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Published on 13.07.07 in Vol 9, No 3 (2007)

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Works citing "Toward a Model for Field-Testing Patient Decision-Support Technologies: A Qualitative Field-Testing Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.9.3.e21):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Zhang S, Cabage N. Search Engine Optimization: Comparison of Link Building and Social Sharing. Journal of Computer Information Systems 2017;57(2):148
  2. Elwyn G, O'Connor AM, Bennett C, Newcombe RG, Politi M, Durand M, Drake E, Joseph-Williams N, Khangura S, Saarimaki A, Sivell S, Stiel M, Bernstein SJ, Col N, Coulter A, Eden K, Härter M, Rovner MH, Moumjid N, Stacey D, Thomson R, Whelan T, van der Weijden T, Edwards A, Lee K. Assessing the Quality of Decision Support Technologies Using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument (IPDASi). PLoS ONE 2009;4(3):e4705
  3. Coulter A, Stilwell D, Kryworuchko J, Mullen PD, Ng CJ, van der Weijden T. A systematic development process for patient decision aids. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2013;13(S2)
  4. Steginga SK, Ferguson M, Clutton S, Gardiner RA, Nicol D. Early decision and psychosocial support intervention for men with localised prostate cancer: an integrated approach. Supportive Care in Cancer 2008;16(7):821
  5. Abhyankar P, Volk RJ, Blumenthal-Barby J, Bravo P, Buchholz A, Ozanne E, Vidal DC, Col N, Stalmeier P. Balancing the presentation of information and options in patient decision aids: an updated review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2013;13(S2)
  6. Elwyn G, Légaré F, Weijden TVD, Edwards A, May C. Arduous implementation: Does the Normalisation Process Model explain why it's so difficult to embed decision support technologies for patients in routine clinical practice. Implementation Science 2008;3(1)
  7. Hooiveld T, Molenaar JM, van der Heijde CM, Meijman FJ, Groen TP, Vonk P. End-user involvement in developing and field testing an online contraceptive decision aid. SAGE Open Medicine 2018;6:205031211880946
  8. Baldacchino A, Crocamo C, Humphris G, Neufeind J, Frisher M, Scherbaum N, Carrà G. Decision support in addiction: The development of an e-health tool to assess and prevent risk of fatal overdose. The ORION Project. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2016;133:207
  9. Joseph-Williams N, Evans R, Edwards A, Newcombe RG, Wright P, Grol R, Elwyn G. Supporting Informed Decision Making Online in 20 Minutes: An Observational Web-log Study of a PSA Test Decision Aid. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2010;12(2):e15
  10. Evans R, Joseph-Williams N, Edwards A, Newcombe RG, Wright P, Kinnersley P, Griffiths J, Jones M, Williams J, Grol R, Elwyn G. Supporting Informed Decision Making for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing on the Web: An Online Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2010;12(3):e27
  11. Philbin MM, Parish C, Pereyra M, Feaster DJ, Cohen M, Wingood G, Konkle-Parker D, Adedimeji A, Wilson TE, Cohen J, Goparaju L, Adimora AA, Golub ET, Metsch LR. Health Disparities and the Digital Divide: The Relationship between Communication Inequalities and Quality of Life among Women in a Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study in the United States. Journal of Health Communication 2019;24(4):405
  12. Hoffman AS, Llewellyn-Thomas HA, Tosteson ANA, O’Connor AM, Volk RJ, Tomek IM, Andrews SB, Bartels SJ. Launching a virtual decision lab: development and field-testing of a web-based patient decision support research platform. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2014;14(1)
  13. Elwyn G, Kreuwel I, Durand MA, Sivell S, Joseph-Williams N, Evans R, Edwards A. How to develop web-based decision support interventions for patients: A process map. Patient Education and Counseling 2011;82(2):260
  14. HARRISON MJ, BANSBACK NJ, MARRA CA, DRUMMOND M, TUGWELL PS, BOONEN A. Valuing Health for Clinical and Economic Decisions: Directions Relevant for Rheumatologists. The Journal of Rheumatology 2011;38(8):1770
  15. Akhlaq A, McKinstry B, Sheikh A. Stakeholders perspectives and deployment strategies of health information exchange illustrated through an in-depth case study of Pakistan. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2020;45(2):130
  16. Savelberg W, van der Weijden T, Boersma L, Smidt M, Willekens C, Moser A. Developing a patient decision aid for the treatment of women with early stage breast cancer: the struggle between simplicity and complexity. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2017;17(1)
  17. Brunette MF, Ferron JC, Devitt T, Geiger P, Martin WM, Pratt S, Santos M, McHugo GJ. Do smoking cessation websites meet the needs of smokers with severe mental illnesses?. Health Education Research 2012;27(2):183
  18. Sivell S, Marsh W, Edwards A, Manstead AS, Clements A, Elwyn G. Theory-based design and field-testing of an intervention to support women choosing surgery for breast cancer: BresDex. Patient Education and Counseling 2012;86(2):179
  19. Durand M, Wegwarth O, Boivin J, Elwyn G. Design and usability of heuristic‐based deliberation tools for women facing amniocentesis. Health Expectations 2012;15(1):32
  20. . How to Use Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Increase Website Visibility. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 2013;56(1):50
  21. Goostrey KJ, Lee C, Jones K, Quinn T, Moskowitz J, Pach JJ, Knies AK, Shutter L, Goldberg R, Mazor KM, Hwang DY, Muehlschlegel S. Adapting a Traumatic Brain Injury Goals-of-Care Decision Aid for Critically Ill Patients to Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Hemispheric Acute Ischemic Stroke. Critical Care Explorations 2021;3(3):e0357
  22. Motorny S, Sarnikar S, Noteboom C. Design of an Intelligent Patient Decision aid Based on Individual Decision-Making Styles and Information Need Preferences. Information Systems Frontiers 2022;24(4):1249
  23. Martin RW, Brogård Andersen S, O’Brien MA, Bravo P, Hoffmann T, Olling K, Shepherd HL, Dankl K, Stacey D, Dahl Steffensen K. Providing Balanced Information about Options in Patient Decision Aids: An Update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards. Medical Decision Making 2021;41(7):780
  24. Gerbersgagen M, Alexander SPATH I S. Managers’ Lived Experience with Technology in the Mortgage Industry, During the COVID-19 Pandemic. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2023;9(3):7

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.9.3.e21):

  1. Kumar RP, Singh AK, Mohan A. Handbook of Research on Modern Cryptographic Solutions for Computer and Cyber Security. 2016. chapter 18:420
  2. Reid P, Laffey D. Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management. 2016. chapter 78:1102