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Published on 13.10.15 in Vol 17, No 10 (2015): October

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Works citing "A Web-Based Self-Help Intervention With and Without Chat Counseling to Reduce Cannabis Use in Problematic Cannabis Users: Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.4860):

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  3. Jonas B, Tensil M, Tossmann P, Strüber E. Effects of Treatment Length and Chat-Based Counseling in a Web-Based Intervention for Cannabis Users: Randomized Factorial Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(5):e166
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  19. . Features of internet behavior in patients with addiction to hallucinogens. Medical Psychology 2019;2019(4):80
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  22. Miner AS, Shah N, Bullock KD, Arnow BA, Bailenson J, Hancock J. Key Considerations for Incorporating Conversational AI in Psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019;10
  23. . On the use of digital technologies to reduce the public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2018;109(5-6):748
  24. Rothman K, Roddy MK, Doss BD. Completion of a Stand‐Alone Versus Coach‐Supported Trial of a Web‐Based Program for Distressed Relationships. Family Relations 2019;68(4):375
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  34. Brezing CA, Levin FR. Applications of technology in the assessment and treatment of cannabis use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022;13
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  43. Osilla KC, D’Amico EJ, Smart R, Rodriguez A, Nameth K, Hummer J. Study design to evaluate a web-intervention to prevent alcohol and cannabis-impaired driving and use among adolescents in driver education. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023;18(1)
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  46. Möller V, Jacobsen B. Chancen und Risiken einer Digitalisierung der Suchtprävention. SUCHT 2023;69(6):294
  47. Côté J, Chicoine G, Vinette B, Auger P, Rouleau G, Fontaine G, Jutras-Aswad D. Digital Interventions for Recreational Cannabis Use Among Young Adults: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Behavior Change Technique Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e55031
  48. Stone BM, Sherman BJ. Mechanisms of Behavior Change for Functional Improvements in Cannabis Use Disorder Treatments: Current Science and Future Outlook. Current Addiction Reports 2024;11(4):672
  49. Watkins LE, Sprang K. An Overview of Internet- and Smartphone-Delivered Interventions for Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders. Focus 2018;16(4):376

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.4860):

  1. Budney AJ, Borodovsky JT, Marsch LA, Lord SE. The Assessment and Treatment of Addiction. 2019. :75
  2. Schulte MH, Boumparis N, Huizink AC, Riper H. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. 2022. :264
  3. Budney AJ, Sofis MJ. Textbook of Addiction Treatment. 2021. Chapter 12:157
  4. Lord S, Seavey K, Budney A, Marsch L. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Substance Use Disorder Treatment. 2021.
  5. Dugdale SL, Semper HM. Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. 2022. chapter 4:56
  6. Fuss J, Bőthe B. Mental Health in a Digital World. 2022. :307