8. Hickie IB, Scott EM, Cross SP, Iorfino F, Davenport TA, Guastella AJ, Naismith SL, Carpenter JS, Rohleder C, Crouse JJ, Hermens DF, Koethe D, Markus Leweke F, Tickell AM, Sawrikar V, Scott J. Right care, first time: a highly personalised and measurement‐based care model to manage youth mental health. Medical Journal of Australia 2019;211(S9)
  9. Sugarman DE, Campbell AN, Iles BR, Greenfield SF. Technology-Based Interventions for Substance Use and Comorbid Disorders: An Examination of the Emerging Literature. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2017;25(3):123
  10. Schaub MP, Blankers M, Lehr D, Boss L, Riper H, Dekker J, Goudriaan AE, Maier LJ, Haug S, Amann M, Dey M, Wenger A, Ebert DD. Efficacy of an internet-based self-help intervention to reduce co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: study protocol of a three-arm randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2016;6(5):e011457
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  36. . Comorbid mental and substance use disorders: A common and complex treatment consideration. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 2021;85(2):89
  37. Baumgartner C, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Malischnig D, Augsburger M, Lehr D, Blankers M, Ebert DD, Haug S. “Take Care of You” – Efficacy of integrated, minimal-guidance, internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: Results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021;225:108806
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  40. Orsolini L, Pompili S, Salvi V, Volpe U. A Systematic Review on TeleMental Health in Youth Mental Health: Focus on Anxiety, Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Medicina 2021;57(8):793
  41. Stapinski LA, Prior K, Newton NC, Biswas RK, Kelly E, Deady M, Lees B, Teesson M, Baillie AJ. Are we making Inroads? A randomized controlled trial of a psychologist-supported, web-based, cognitive behavioral therapy intervention to reduce anxiety and hazardous alcohol use among emerging adults. EClinicalMedicine 2021;39:101048
  42. Howlett N, García-Iglesias J, Bontoft C, Breslin G, Bartington S, Freethy I, Huerga-Malillos M, Jones J, Lloyd N, Marshall T, Williams S, Wills W, Brown K. A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2022;239:109597
  43. O'Donnell A, Schmidt CS, Beyer F, Schrietter M, Anderson P, Jane-Llopis E, Kaner E, Schulte B. Effectiveness of digital interventions for people with comorbid heavy drinking and depression: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022;298:10
  44. McDanal R, Parisi D, Opara I, Schleider JL. Effects of Brief Interventions on Internalizing Symptoms and Substance Use in Youth: A Systematic Review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 2022;25(2):339
  45. Biagianti B, Foti G, Di Liberto A, Bressi C, Brambilla P. CBT-informed psychological interventions for adult patients with anxiety and depression symptoms: A narrative review of digital treatment options. Journal of Affective Disorders 2023;325:682
  46. Lau JYF, Watkins-Muleba R, Lee I, Pile V, Hirsch CR. Promoting helpful attention and interpretation patterns to reduce anxiety and depression in young people: weaving scientific data with young peoples’ lived experiences. BMC Psychiatry 2021;21(1)
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  51. Sweeney MM, Holtyn AF, Stitzer ML, Gastfriend DR. Practical Technology for Expanding and Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2022;45(3):515
  52. Bhattacharjee A, Chen P, Mandal A, Zhou L, Aggarwal J, Hsu A, O'Leary K, Mariakakis A, Williams JJ. Exploring User Perspectives on Brief Reflective Questioning Activities for Stress Management. SSRN Electronic Journal 2022;
  53. Persson A, Finn DW, Broberg A, Westerberg A, Magnusson , Molander O. Integrated Treatment of Depression and Moderate to Severe Alcohol Use Disorder in Women – A Pilot Study in Routine Addiction Care. SSRN Electronic Journal 2022;
  54. Yosep I, Mardhiyah A, Sriati A. Mindfulness Intervention for Improving Psychological Wellbeing Among Students During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2023;Volume 16:1425
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  56. O’Logbon J, Wickersham A, Williamson C, Leightley D. The effectiveness of digital health technologies for reducing substance use among young people: a systematic review & meta-analysis. Journal of Mental Health 2023;:1
  57. Carrandi A, Hu Y, Wayland S, Maple M, Chan KKS. Effectiveness of Community-Based Outreach Interventions for Individuals Living with Mental Ill-Health in Australia: A Systematic Review. Health & Social Care in the Community 2023;2023:1
  58. Bos E, Preller KH, Kaur G, Malhotra P, Kharawala S, Motti D. Challenges With the Use of Digital Sham: Systematic Review and Recommendations. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e44764
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  60. Shams F, Tai AM, Kim J, Boyd M, Meyer M, Kazemi A, Krausz RM. Adherence to e-health interventions for substance use and the factors influencing it: Systematic Review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9
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  63. Schouten MJE, Goudriaan AE, Schaub MP, Dekker JJM, Blankers M. Effectiveness of a digital alcohol intervention as an add-on to depression treatment for young adults: results of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine 2024;:1
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According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.5178):

  1. Schulte MH, Boumparis N, Huizink AC, Riper H. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. 2022. :264
  2. Pedrelli P, Bentley KH. The Massachusetts General Hospital Guide to Depression. 2019. Chapter 2:21
  3. Lemley SM, Marsch LA. Textbook of Addiction Treatment. 2021. Chapter 35:505
  4. Kay-Lambkin F, Heinsch M, Sampson D. Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. 2023. :177
  5. Dugdale SL, Semper HM. Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. 2022. chapter 4:56
  6. Thomas AA, Antonello M, Aziz R. Technology-Assisted Interventions for Substance Use Disorders. 2023. Chapter 3:23